1、Throughout the colonial period there was a remarkable shortage of women, which varied with the regions and was always greatest in the frontier areas. This shortage enhanced women's status and position and allowed them to pursue different careers. The puritans regarded idleness as a sin, and believed that life in an underdevelopment country made it necessary that each member of the community performed an economic function. Thus work for women was not only approved but also was regarded as a civic duty. Puritan town councils expected widows and independent women to be lf-supporting. There was no social prohibition against married women working; on the contrary, wives were expected to help their husbands in their trade and won social approval for doing extra work in or out of the home.
(1)、What does the passage mainly discuss?
C:Colonial women's employment.
(2)、According to the passage, where in colonial North America were there the fewest women?
C:Frontier ttlements.
(3)、It can be inferred from the passage that the Puritans were ______.
(4)、According to the passage, Puritans believed that an unmarried adult woman should be ______.
A:financially responsible for herlf
(5)、According to the passage, what did the Puritans expect from married women?
B:They should assist in their husbands' trade or business.
2、Halloween (October 31) is a holiday widely celebrated with different names in many c
ountries. Although it originated as a religious holiday, it has lost its religious connections in the United States. It is now celebrated largely as a children's day, and many American children look forward to it for days and weeks beforehand.
(1)、What does Halloween originate from?
C:A religious day.
(2)、What is the symbol of Halloween?
(3)铜蓝鹟、The holiday was celebrated in the following ways some years ago EXCEPT ______.
B绵绵小雨:receiving treats of candy, fruit or cookies
(4)、Why do children collect money in the Halloween?
船到桥头歇后语D蒸包子要蒸多久:They want to help other children.
(5)、The collection box is dyed orange becau ______.
C:orange is the color of pumpkins
3、Human needs em endless. When a hungry man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat, when a manager gets a new sports car, a big hou and pleasure boats dance into view.
(1)、According to the passage, man will begin to think about such needs as housing and clothing only when ______.
C:he has satisfied his hunger
(2)、It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War II, most Americans ______.huyang
D:did not own automobiles
(3)、Which of the following is NOT related to "physical satisfaction"?
A:A successful career.
(4)、What is the main concern of man on the fourth level?
C:The more mental satisfaction the better.
(5)、The author tends to think that the fifth level ______.
B:may be a lot more desirable than the first four
4、Though some people have suggested that women should return to houwork in order to leave more jobs for men, the idea has been rejected by both women and men in public opinion polls. Lately some union officials have suggested that too many women are employed in type of work more suitable for men and that women should step aside to make way for unemployed young men. They argue that women - especially women in their childbearing years actually delay economic development and result in lower productivity, poor quality and inefficiency.
(1)、Some union officials have suggested that women should return home becau ______.
B:their participation in work has a bad influence on the economic development
(2)、Some union officials have suggested that if women resign their jobs, ______.
C:the male employees in their families should receive double wages夏天诗词
(3)、According to the passage, the suggestion that women should return to houwork was ______.
A:oppod by most men and women
(4)、According to the passage we can e "phad employment" means ______.
D:women are allowed to take leave from their jobs during their childbearing years
(5)、Bad on the "phad employment" theory, during a woman's leave from her job ______.
B:her family's income level will be a little lower than it normally is
世事一场大梦5、Many studies have identified a strong link between suicide and diagnosable mental illness, especially depression. So, becau women suffer from depression at a much higher rate than men, they would em to be at higher risk for suicide. Yet, women actually commit suicide about one-fourth as often as men.