/mavlink/waypoint_protocol /mavlink/waypoint_protocol
QgroundControl QgroundControl Waypoint Protocol Waypoint Protocol
QgroundControl QgroundControl 航点航点文件文件文件和和传输传输格式协议格式协议格式协议
The waypoint protocol describes how waypoints are nt to and read from a MAV. The goal is to ensure a consistent state between nder and receiver. QGroundControl has an implementation of the Groundcontrol side of the protocol, every waypointplanner on a MAV implementing this protocol using MAVLINK can communicate with QGroundControl and exchange and update its waypoints.
本航点协议描述航点数据在地面站软件和飞控之间的传输。目的在于确保收发双方的一致性。本协议分为两部分:飞控端和地面站端,QGC 软件应用了地面端。 其他应用MAVLink 协议的航点规划软件都可以同QGC 之间彼此交换更新其航点数据。
Communication / State Machine Communication / State Machine
通讯通讯//状态机状态机((状态机状态机,,即在新数据刷新之前即在新数据刷新之前,,老数据维持不变老数据维持不变)) The protocol consists of different transactions, each transaction is completed
successfully or fails in a way that the previous state of the waypoint list on the receiving side is unchanged. A transaction can be initiated with a specific message only when no other transaction is active between the two communication parties. This means to initiate a
transaction both communication parties have to be in state IDLE . If a transaction is started the state is changed, using a simple state machine in this way the protocol can be easily implemented.
拍花After each nt message that expect an answer the nding component starts a timer. If no respon is received until a specified time has pasd the request message is nt again. The rending is retried a number of times, if there is no answer after the last retry timed out the transaction is
failed. The retrying mechanism means that all components have to be able to handle duplicate messages.
)Read MAV Waypoint list读取MAV航路点列表
To retrieve a list of all waypoints from a component a
WAYPOINT_REQUEST_LIST message is nt. The targeted components will respon with a WAYPOINT_COUNT message stating the number of waypoints in its list.
The requesting component will now request every waypoint starting with quence number 0 by nding a WAYPOINT_REQUEST message and the targeted component answers every request with a corresponding WAYPOINT message containing the waypoint data.
When the last waypoint was successfully received the requesting component nds a WAYPOINT_ACK message to the targeted component. This will finish the transaction. Notice that the targeted component has to listen to WAYPOINT_REQUEST messages of the last waypoint until it gets the WAYPOINT_ACK or another message that starts a different transaction or a timeout happens.
Write MAV Waypoint list
Write MAV Waypoint list
To nd a list of waypoints a WAYPOINT_COUNT message containing the number waypoints in the list is nt to the targeted component. The component prepares itlf for the reception and starts retrieving all the waypoints by nding WAYPOINT_REQUEST starting with quence number 0. The component that is nding the waypoint list answers all the requests with a WAYPOINT message
When the last waypoint was successfully received by the targeted component, it nds a WAYPOINT_ACK message to the nding component. This finishes the transaction.
If a waypoint planner component receives WAYPOINT messages outside of transactions it answers with a WAYPOINT_ACK message.
Clear MAV Waypoint list
Clear MAV Waypoint list
To clear the waypoint list of a component a WAYPOINT_CLEAR_ALL message is nt. After having cleared the waypoint list the targeted component answers with a WAYPOINT_ACK message.
Set new current MAV Waypoint
Set new current MAV Waypoint
To t a new current active waypoint for a component a
鸡字组词WAYPOINT_SET_CURRENT message is nt. After having changed the current waypoint the targeted component answers with a WAYPOINT_CURRENT message with the new current quence number.
设置新的当前活动航路点,需要向对方发送“WAYPOINT_SET_CURRENT 设置当前航路点消息”,
向着太阳奔跑Waypoint rea Waypoint reached Status message from MAV ched Status message from MAV ched Status message from MAV
If a waypoint planner on a MAV reaches a waypoint, it broadcasts a WAYPOINT_REACHED message. As this is a broadcast no ack message has to be nt, but also no reception guarantees c
an be given.
党员理论学习Current Waypoint changed Status message from MAV Current Waypoint changed Status message from MAV
If a waypoint planner on a MAV lects a waypoint as its new current target, it broadcasts a WAYPOINT_CURRENT message. As this is a broadcast no ack message has to be nt, but also no reception guarantees can be given. It is recommended that this message is nt twice with a small delay to make sure it reaches all receivers with high probability.