Universal decimal classification (UDC)
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类号 类名 类号 类名
000 总论 510 数学
100 哲学、心理学 520 天文学、地质学
200 宗教、神学 530 物理学、力学
300 社会科学 540 化学、晶体学、矿物学
400 语言、文字学 550 地质学、气象学
500 自然科学 560 古生物学
600 应用科学 570 生物学人类学
700 艺术、文体 580 植物学
800 文学 590 动物学
900 历史、地理
610 医学
620 工程和技术科学 25. 农业
621 机械和电气工程 26. 家政
621.1 蒸汽动力工程 27. 商业管理、交通
621.22 水力机械 28. 化学工业
621.3 电气工程 29. 制造业
621.4 内燃机工程 30. 特种行业、仪表、手工业
621.5 气动机械与制冷工程 31. 建筑业、材料科学
621.6 泵、管道工程 32. 机械零件及材料
621.7 弹、塑性成形及加工 33. 机床及加工
622 采矿工程 38. 电子学
623 军事工程 39. 通信工程
624 土木工程
625 道路工程
626 水力工程
627 河道、港湾、海洋工程
628 卫生工程
629 交通工程
00 Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics
001 Science and knowledge in general. Organization of intellectual work
001.1定位怎么开 Concepts of science and knowledge
001.18 Future of knowledge
001.32 Learned, scientific societies. Academies
001.8 Methodology
001.89 Organization of science and scientific work
001.9 Dismination of ideas
002 Documentation. Books. Writings. Authorship
003 Writing systems and scripts
003.01/.09 Special auxiliary numbers for writing systems and scripts
003.01 Origins, precursors of scripts. Early forms of scripts
003.02 Emergence of writing
003.03 Graphic expression of language
003.05 Means of producing signs and scripts
003.07 Us and styles of writing
003.08 Characteristics of writing
003.09 Techniques and methods of deciphering scripts
003.2 Writing systems. Graphic reprentations of concepts
003.21/.23 Conventional writing systems ud for general purpos of literate language communities. Orthographies
003.21 Picture writing
003.22 Syllabic writing systems
003.23 Alphabetic writing systems
003.3 Scripts
003.5 Writing materials and equipment
介绍鲁迅先生003.6 Other kinds of graphic reprentation of thought
004 Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing
004.01/.08 Special auxiliary numbers for computing
004.01 Documentation
004.02 Problem-solving methods
004.03 System types and characteristics
004.04 Processing orientation
004.05 System and software quality
004.07 Memory characteristics
004.08 Input, output and storage media
004.2 Computer architecture
004.22 Data reprentation
004.23 Instruction t architecture
004.25 Memory system
笃志的拼音004.27 Advanced architectures. Non-Von Neumann architectures
004.3 Computer hardware
004.3`1/`2 Special auxiliary numbers for hardware
004.3`1盗墓片ps旋转画布 Production of computers
004.3酷点星空`2 Computer installations
004.31 Processing units. Processing circuits
004.32 Computer pathways
004.33 Memory units. Storage units
004.35 Peripherals. Input-output units
004.38 Computers. Kinds of computer
004.4 Software
004.4`2/`6 Special auxiliary numbers for software
004.4`2 Software development tools
004.4`4 Programming language translation
004.4`6 Runtime environment
004.41 Software engineering
004.42 Computer programming. Computer programs
004.43 Computer languages
004.45 System software
004.49 Computer infections
004.5 Human-computer interaction. Man-machine interface. Ur interface. Ur environment
004.51 Display interface
004.52 Sound interface
004.55 Hypermedia. Hypertext
004.58 Ur help
004.6 Data
004.62 Data handling
004.63 Files
004.65 Databas and their structures
004.67 Systems for numeric data
004.7 Computer communication. Computer networks
004.71 Computer communication hardware
004.72 Network architecture