KISSsoft - Relea 10-2008FKISSsoft evaluation 评估File 文件Name 名称: SUBWAY-2-SCChanged by : 2159 on: 26.11.2009 at: 08:33:04Important hint 重要提示: At least one warning has occurred during the calculation 计算过程中至少已出现一次
警告:1-gt Notice 通知:Gear 齿轮 2 :Measuring the Ba tangent length is criticalit is better to u measurement over rolls 测量公法线长度是很重要的,最好是使用量棒间距CALCULATION OF A HELICAL GEAR PAIR 斜齿轮副计算Drawing or article number 图号或件号:Gear 齿轮1: 0.000.0Gear 齿轮2: 0.000.0Calculation-method ISO 6336:2006 Method B计算方法ISO6336:2006 方法B ------- GEAR 齿轮1
-------- GEAR 齿轮2 --Power 功率kW P 300.000Speed 速度1/min n 3400.0
442.0Torque 扭矩Nm T 842.6 6481.4Application factor 使用系数KA 1.25Required rvice life 所需的服务寿命H 175000.00Gear 齿轮driving 主动/ driven 被动- -1. TOOTH GEOMETRY AND MATERIAL 齿轮几何参数和材质Geometry calculation according ISO 21771 按ISO21771 进行几何计算------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --Centre distance 中心距mm a 362.000Centre distance tolerance 中心距公差ISO 286 Measure js7Normal module mm法向模数mn 6.0000Pressure angle at normal ction 法向压力角alfn 20.0000Helix angle at reference diameter 分度圆螺旋角beta 20.0000Number of teeth
齿数z 13 100Facewidth mm齿宽b 90.00 90.00Helix 旋向left 左right 右Accuracy grade 精度等级Q-ISO1328 标准6 6Inside diameter mm内径di 0.00 0.00Inside diameter of rim mm齿圈内径dbi 0.00 0.00Material 材质Gear 齿轮1: Own input 17NiCrMo6-4 Ca-carburized steel ca-hardened 渗碳表面硬化ISO 6336-5 Figure 图9/10 MQ core strength 心部硬度gt30HRC Jominy 顶端淬火J12mmltHRC28Gear 齿轮2: Own input 17NiCrMo6-4 Ca-carburized steel ca-hardened 渗碳表面硬化ISO 6336-5 Figure 图9/10 MQ core strength 心部硬度gt30HRC Jominy 顶端淬火J12mmltHRC28 ------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --Surface hardness 表面硬度HRC 60 HRC 60Material treatment according to ISO 6336: Normal Life faktors ZNT and YNT gt0.85按ISO6336 对材料进行处理:正火处理(寿命系数ZNT 和YNTgt0.85)Fatigue str. tooth root tension 齿根疲劳强度N/mm sigFlim 500.00 500.00Fatigue str. Hertzian stress 赫兹应力疲劳强度N/mm sigHlim 1500.00 1500.00Tensile strength 抗拉强度N/mm Rm 1200.00 1200.00Yield point 屈服点
N/mm Rp 850.00 850.00Youngs modulus 弹性模量N/mm E 206000 206000Poissons ratio 泊松比ny 0.300 0.300Average roughness Ra tooth flank 平均粗糙度,齿面祄RAH 0.60 0.60Mean roughness height Rz flank 峰谷平均值,齿面祄RZH 4.80
4.80Mean roughness height Rz root 峰谷平均值,齿根祄RZF 20.00 20.00Tool or reference profile of gear 1 齿轮1 的刀具参数:Reference Profile 1.25 / 0.25 / 1.0 JISAddendum factor 齿顶高系数haP 1.0
00Dedendum coefficient 齿根高系数hfP 1.250Tip radius factor 刀尖圆弧半径系数rhoaP 0.000Root radius factor 根圆半径系数rhofP 0.250Tip form height coefficient 齿廓系数hFaP 0.000Protuberance height factor 凸角系数hprP 0.000Protuberance angle 凸角角度alfprP 0.000Ramp angle alfKP 0.000 not toppingTool or reference profile of gear 2 齿轮2 的刀具参
数:Reference Profile 1.25 / 0.25 / 1.0 JISAddendum factor 齿顶高系数haP
1.000Dedendum coefficient 齿根高系数hfP 1.250Tip radius factor 刀尖圆弧半径系
数rhoaP 0.000Root radius factor 根圆半径系数rhofP 0.250Tip form height coefficient 齿廓系数hFaP 0.000Protuberance height factor 凸角系数hprP显示器的作用
0.000Protuberance angle 凸角角度alfprP 0.000Ramp angle alfKP 0.000 not toppingSum of reference profile gears:Dedendum reference profile module hfP 1.250 1.250Tooth root radius Refer. profile module rofP 0.250 0.250Addendum Reference profile module haP 1.000 1.000Protuberance height module hprP 0.000
0.000Protuberance angle alfprP 0.000 0.000Buckling root flank height module hFaP 0.000 0.000Buckling root flank angle alfKP 0.000 0.000Type of profile modification:
修形类型for high load capacity gearboxe 用于承载能力高的齿轮箱Tip relief 齿顶修缘祄Ca 21.00 26.00Type of lubrication 润滑方式oil bath lubrication 油池润滑Type of oil 滑油类型Oil 润滑油: ISO-VG 320Lubricant ba 润滑剂基油Mineral-oil ba 矿物油基Kinem. viscosity oil at 40 癈40℃时动粘度mms nu40 320.00Kinem. viscosity oil at 100 癈100℃时动粘度mms nu100 22.00FZG-Test A/8.3/90
ISO14653-1 FZG 试验FZGtestA 12Specific density at 15 癈15℃时的比重kg/dm roOil 0.900Oil temperature 癈油温TS 70.000ambient temperature 癈环境温度TU 20.000 ------- GEAR 齿轮1 -------- GEAR 2 --Overall transmission ratio 总传动比
itot -7.692Gear ratio 齿轮速比u 7.692Transver module mm 端面模数mt
6.385Pressure angle at Pitch circle 节圆压力角alft 21.173Working transver pressure angle 有效端面压力角alfwt 21.675 alfwt.e/i 21.687 / 21.664Working pressure angle at normal ction 法向有效压力角alfwn 20.472Helix angle at operating pitch diameter 工作节圆直径的螺旋角betaw 20.063Ba helix angle 基圆螺旋角betab 18.747Reference centre distance 分度圆中心距mm ad 360.756Sum of the Addendum modification 齿顶高变动和Summexi 0.2096Profile shift coefficient 齿廓变位系数x 0.1330 0.0766Tooth thickness 齿厚Arc 圆弧module 模数sn 1.6676 1.6266Modification of tip diam.齿
顶圆直径修正mm k -0.014 -0.014Reference diameter 分度圆直径mm d 83.006 638.507Ba diameter 基圆直径mm dB 7
7.403 595.404Tip diameter 齿顶圆直径mm da 96.574 651.398 mm da.e/i 96.574 / 96.564 651.398 / 651.388Tip diameter allowances 齿顶圆直径误差mm Ada.e/i 0.000 / -0.010 0.000 / -0.010Tip chamfer/ tip rounding 齿顶倒角/圆角mm hK 0.000 0.000Tip form circle mm dFa 96.574 651.398 mm dFa.e/i 96.574 / 96.564 651.398 / 651.388Operating pitch diameter 工作节径mm dw 83.292 640.708 mm dw.e/i 83.299 / 83.285 640.758 / 640.658Root diameter 根圆直径mm df 69.602 624.426Generating Profile shift coefficient xE.e/i 0.1170 / 0.1078 0.0366 / 0.0183Manufactured root diameter with xE mm df.e/i 69.410 / 69.300 623.946 / 623.726Theoretical tip clearence 理论齿顶间隙mm c 1.500 1.500Effective tip clearence 有效齿轮顶间隙mm c.e/i 1.884 / 1.712 1.684 / 1.568Active root diameter 有效根圆直径mm dNf 77.468 631.238 mm dNf.e/i 77.476 / 77.462 631.295 / 631.187Root form diameter 渐开线起始点直径mm dFf 77.403 627.180 mm dFf.e/i 77.403 / 77.403 626.763 / 626.573Rerve dNf-dFf/2 储备mm cF.e/i 0.037 / 0.030 2.361 / 2.212Addendum 齿顶高mm ha 6.784 6.446 mm ha.e/i剩菜能吃吗
6.784 / 6.779 6.446 / 6.441Dedendum 齿根高mm hf 6.702
7.040 mm hf.e/i 6.798 /
7.281 / 7.390Roll angle at dFa dFa 处展开角度xsi_dFa.e/i 42.750 / 42.738 25.426 / 25.424Roll angle to dNa dNa 处展开角度xsi_dNa.e/i 42.750 / 42.738
25.426 / 25.424Roll angle to dNf dNf 处展开角度xsi_dNf.e/i 2.490 / 2.244 20.192 / 20.160Roll angle at dFf dFf 处展开角度xsi_dFf.e/i 0.029 / 0.029 18.839 /
18.780Tooth depth 齿深mm H 13.486 13.486Virtual gear no. of teeth 当量齿轮齿数zn 15.428 118.676Normal Tooth thickness at Tip cyl. mm san 3.643 4.855齿顶圆法向齿厚mm san.e/i 3.569 / 3.517 4.681 / 4.595Normal Tooth space as Tip cylinder mm efn 0.000 4.287齿顶圆法向齿距mm efn.e/i 0.000 / 0.000 4.313 / 4.325Max. sliding speed at tip 齿顶处最大滑动速度m/s vga 5.429 5.548Specific sliding at the tip 齿顶单位滑动比zetaa 0.528 0.907Specific sliding at the root 齿根单位滑动比zetaf -9.784
属蛇和属虎的合不合-1.119Sliding factor on tip 齿顶处滑动系数Kga 0.366 0.374Sliding factor on root 齿根处滑动系数Kgf -0.374 -0.366Pitch 节距mm pt 20.059Ba pitch 基圆节径mm pbt 18.705Transver pitch on contact-path 啮合线上的端面节径mm pet 18.705Lead height mm pz 716.461 5511.239Axial pitch 轴向节径mm px 55.112Length of path of contact 啮合线长度mm ga e/i 27.284 27.361 / 27.186Length T
1-A T2-A mm T1-A
T2-A 长度T1A T2A 1.593 1.515/ 1.682 132.111132.111/132.099Length T1-B mm们辛苦了
T1-B 长度T1B T2B 10.17110.171/10.163 123.533123.456/123.618Length T1-C mm T1-C 长度T1C T2C 15.38215.373/15.391 118.322118.254/118.390Length T1-D mm T1-D 长度T1D T2D 20.29820.221/20.387 113.406113.406/113.394Length T1-E mm T1-E 长度T1E T2E 28.87628.876/28.868 104.828104.750/104.913Length T1-T2 mm T1-T2 长度T1T2 133.704 133.627 / 133.781Diameter of single contact point B mm单啮合线 B 的直径d-B 80.03180.031/80.027 644.630644.571/644.695Diameter of single contact point D mm 单啮合线D 的直径d-D 87.40287.331/87.485
637.142637.142/637.133Addendum contact ratio 齿顶高接触比eps 0.721 0.722/ 0.721 0.737 0.741/ 0.733Minimal length of contact line 啮合线最小长度mm Lmin
127.068Transver contact ratio 端面接触比eps_a 1.459Transver contact ratio effective 有效端面接触比eps_a.e/m/i 1.463 / 1.458 / 1.453Overlap ratio 重叠比
eps_b 1.633Total contact ratio 总接触比eps_g 3.092Total contact ratio effective 有效总接触比eps_g.
经期吃什么菜e/m/i 3.096 / 3.091 / 3.0862. FACTORS OF GENERAL INFLUENCE 通用影响系数------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --Nominal circum. force at pitch circle N 节圆的公称圆周力Ft 20301.8Axial force 轴向力N Fa 7389.3Radial force 径向力N Fr 7863.5Normal force 法向力N Fnorm 22991.3Tangent.load d.per mm N/mm N/mm节圆直径上每mm 的切向载荷w 225.58Only for information: Forces at the pitch-circle :仅供参考:节圆力Nominal circumferential force 法向圆周力NFtw 20232.1Axial force 轴向力N Faw 7389.3Radial force 径向力N .