说到文学,很多人可能会问:“生命如此短暂,有如此多关于信息、文化、哲学方面的书等着我们去读,为什么我们将宝贵的时间花在想象的作品上呢?这个问题涉及了文学的作用问题。 首先,文学给人快乐。当人们沉浸在想象中的人物那些惊心动魄的冒险旅程、起伏跌宕的人生经历时,生活就不那么枯燥无味了。第二、文学能够帮助我们宽展视野,提高对生活的感悟力。一则故事不仅能会引导我们思考故事里叙述的事,而且会让我们去思考超出故事本身的意义。因此,当我们被问及怎么将阅读文学的过程
When it comes to literature, many people may ask, “With life as short as it is, with so many books of information, culture and philosophy waiting to be read, why should we spend precious time on works of imagination?” The question is related to the functions of literature. In the first place, literature gives us pleasure. When we are immerd in thrilling adventures and ups and downs of people of tho imaginary people, life becomes less tedious. Secondly, literature enables us to broaden our vision and sharpen our awareness of life. A particular story may lead us to speculate not only about the narrative incident i
t recounts, but also about the event’s larger significance. So when we are asked how to relate our experience in reading literature to our experience in living, we are justified to say that we should e literature as a significant reflection of the diversity and complexity of life and an imaginative extensio
n of its possibilities. Thirdly, literature enlightens us with the truth, benevolence and beauty and urges us to e the immen value of respect, wisdom and freedom. So we feel sweet nsations in the blood and the power of harmony amid the din of the city. In talking about the high duties and responsibilities of the makers of literature, John Steinbeck,the Nobel Laureate in Literature, says, “the writer is delegated to declare and to celebrate man’s proven capacity for greatness of
heart and spirit---for gallantry in defeat, for courage, compassion and love.”
We human beings are confronted with dangers if science advances while such passions as malevolence and hate prevail born of fierce competition throughout the world. Science enables humankind to realize its purpos, but if its purpos are evil, the result is disastrous. So for the future of civilization, a wir education is indispensable. What are the esntial elements that constitute such an education? Many great thinkers hold that the soul rules over the body, and a purified, ennobled soul through an enlightened intelligence should rule over the body. What is a purified and ennobled soul? Such a soul can not be a moral waif or stray. Such a soul can not be a lf-conceited, lf-indulged, and lf-centered man. Such a soul should have the same noti
苏联打阿富汗什么人善任on as Fenelon put it, “the rvice of my family is more important than the rvice of mylf, and the rvice of my nation is more important than the rvice of my family, and the rvice of humanity is more important than the rvice of my nation.” Through a wi education, people can acquire various virtues such as courage, temperance, generosity, amiability, truthfulness, wittiness, friendliness, etc. Shakespeare says, “Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners.”
If we have a noble soul, we might be able to plant beautiful flowers in the garden, and will not leave it uncultivated with weeds地暖的优缺点