Senior Final Exam: Waiting for Godot, Part 1
Reminders to Seniors:
There are quite a few people who have yet to turn in their Delve In paragraphs, and this has lowered people’s grades by quite a bit. Plea turn them in by this Friday; otherwi, you will have a 0/F from here unto eternity. Otherwi, good luck! Your class has meant a lot to me, and I hope you ace this!
If you’d like to pick up your graded work and progress reports (before the exam), plea swing by the room. All makeup work needs to be in by FRIDAY!
Part 1—Vocabulary--no books, no notes allowed.
Matching (1 point each)
Directions: Plea write the letter of the definition next to the word.
Word | Definition |
1. pugilist ____________ | 姓氏取名a. cry of sorrow |
2. vermin ____________ | b. small animals that are pests (like rats) |
3. vanquished ____________ | c. meticulous; detail-oriented |
4. vacuous ____________ | d. a fighter |
汉朝官职5. recoil ____________ | e. postponed; delayed |
6. irk ____________ | f. hungrily |
7. punctilious ____________ | g. a saying (like “look before you leap”) |
8. affable ____________ | h. friendly; good-natured |
9. deferred ____________ | i. to imply |
10. desist ____________ | k. defeated; conquered |
11. voraciously ____________ | l. to wave or flourish menacingly |
12. aphorism ____________ | m. to irritate; to bother |
13. insinuate ____________ | n. to shrink back (in fear or disgust) |
14. brandish ____________ | o. to stop from doing something |
15. lamentation ____________ | p. empty |
电脑上传速度慢 | |
Meaningful Sentences (3 points each)
Directions: Write a ntence using each word. Make sure each ntence is meaningful.
3. menial:
9. supplication
10. aesthetic
Academic Challenge:中式实木沙发
word图片居中Write a ntence for the following words:
1. firmament:
2. qua:
Part 2—Analyzing Quotes
Senior Final Exam: Waiting for Godot, Part 2
Directions: U your book. No notes. Attach extra pieces of paper if necessary.
Part 2: Your understanding of theater of the absurd and existential ideas and thinkers
Directions: 动物王国简笔画Answer only 6 out of 8 questions. You choo which ones. (8 points each)
1. What is existentialism? (Name the main questions, the feelings, the main themes) And why do people sometimes go through an existential crisis? What does that mean, anyway?
2. Some people characterize existentialism as a very hopeful (not depressing) philosophy. Why? In what way can existentialism be very hopeful and freeing?
3. Name 3 existential philosophers. (Bonus: If you can remember what each one’s philosophy was, extra credit!)
4. Name or describe one character from the movie, I Heart Huckabees. Describe their existential concerns/cris. What makes their conflict an existential one at heart?
5. Name 3 aspects of Waiting for Godot that make it characteristic of Theater of the Absurd.
6. Name 3 aspects of “I Heart Huckabees” that make it characteristic of either existentialism or Theater of the Absurd.
7. Are YOU an existentialist? Why or why not? (explain thoroughly for full credit.)
8. Why do some people say that our existence is absurd?
Part 3: Analzying Quotes
Directions: You must answer 5 out of 6 quotes. Answer all subparts of the questions as completely as possible. (8 points each)
1. “To Godot? Tied to Godot! What an idea! No question of it. For the moment.” (17). What does it mean to be “tied to Godot”? Are they tied to Godot? Is there doubt in this quote? How does this quote relate to the absurdity of our human existence?
2. “Nothing you can do about it./No u struggling. One is what one is./ No u wriggling. The esntial doesn’t change”.(17) How would you characterize the TONE of t
his statement? What is he talking about? Do you agree with his philosophy? Why or why not?
3. V: “That pasd the time.”
E: “It would have pasd in any ca.”
V: “Yes, but not so rapidly” (51).
What situation is Vladimir and Estragon referring to? (What is “that”?) How does this quote relate to the absurdity of human existence? What motif is referenced here?
Vladimir: “Was I sleeping, while the others suffered? Am I sleeping now? To-morrow, when I wake, or think I do, what shall I say of to-day? That with Estragon my friend, at this place, until the fall of night, I waited for Godot?...But in all that what truth will there be?...Astride of a grave and a difficult birth. Down in the hole, lingeringly, the grave-digge
r puts on the forceps. We have time to grow old. The air is full of our cries. But habit is the great deadener. At me too someone is looking, of me too someone is saying, He is sleeping, he knows nothing, let him sleep on…I can’t go on!” (104-105)