弹丸之地打一个字海伦秦九韶公式Simethicone improves bowel cleansing with low-volume polyethylene glycol: a multicenter
弥补亏损randomized trial
期刊名称: Endoscopy
在农村创业好项目作者: Alfred Stieda
爱不释手年份: 2017年
我喜爱的植物期号: 第04期
摘要:Background and study aimsFor bowel preparation, using a reduced volume of polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution without influencing its effectiveness would be preferable. While simethicone shows great potential as an adjunctive agent, data on its u are limited. We aimed to clarify whether simethicone added to low-volume PEG solution improved bowel cleansing. Patients and methodsConcutive adult patients registered for colonoscopy were recruited from ven medical centers in South China between 15 April and 15 July 2015 and prospectively randomized into two grou
ps: 2L PEG (conventional group) and 2L PEG plus simethicone (simethicone group). The primary endpoint was the effectiveness of bowel cleansing according to the Boston Bowel Preparation Scale (BBPS). Secondary endpoints included cecal intubation time, adenoma detection rate (ADR),...