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Chapter 10 Language Acquisition语言习得
Language acquisition is concerned with language development in humans. In general, language acquisition refers to children’s development of their first language, that is, the native language of the community in which a child has been brought up. The development of a first or native language (L1) is called first language acquisition (FLA), and then cond language acquisition (SLA). L1 and L2 development do not em to involve identical process. 语言习得关注的是人类语言能力发展。语言习得一般指儿童母语的发展。有些孩子除了习得母语外,还要继续习得第二语言或外国语。习得母语或第一语言称为第一语言习得,除了母语再习得另一门语言或外语称为第二语言习得。
读书迷The study of language acquisition enables linguists, psychologists and applied linguists to better understand the nature of human language and developmental process of language acquisition.
1. First language acquisition第一语言习得
Whatever their culture, all normal human beings acquire their native language at a given time of life and in an appropriate linguistic environment that provides sufficient language exposure.
(2004, 2007, 12月12判断) It is an established understanding among linguists that the capacity to acquire one’s first language is a fundamental human trait that all human beings are equally well possd with.
No one is more successful than others in acquiring a first language. Children follow a similar acquisition schedule of predictable stages along the route of language development across cultures, though there is an idiosyntactic variation in the amount of time that takes individuals to master different aspects of the grammar. 儿童在习得母语时虽然会有个性差异,但是正常儿童只要有正常的交际环境和正常的母语输入都可以成功地习得母语,他们习得母语的过程也非常相似。
1.1 The biological basis of language acquisition显示器色彩校正语言习得的生物基础梅菜肉饼
This biological, or nativist 天赋, view of language acquisition means that humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language u. Our language faculty permits us to acquire any human language to which we are expod to, including deaf children acquiring a sign language. Different languages have a similar level of complexity and details, and reflect general abstract properties of the common linguistic system called the Universal Grammar 普遍语法.
习得语言的能力是人类的生物特征之一。人生来就有习得语言的神经系统。只要有能力习得某一种语言的儿童就有能力不费力气地习得任何语言。正常儿童语言习得的能力无高低之分;儿童习得的语言也无优劣之别。虽然在习得语言某一特定的内容与习得另一种语言相应的内容看上去似乎有难易之别,但是这并不意味着一门语言作为母语比另一门语言难学。儿童在习得母语时所需要的时间大致是一样的。这在一定的程度上表明人类语言的难度是类似的,反映了普遍语法(universal grammar)的存在---一种高度抽象的语言共性体系。
(2006,判断) A child born to Chine or English speaking family takes about the same number of years to acquire their native tongue, regardless of their general intelligence.
1.2 Language acquisition as the acquisition of grammatical rules语言习得是语法规则的习得
2007,单选;2008,判断)Language acquisition is primarily the acquisition of the grammatical system of language. It is misleading to speak of children acquiring language simply as internalizing individual expressions of language.
What are actually acquired by young children are some general principles that are fundamental to the grammaticality of speech. It is noted that when producing utterances, children tend to apply general grammatical rules and defy individual irregular cas. 语言习得是对语法规则系统的习得。首先,没有人的大脑能够储存一个语言中的所有的词与表达。儿童在处理语言时会根据所听到的语言输入构件自己的语法规则,并依据他们所构件的语法规则去说话。如果没有这些生成性的规则,语言使用者是不可能说出和理解无数的他们从没有听过或使用的句子。
1.3 The role of input and interaction语言输入与交流的作用
Children must be provided with an appropriate linguistic environment. The modified speech typically addresd to young children is called2006,名词解释)caretaker speech, also known as babytalk, mothers-es, or parente. Exposure to this type of language makes it easier for children to match linguistic forms with their meanings and for that reason, their acquisition of the vocabulary and structure of the language is made easier.  虽然人类习得语言的能力是人类天赋的生物特征,但是这种天赋的条件不是习得语言的充要条件。一个正常的儿童还需要有接触语言和使用语言的环境才能习得语言。如果在孩子出生后前几年,没有接触语言和使用语言的环境,那么孩子习得语言的能力就会受到严重的影响。
保姆语(caretaker speech, babytalk, mothere, parente)是一种成年人的简化语言形式,通常用于和儿童的交际。研究表明没有接触保姆语的儿童在习得母语的速度上并不一幸福象花儿一样
1.4 The role of instruction语言教学的作用

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标签:语言   儿童   习得   母语
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