什么是数据处理中⼼(数据中⼼) (What Is A Data Processing Centre (Data Center))
A central data processing rvice is commonly ud to fill a critical mission on computers and telematics. It generally includes environmental controls (air conditioning system to prevent against fire, etc.), Emergency power and redundant, and a high physical curity.
中央数据处理服务通常⽤于完成计算机和远程信息处理的关键任务。 它通常包括环境控制(防⽌⽕灾的空调系统等),紧急电源和冗余,以及⾼度的物理安全性。
A data processing center (data center) is as a place where various electronic equipment, especially computers and telecommunications equipment. As its name suggests, it rves primarily to process the information necessary for a business. For example, a bank may u such a center, giving him information about its customers while processing transactions thereof. In practice, almost all medium-sized companies u such a center. As for large companies, they often u dozens.
数据处理中⼼(数据中⼼)是放置各种电⼦设备,尤其是计算机和电信设备的地⽅。 顾名思义,它主要⽤于处理企业所需的信息。 例如,银⾏可以使⽤这样的中⼼,在处理其交易时向他提供有关其客户的信息。 实际上,⼏乎所有中型公司都使⽤这样的中⼼。 对于⼤型公司,它们经常使⽤数⼗个。
The databas are often critical to business operations as well as they are very nsitive to their protection. For this reason, the centers maintain high levels of safety and rvice in order to ensure the integrity and operation of equipment on site.
数据库通常对业务运营⾄关重要,并且对保护⾮常敏感。 因此,这些中⼼保持较⾼的安全性和服务⽔平,以确保现场设备的完整性和操作性。
Before the Internet bubble, millions of square meters to hou such centers were built in the hope of eing them held by rvers. Since then, the concentration of centers has continued, with the development of specialized centers for which the most important challenges are the control of air conditioning and especially power consumption. This movement has been incorporated in the green computing and aims to reach treatment centers called ecological data for which special tools have appeared.
在互联⽹泡沫破灭之前,⼈们建造了数百万平⽅⽶的房屋来容纳这样的中⼼,希望看到它们被服务器占据。 ⾃那时以来,随着专业中⼼的发展,中⼼的集中⼀直在继续,对它们⽽⾔,最重要的挑战是空调的控制,尤其是功耗。 这项运动已被纳⼊绿⾊计算,旨在到达出现了特殊⼯具的称为⽣态数据的治疗中⼼。
数据中⼼的物理组件 (Physical Components Of A Data Center)
· Air preci and stable in the data center · Preci control of dust surrounding in the data center · Unit of energy · Emergency power supply and a backup unit in the data center · System sophisticated fire alarm · Automatic fire extinction by droplets or inert gas · Raid floor inside the data center · Pipes for cables below and above the floor · Monitoring by CCTV cameras in the data center · Access control and physical curity · Surveillance 24 / 7 dedicated rvers (computers) · Security Guards continuously prent · Cables Twisted Pair copper Ethernet (Fast or Gigabit) · Fiber optic links between sites or between [switches / routers / firewall]
数据中⼼—⽹络 (Data Center — Network)
· Routers · Switches · Firewall · Bridges · Intrusion Detection System software · Other important components in the data center, Etc.
数据中⼼应⽤ (Data Center Applications)
The main tasks of the center are to provide a good network connection (internet, intranet, etc.) and high availability of the information system. Accordingly, it is possible to deploy different software applications for business-critical tasks of business customers. The applications include managers of databas, file rvers and application rvers.
该中⼼的主要任务是提供良好的⽹络连接(Internet,Intranet等)和信息系统的⾼可⽤性。 因此,可以为业务客户的关键业务任务部署不同的软件应⽤程序。 这些应⽤程序包括数据库,⽂件服务器和应⽤程序服务器的管理器。
关于学习数据中⼼—物理设施 (Data Center — Physical Facilities )
A data processing center (data center) can occupy one room, a floor or entire building. Included are 1U (nicknamed “pizza boxes”) or more, “U” corresponding to a unit height of 4.445 cm (1.75 inches), stacked in racks, which are arranged to form single rows, This allows to move easily among the rvers, both front and rear. Some devices, mainframes, for example, are similar in size to the racks. They are often placed at their sides.
数据处理中⼼(数据中⼼)可以占⽤⼀个房间,⼀个楼层或整个建筑物。 包括⼤于等于1U(昵称“披萨盒”)的“ U”,对应于4.445厘⽶(1.75英⼨)的单位⾼度,堆叠在机架中,排列成单⾏,这使得它们可以在服务器之间轻松移动,前后。 例如,某些设备(⼤型机)的尺⼨类似于这些机架。 他们经常被放在⼀边。
中⼼的物理环境受到严格监督: (The physical environment of the centers is under strict supervision: )
· Air conditioning to keep the room cool at all times, about 20 degrees Celsius. This maintenance is esntial, since many electronic devices generate heat and will eventually fail when the temperature ris beyond a certain limit.
·空调可始终保持室内凉爽,⼤约20摄⽒度。 维护是必不可少的,因为许多电⼦设备会产⽣热量,并且当温度超过⼀定限制时最终会发⽣故障。
· Fairways are alternated between cold aisle (before the rvers) and hot aisle (rear of rvers) to prevent warm air from accumulating at the bottom of the piece and requires more cooling. The hot aisles can then be targeted more efficiently to remove heat.
宋夏战争球道在冷通道(服务器之前)和热通道(服务器后部)之间交替,以防⽌热空⽓积聚在部件的底部,并需要更多的冷却。 然后可以更有效地将热通道作为⽬标以去除热量。
· Recently, cold corridors have emerged in the data centers energy efficient. They consist of a aled corridor which circulates cold air to the rvers (sometimes the space between the machines is even blocked by caches to force fresh air inside them to borrow). Lower the temperature of the asmbly allows for a greater density of rvers.
·最近,节能⾼效的数据中⼼出现了冷通道。 它们由密封的⾛廊组成,该⾛廊将冷空⽓循环到服务器(有时,机器之间的空间甚⾄被⾼速缓存阻塞,迫使其中的新鲜空⽓借⽤)。 降低组件的温度可以增加服务器的密度。
· The free cooling (air cooled) can limit the u coolers and thus reduce the energy bill. The free cooling is interesting that in ttlements where the outside air is cold long enough during the year.
·⾃然冷却(风冷)会限制使⽤的冷却器,从⽽减少电费。 在⼀年中外部空⽓⾜够冷的地⽅,⾃然冷却是很有趣的。
· The cooling can be supplemented by cooling water, which is 4000 times more efficient than air for heat conduction.
· The standby power can be supplied via a UPS and a generator or via a rotating group (no-break) coupled to an accumulator kinetics.
· In order to prevent a loss of power, all electrical components, including backup systems, are usually doubled. The rvers are called esntial increasingly fed by a system that us two independent electric sources inside the center.
·为了防⽌断电,通常将所有电⼦组件(包括备⽤系统)加倍。 服务器被称为必不可少的服务器,越来越多地由中⼼内部使⽤两个独⽴电源的系统提供。
· The centers usually have a raid floor 60 cm, made of removable panels. This space allows the free circulation of air, as it facilitates the wiring of power and data through different paths cable. However, data centers are no raid floor (above the feeding racks, to support easier for heavy elements mainframe (IBM z10, etc.).
·中⼼通常有⼀个⾼60厘⽶的活动地板,由可移动⾯板制成。 这个空间允许空⽓⾃由流通,因为它有
助于通过不同路径的电缆进⾏电源和数据布线。 但是,数据中⼼没有活动地板(在送料架上⽅,以便更轻松地⽀撑重元素⼤型机(IBM z10等)。
· They often have complex systems of prevention and extinguishing fires. The modern facilities are often equipped with two alarm systems. The first detects hot particles emitted by overheated components of the equipment, particles which often cau a fire. In this way, it is possible to eliminate the source of a fire (sometimes, simply turn off one t of welding to eliminate the risk of fire). Second system is ud to activate a t of activities if a fire occurs. The systems are also dedicated a portion of the data processing center (data center). Coupled with excellent fire doors and other devices for containment, it is possible to control the fire and extinguish it without affecting the rest of the building.
·他们通常具有复杂的预防和灭⽕系统。 现代化的设施通常配备两个警报系统。 ⾸先检测由设备过热的部件发出的热粒⼦,这些粒⼦经常引起⽕灾。 这样,可以消除⽕源(有时,只需关闭⼀组焊接以消除⽕灾危险)。 如果发⽣⽕灾,则使⽤第⼆个系统来激活⼀组活动。 这些系统还专⽤于数据处理中⼼(数据中⼼)的⼀部分。 再加上出⾊的防⽕门和其他⽤于围堵的装置,可以控制⽕势并灭⽕,⽽不会影响建筑物的其余部分。
The conventional systems for fire suppression are as harmful as the fire for electronic components. As a result, systems using Halon, an inert gas, have been developed. Removing oxygen from the room, he extinguished the fire. However, if a person is trapped inside such a room, she may die from asphyxiation. Many countries prohibit the u of Halon in such conditions. Some newer systems have emerged. Some u the Aragonite and FM-200, while others moved on the issue of fine particles of ultra-pure water (this water is not electrically conductive, which does not damage the electronic components).
·传统的灭⽕系统与电⼦部件的⽕灾⼀样有害。 结果,已经开发了使⽤惰性⽓体哈龙的系统。 他从房间⾥除掉氧⽓,扑灭了⼤⽕。 但是,如果⼀个⼈被困在这样的房间内,可能会因窒息⽽死亡。 许多国家禁⽌在这种情况下使⽤哈龙。 出现了⼀些较新的系统。 有些使⽤Aragonite和FM-200,⽽另⼀些使⽤超纯⽔的细颗粒问题(这种⽔不导电,不会损坏电⼦组件)⽽引起关注。
· Security is also esntial to the operation of such centers. Physical access to the centers is restricted to authorized personnel, as well as video cameras to track people on the spot. Also, curity guards ensure if the center is large or contains information considered esntial.
·安全对于此类中⼼的运营也⾄关重要。 这些中⼼的访问仅限于授权⼈员以及⽤于现场跟踪⼈员的摄像机。 此外,保安⼈员还可以确保该中⼼是否宽敞或包含被认为必不可少的信息。孕妇怕冷吗
The u of rvers in a data center generates a co: heat is dissipated by the rvers. Junk here, it is however desirable and valuable in other areas: home heating, offices or even Arboretum.
在数据中⼼中使⽤服务器会产⽣热量:服务器会散发热量。 但是,这⾥是垃圾,在其他领域是理想且有价值的:家庭供暖,办公室甚⾄植物园。
数据处理中⼼-⽹络 (Data processing center — Network)
Communications within a center are now almost exclusively by Internet protocol. It therefore contains routers, switches and other equipment that ensures the communication between the rvers and the outside world. Redundancy is sometimes obtained by making u of multiple network devices of different brands.
现在,中⼼内的通信⼏乎完全是通过Internet协议进⾏的。 因此,它包含路由器,交换机和其他设备,可确保服务器与外界之间的通信。有时可以通过使⽤不同品牌的多个⽹络设备来获得冗余。
Some rvers are ud to provide urs of the company Intranet and Internet rvices from which they need: email, proxy, DNS, file, etc.
Of network curity appliances are also prent: firewall, VPN, intrusion detection systems, etc. as well as systems for monitoring the network and some applications.
数据中⼼—应⽤ (Data Center — Applications)
The main purpo of a data processing center (data center) is to run applications that process data esntial to the functioning of a society. The applications can be designed and developed internally by the client company or a provider of management software company. It may be typical of ERP and CRM.动漫故事
数据处理中⼼(数据中⼼)的主要⽬的是运⾏⽤于处理对社会运作⾄关重要的数据的应⽤程序。 这些应⽤程序可以由客户公司或管理软件公司的提供者内部设计和开发。 它可能是ERP和CRM的典型代表。
Often, the applications are spread across veral computers, each running a portion of the task. The components in the data center are the most common systems management databa, files rvers, application rvers, middleware.
通常,这些应⽤程序分布在多台计算机上,每台计算机都运⾏任务的⼀部分。 数据中⼼中的组件是最常见的系统管理数据库,⽂件服务器,应⽤程序服务器,中间件。
Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the .
研究:来⾃维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该⽂本可在“ 。