【摘 要】目的 探讨急诊脓毒症病死率评分(MEDS)及CURB65评分对急诊社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的评估价值.方法 以急诊科的49例CAP患者为研究对象,比较急诊CAP死亡和存活患者的MEDS和CURB65评分的分值,并分析分值与急诊CAP死亡的关系.比较CAP高死亡风险组和中低死亡风险组的急诊病死率.结果 CAP死亡患者的MEDS(P< 0.000 1)和CURB65(P<0.05)分值均显著高于存活患者,MEDS分值与死亡呈显著正相关(r=0.639),且强于CURB65(r =0.320).MEDS高死亡风险组的病死率显著高于中低死亡风险组,而CURB65 2组间无显著性差异.结论 MEDS评分预测急诊CAP死亡的准确性高于CURB65,可用于急诊CAP病情的评估.%Objective To evaluate mortality in emergency department psis (MEDS) score and CURB65 score for asssing verity of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in emergency department (ED). Methods A total of 49 patients who were diagnod with CAP between April 2010 and February 2011 in ED of the first hospital of China Medical University were recruited. Patients with malignant neo-plasm, t
uberculosis,hematological disorders,suspected or diagnod pulmonary embolism,immunosuppression,long-term u of anticoagulants, steroid or antiplatelets or pregnancy were excluded. MEDS score and CURB65 score of each patient were calculated. Firstly, comparison of MEDS scores or CURB65 scores between in-ED death group and in-ED survival group was performed and the correlation between MEDS scores or CURB65 scores and in-ED death was analyzed. Secondly,all the patients were divided into moderate or low risk-death group (MEDS score <13 or CURB65 score<3) and high risk-death group (MEDS score ≥13 or CURB65 score≥3) and comparison of in-ED mortality between MEDS or CURB65 high-death group and MEDS or CURB65 moderate or low-death group was performed. Results Both MEDS score and CURB65 score in in-ED death group were higher than tho in in-ED survival group. The significance of MEDS (P < 0.000 1 ) was better than that of CURB65 ( P < 0.05 ). Spearman correlation analysis showed that both MEDS scores and CURB65 scores were significantly positive correlated with in-ED death. rMEDS (0.639) was higher than rCURB65 (0.320). In-ED mortality in MEDS high risk-death group was significantly higher 河流生态系统
than that of MEDS moderate or low-death group (OR=21.9,4.1-117.6),while there was no significant difference between mortality of two CURB65 groups (OR =2.5,0.6-10.6). Conclusion MEDS score was more accuracy than CURB65 score for asssing in-ED death of CAP. MEDS score can be applied for the verity asssment of CAP in ED.
【作 者】温宇;张海英;崇巍
【正文语种】中 文
社区获得性肺炎(community-acquired pneumonia,CAP)是急诊常见疾病,CAP病情风险分层的评分系统和生物标记物包括CURB65评分[1],肺内感染严重指数、C反应蛋白等。CAP本质上属于脓毒症,目前尚无使用急诊脓毒症病死率评分(Mortality in emergency department psis,MEDS)[2]对 CAP 进行评估的报道。本研究尝试用MEDS评分来评估CAP,并与CURB65进行比较。
1 材料与方法
1.1 研究对象
以2010年4月至2011年2月于中国医科大学附属第一医院急诊科就诊的CAP患者为研究对象。诊断标准参照2009年版英国胸科协会CAP治疗指南[3]。排除以下患者:恶性肿瘤、活动性肺结核、血液系统疾病者,确诊或疑诊肺栓塞者,长期使用抗凝药、皮质激素和抗血小板药物者,免疫功能抑制者及孕妇。共计49例CAP患者,其中男31例,女18例,年龄17~85岁。根据CAP患者急诊就诊首次评估的结果,计算MEDS评分(表1)和CURB65评分(表 2)。
表1 MEDS评分表Tab.1 Mortality in emergency department psis scoreVariable Points Risk stratification(mortality)Age>65-year 3 Nursing home resident 2 Terminal dias 6 Very low risk:0-4;(1.1%)Lower respiratory infection 2 Low risk:5-7;(4.4%)bands>5% 3 Moderate risk:8-12;(9.3%)Respiratory rate>20or Hypoxemia 3 High risk:13-15;(16.1%)Shock 3 Very high risk:>15(39%)Platelet<1 500 000 cell/mm3 3 Altered mental status 2
表2 CURB65评分表Tab.2 CURB65 scoreC l i n i c a l f a c t o r P o i n t s R i s k s t r a t i f i c a t i o n(m o r t a l i t y i n 2 8 d a y s)N e w c h a n g e o f c o n s c i o u s n e s s 1 B l o o d u r e a n i t r o g e n>7 m m o l/l 1 L o w r i s k:0;1;(1.5%)R e s p i r a t o r y r a t e≥3 0 1 M o d e r a t e r i s k:2(9.5%)S B P<9 0 m m H g o r D B P≤6 0 m m H g 1 H i g h r i s k:≥3(2 2%)A g e≥6 5-y e a r 1
孤独的图片1.2 统计学方法
2 结果
2.1 CAP急诊死亡患者与存活患者MEDS和CURB65的分值比较
素字成语对CAP急诊死亡患者(16人)和急诊存活患者(33人)分值的秩和检验结果表明,死亡患者的MEDS分值[17(13-19)]高于存活患者的 MEDS分值[9(5-12)],P<0.000 1;死亡患者的 CURB65 分值[2.0(1.3-3.0)]高于存活患者的CURB65分值[1.0(0.5-2.0)],P<0.05。
2.2 CAP患者MEDS和CURB65的分值与急诊死亡的相关分析
Spearman相关分析结果显示,CAP患者MEDS和CURB65的分值均与急诊死亡呈显著正相关,P<0.05;MEDS的 r值(0.639)大于 CURB65的 r值(0.320)。
2.3 CAP高死亡风险组和中低死亡风险组的急诊病死率比较
,13分及以上者归入高死亡风险组(22例);或者以CURB65分值为分组依据,将不足3分的患者划入中低死亡风险组(39例),3分及以上者划入高死亡风险组(10例)。比较CAP高死亡风险组和中低死亡风险组的急诊病死率。卡方检验结果表明,MEDS分值高死亡风险组急诊病死率高于中低死亡风险组,P<0.000 1,OR 为 21.9(4.1~117.6);CURB65 分值高死亡风险组与中低死亡风险组急诊病死率的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),OR 为 2.5(0.6~10.6),见表3。
3 讨论
本研究初步探讨了MEDS评分对急诊CAP的病情评估作用,并与急诊常用的CURB65评分进行比较。结果显示,尽管CAP急诊死亡患者的MEDS和CURB65分值均显著高于急诊存活者,但MEDS的显著性更强。进一步的Spearman相关分析亦表明,MEDS分值与CAP急诊死亡显著正相关,且相关性强于CURB65分值。根据MEDS和CURB65分值与病死风险的关系[1,4],将本研究的所有 49 例CAP患者分为MEDS分值或CURB65分值高死亡风险组和中、低死亡风险组,MEDS分值高死亡风险组的急诊病死率极其显著高于中低死亡风险组,而CURB65分值组高死亡风险组和中低死亡风险组间的急诊病死率则无显著性
表3 CAP患者MEDS或CURB65高死亡风险组和中低死亡风险组急诊病死率比较Tab.3 Comparisons of in-ED mortality between MEDS or CURB65 high risk-death group and MEDS or CURB65 moderate or low-death groupGroup Mortality(%) OR(95%CI) P MEDS High death risk(MEDS≥13) 63.6 21.9(4.1-117.6) <0.000 1 Moderate-low death risk(MEDS<13) 7.4 CURB65 High death risk(CURB65≥3) 50.0 2.5(0.6-10.6) >0.05 Moderate-low death risk(CURB65<3) 28.2