霸气的游戏名字Comprehensive evaluation of a prospective Australian patient cohort with suspected genetic kidney dia undergoing clinical genomic testing:
a study protocol
期刊名称: BMJ Open
作者: Kushani Jayasinghe,Zornitza Stark,Chirag Patel,Amali
Mallawaarachchi,Andrew J Mallett
蓝猫龙骑团之生命之花一件难忘的事作文400字年份: 2019年干枯的近义词
孩子吃什么能长高期号: 第8期
关键词: chronic renal failure;genetic kidney
早餐喝什么好摘要:Introduction Recent advances in genomic technology have allowed better delineation of renal conditions, the identification of new kidney dia genes and subquent targets for therapy. To date, however, the utility of genomic testing in a clinically ascertained, prospectively recruited kidney dia cohort remains unknown. The aim of this study is to explore the clinical utility and cost-effectiveness of genomic testing within a national cohort of patients with suspected genetic kidney dia who attend multidisciplinary renal genetics clinics. Methods and analysis This is a prospective obrvational cohort study performed at 16 centres throughout Australia. Patients will be included if they are referred to one of the multidisciplinary renal genetics clinics and are deemed likely to have a genetic basis to their kidney dia