受伤的图片1.意识流(stream of consciousness)The continuous flow of n, perc eptions, thoughts, feelings, and memories in the human mind; or a li terary method of reprenting such a blending of mental process in fictional characters, usually in an unpunctuated or disjointed for m of interior monologue.
2.荒诞派戏剧(The Theatre of the Absurd)The theatre of the absurd c ame about as a reaction to World War II. It took the basis of existe ntial philosophy and combined it with dramatic elements to create a style of theatre which prented a world which can not be logically explained, and in which life is in one word, ABSURD!
3.存在主义哲学(Existentialism)A current in European philosophy dis tinguished by its emphasis on lived human existence
4.迷惘的一代(the lost generation)In general, the term refers to th
e post-World War I generation, but specifically a group o
f U. S. wri ters who came of age durin
g the war and established their literary r eputations in the 1920s.
5.戏仿(parody)A mocking or satiric imitation of the style of a lit erary work or works, ridiculing the stylistic habits of an author or
a school by exaggerated mimicry.
6.象征主义(symbolism) Symbolism is the u of symbols to reprent abstract things, ideas or conceptions in a more visual and concrete way.
7.恋母情结( Oedipus complex) A Freudian term to design to attractio n on the part of the child toward the parent of the opposite x and rivalry and hostility toward the parent of its own.The term derives from the Theban hero Oedipus of Greek legend. It will lead to ren tment of parental authoritarian power.
8.海明威式英雄( Hemingway hero)Hemingway Hero, also called code her o, is one who, wounded but strong, more nsitive, enjoys the pleasu res of life(x, alcohol, sport) in the face of ruin and death, and maintains, through some notion of a code, an ideal of himlf.
9.美国梦(American dream)American dream refers to the dream of mater ial success, which assum
e that one best rves God and man by acquir ing wealth.
10.意象派(Imagism)The doctrine and poetic practice of a small but influential group of American and British poets calling themlves i magists or imagistes between 1912 and 1917.
11.黑色幽默(black humor)black humor is a term applied to a large g roup of American novels beginning in the 1950s,it's a common core of satire which is directed against hypocrisy, materialism, racial pre judice, and above all, the dehumanization of the individual by a mod ern society. It is not angry protest,is the u of exaggeration as a vehicle for satire and criticism. It is humor out of despair and la ughter out of tears.
12.女权主义(feminism)Feminism is the belief that women should h ave equal political, social, xual, intellectual and economic right s to men. It involves various movements, theories, and philosophies, all concerned with issues of gender difference, that advocate equal ity for women and that campaign for women's rights and interests 13.反英雄(anti-hero)an anti-hero is a protagonist who is lacking t he traditional heroic attributes and qualities, and instead poss s character traits that are antithetical to heroism.
14.多个故事叙述人(multiple narrators)It is one of the literary tec hniques William Faulkner ud, w
hich shows within the same story how the characters reacted differently to the same person or the same s ituation. The u of this technique gave the story a circular form w herein one event was the center, with various points of view radiati ng from it. The multiple points of view technique makes the reader r ecognize the difficulty of arriving at a true judgment.
15.拼贴(collage)Collage is the method of making pictures by sticki ng pieces of colored paper and cloth onto paper.
Symbolism 象征主义
late 19th century and early 20th century poetry.
William Butler Yeats Symbolism 象征主义 born in Dublin,his mothe r in Sligo County,stduy in London Irish
Modernism 现代主义
Major Works
《Down by the Salley Gardens》
《The Second Coming》 Anti-christ save the people in the world bring the disaster
《When You Are Old》
《The Wild Swans at Coole》
《Leda and the Swan》 swan is power Leda has to give in .
Major Themes
the Irish nationalist movement
collap of western civilization
philosophy of history and personality
Paradoxes of time and change, of growth and identity, of love and ag e, of life and art, of madness and wisdom
combination of metaphysical and epigrammatic elements
Introduction of the Irish usages of English and Irish syntax Experiment with different kinds of rhythm
Realistic, symbolic and visionary
Percy Bysshe Shelley Symbolism 象征主义
《The Necessity of Atheism》《Queen Mab》
《The Revolt of Islam》
《To A Skylark》《Prometheus Unbound》《The Masque of Anarchy》《Ode to the West Wind》《A Defence of Poetry》
T.S Eliot Symbolism 象征主义
Born Am 英国籍 the Nobel Prize in 1948
major symbols including the waste land, water, city, stairs, journe y; the themes of time, death, rebirth, love
Major works
《The family reunion》
《Four Quartets》
《The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock》 anti-hero hesitating to go o r not to go to e his girlfriend(indecisive,hesitant)
《The Waste Land 》
小 London 大 Westen 借鉴了Miss Jessie《from Ritual to Romance》从仪式到传奇和James Frazer《Gold Bough》金枝
一the burialof the dead二a game of class三the fire rmon
四 death by water 五 what the thunder said
讽刺冬天温暖 death; lonely nothing don’t want children;corrupti on腐败堕落;不计得失;arch water,e a but no hope 。燕子纯洁女孩的象征,呼吁人们拯救世界。A promising future? No!。how to live。
Symbolic 《The Odor of Chrysanthemums》 by D.H. Lawrence Elizabeth Bates主人公
Imagism 印象派
Begin Am,Br 1912--1917
Led at first by Ezra Pound
Amy Lawrence Lowell Pulitzer Am 女《Men, Women and Ghosts》Richard Aldington En
《World War I poetry》《 Death of a Hero》《Lawrence of Arabia》《 James Tait Black Memorial Prize》
H.D. Am 女手脚发热是什么原因
《Sea Garden 》《Hymen》《Heliodora and Other Poems》《Red Ros for Bro nze》《The Walls Do Not Fall 》
《Tribute to the Angels 》《Flowering of the Rod》
Ford Madox Ford En
《The Good Soldier 》《Parade's End tetralogy四部曲》
William Carlos Williams Pulitzer
Major Works
《This is Just to Say》
《The Red Wheel Barrow》
《Kora in Hell》 (1920)
《Spring and All》 (1923) 《Poems 》(1909)
《The Tempers》 (1913)
《Al Que Quiere!》 (1917) 《Sour Grapes》 (1921)
《The Great American Novel》《A Voyage to Pagany》 (1928) 《A Novelette and Other Pro》《Paterson》Major Themes urban landscape
immediate environment
personal experience
艇组词和拼音concern for the working class an d the poor
u of speaking voice innovative line breaks如果我是一只鸟
stripped-down language (or was hing words with acid)
Olga Rudge Am 女
Ezra Pound
Major Works
《A Lume Spento》 (1908)
参加英语短语《Personae》(1909) 《The Spirit of Romance》 (1910) 《Cathy》 (1915 )对中国的称呼
《A Pact》合同《In a Station of the Metro》在地铁车站
《Homage to Sextus Properties》
Major Themes
commercialization and debament of art
alienation异化of the artist in the modern world
loss of lf
frequent resort to a single, dominant image or a quick succession of related images to express the momentary impressions or feelings at the same time ,
emphasis on precision and concision in language and imagery juxtaposition of images as emotional and intellectual complexes
E. E. Cummings
his pacifist(和平主义的) leanings
Major Works老年人喝的奶粉
《The Enormous Room》 (1922) 《Tulips and Chimneys》 (1923) 《Him》 (1927) 《Eimi》 (1933)
《No Thanks》 (1935) 《Complete Poems 》(1972)
visually directive placement of words on the page
unusual linguistic usage: the u of nouns as verbs, other locutions (独特的措辞) of nouns, etc
breaking syntax, punctuation, and grammar rules at will
Major Themes
emphasizing feeling and emotion rather than thought or analysis rejecting tho social forces in life that hinder the unique and ind ividual expression of each person's esntial being
regarding technology and the complexities of civilization as dehuman izing
Samuel Beckett荒诞派
Important 20th-century dramatist a novelist