欢迎的英文· 89 ·第28卷 第28期 中国现代医学杂志 Vol. 28 No.28 2018年10月 China Journal of Modern Medicine Oct. 2018
[通信作者] 齐敦益,E-mail :
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8982.2018.28.016
文章编号: 1005-8982(2018)28-0089-06
正反Trendelenburg 体位对气腹
(1.徐州医科大学麻醉学院,江苏 徐州 221004;2.徐州医科大学附属医院
麻醉科,江苏 徐州 221006)
摘要:目的 探讨气腹及正反Trendelenburg 体位对腹腔镜腹部手术患者血流动力学的影响。方法
44例行腹腔镜手术患者被纳入研究。根据手术体位分为A 组:反Trendelenberg 位(头高30°)。B 组:
Trendelenberg 位(头低30°)。术中所有患者的气腹压力均设为13~15 mmHg,使用Frotrac 传感器在各时间
进行收集。结果 气腹即刻可以引起MAP、CVP、SVR 升高,HR 增快,CO 下降;在体位改变后,A 组中
CVP 降低,随后SVR 和MAP 呈下降趋势,CO 和CVP 呈上升趋势;B 组中MAP,CVP 及CO 升高,SVR
降低,随后SVR、MAP 及CVP 呈下降趋势,CO 呈上升趋势。结论 气腹可以引起血流动力学的剧烈波动。
Trendelenberg 体位可以改善患者在气腹条件下的血流动力学波动,但是对于患有心功能不全的患者,可能增加心
血管风险。反Trendelenberg 体位对气腹后血流动力学的影响较小。腹腔镜手术可以减轻手术操作时对患者
关键词: 腹腔镜;Trendelenburg 体位;血流动力学
中图分类号: R614 文献标识码: A
Hemodynamic effect of Trendelenburg position and rever Trendelenburg position on patients with laparoscopic abdominal surgery
Wei Tan 1, Yuan Han 2, Dong-chen Qian 1, Meng-meng Zheng 1, Dun-yi Qi
(1. School of Anesthesiology, Xuzhou Medical University, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221004, China;
2. Department of Anesthesiology, the Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University,
满月红包祝福语Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221006, China)Abstract: Objective To prospectively examine the hemodynamics of pneumoperitoneum and Trendelenburg
and rever Trendelenburg position in the patients undergoing laparoscopic abdominal surgery. Methods Forty-
four patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery were included in the study. According to surgical requirements they
were divided into a group A (rever Trendelenburg position, head up 30°) and a group B (Trendelenburg position,
head down 30°). All patients received an abdominal pressure of 13-15 mmHg during operation. The data including
heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), central venous pressure (CVP), cardiac output (CO) and systemic
期中考试后作文circulation resistance (SVR) were collected at various time points using the Frotrac nsor. Results Insufflation