1101班 12号 宗进
My Feelings About “The Rocking-hor Winner”
------The Analysis of the point of View in “The Rocking-hor Winner” by D.H Lawrence.
Abstract: This paper, bad on the stylistic analysis of the point of view in “The Rocking-hor Winner”, tries to explore the narrative strategy of James Joyce in “The Rocking-hor Winner” and the theme this strategy rves to reveal.
Key Words: D.H Lawrence , The Rocking-hor Winner , Point of view , Narrative Strategy
D.H.Lawrence was born in a family that it’s members were miners on November 9th in England. He worked as butcher accountant, factory and shop employee and primary school teacher. He was in abroad for about ten years and had a critical attitude about reality. During his short life, ten long story was written, which was k
nown as The rainbow, Woman in Love, Son and Lovers, Lady Chatterley’s Lover.
党员要求D.H.Lawrence gave his sight to the relationship between two xual distinctions, thinking deeply about the disadvantage of western civilization. Lady Chatterley’s Lover was prohibited becau of the audacious xual love. His Sons and Lovers, The rainbow, Woman in Love was combined with social comments and xual mentality to lash out at capitalist industrial civilization. As the fighter of the realistic literature, modern literature pursued psychological reality, paid attention to immediately watching human’s psychological activity, immediately learn though human’s personal heart feeling. The heart world mirror respons colorful external reality.
The Rocking-hor Winner is a story rendered to perfection by D.H.Lawrence which explores the dia of materialism by using a young boy, Paul, the son of a loveless mother who is never satisfied with her lot, who considers herlf unlucky becau she hasn’t more money, obss about how he might help her be lucky,
happy. He become a partner. And when the Leger was coming on, Paul was “sure” about lovely spark, which was a quite inconsiderable hor. The boy knows that his family is struggling with money and he asks his mother how other people have more than they do. The boy insisted on putting a thousand on the hor, Bastt went for five hundred, and Oscar Cresswell two hundred. Lively spark came in first, and the betting had been ten to one against him. Paul had made ten thousand. It’s a story dealing with the short-comings of a family due to lack of money and the young boy who is hope to win back peace to his mother’s life.
For me, I only read it, but I wasn’t all that impresd. It’s very moralistic, beautiful cold-hearted woman is greedy, wants more money, so her children get little love. The story is about “luck”. Even without preparation and acumen, some people will be lucky than others. That’s just a property of luck itlf. The curve has tails, and some people will end up on them. Somebody has to win that lottery. And since the past is sticky, you often need to get lucky only once to be “lucky” for the rest of you life, even if no other random event breaks your way.
It cuts both ways, sally: one incident of being on the wrong place at the wrong time, choosing the wrong employer or the wrong lover, can make you “unlucky” for the rest of your life, or at least a very long time, even if a lot of other things fall your way.
But once you factor that stickiness out, past “luck”元旦的英语 is not a good predictor of future luck. You can look back and e that some get more than their fair share, but it doesn’t mean that they will do it again tomorrow. If they do em to be doing it consistently, it’s often becau what ems to be random isn’t really random.
We can squeeze all that stuff we don’t know about in a box and call it “luck”. It’s as good a way to deal with it as any. It shows all the properties of luck I mentioned: the rain falleth on some more than others, even if everybody had the same chance to start off with. And it favors tho who brought an umbrella.
百家姓故事小学语文作文辅导We do know that we can make luck and we can make our minds prepared, we have a map for proceeding even against what we don’t know. Luck may be a form of intu
itive intelligence, rather than mere happenstance. They are just better in reading.
The boy looked for “luck”低脂食品 by the hor so that he is absorbed in gambling. The boy is more and more crazy of racing. The woman’s husband also do that. Soon, the boy for his mother made a generous money. Every day the Trojan hor in a strange voice, make this beautiful woman have sinister foreboding that she found herlf to son with love, but eventually she got the money tools. In my opinion, the woman takes advantage of him to get more money, but the boy loves his mom so that he can do everything for her, who may be puzzled by the rocking-hor. After winning a large money, the boy dies. Why the boy dies? Where is the rocking-hor? Why the rocking hor can make noi? Where the magic can be got? Tho can’t know, but we can e the end “巨头鲸the boy was raid as a ghost son.” The woman is still cruel. The boy’s love for her cannot affect his mom. But through the last we know, this beautiful woman or there is love for him, to hide away from home for a while in his time can e, she also don't want him to be the influence of the 效命