The king of football
This is the story of a boy who grew up to be a great footballer. His name is pele, and hewas born in brazil. He played in four world cups between 1958 and 970 and he is probably themost famous footballer ever.
This is how it all happened…
Chapter 1 pele dream(梦想)
It all started in 1940 when pele was born in a small village.
Pele’s father was a professional(职业)footballer, but a rious injury(一次重伤)meant(意味)that he never made much money from the game(从来没有靠踢球挣很多钱).So pele’s family was quite poor.
Pele did lots of jobs to help his parents. But he also played football in the streets with hisfriends.
He decided(决定了)he wanted to be a footballer like his father. Pele’s mother didn’tlike the idea.
Chapter 2 pele plays for santos
Nothing was going to stop pele making his dream come true(阻止贝利实现他的梦想).He played for veral(几个)local(当地的)teams, then at the age of 15 he was givenatrial(得到一个试用的机会)byabigclub(足球俱乐部)calledsantos.Hewasverytalented(有天赋的), and santos took him on(收下了他).
Pele’s mother cried when pele told her, it meant her son would have to leave home to livein the city.
校花我爱你Pele was homesick(想家)too. But he stuck it out(坚持了下来), and he soon had hisreward(奖赏,回报). He scored a goal(踢进了一个球)in his first game for team.C
微信请柬hapter 3 pele-the black pearl(黑珍珠)
It was the first goal of many . within a year(一年之内), pele had a scored 32 goals forhis club.
Then he was chon to play for his country(被调选代表他的国家参加比赛), brazil. inhis first two international games(头两场国际比赛), he scored three goals.apr几月
Soon football fans(球迷们)started calling him” the black pearl”.
Pele was still(依然)only 16. There was a world cup coming up(即将举行)in Sweden(瑞典), and he wondered if(想知道是否)he would be picked for the team(被选中成为队员).
He listened cloly(用心听、仔细听)when the players were announced(宣布运动员名
单的时候)on the radio(广播里)..he had to sit down(他激动得都站不起来了)when he heard his name.
Pele was 17 when he arrived in Sweden in 1958.he was the youngest(最年轻的)playerin the Brazilian team(巴西队). He was quite small for a footballer(当足球运动员个子相当小), and very skinny(干瘦), but everyone was expecting great things from him(期待他能大放异彩).
Chapter 4 pele’s first world cup
Pele had a knee injury(膝盖有伤), and he didn’t play(直到。。才上场)until brazil’sthird game, against the soviet union(对苏联队). Buthe scoredagoalinthe nextmatchagainst wales(接下来对威尔士的比赛), a 1-0 win(一比零获胜).
Then,inthemi-finalgame(半决赛)againstFrance,pelescoredabrillianthat-trick-three(完成了一次精彩的帽子戏法) goals in one game!
Thanks to pele, his country’s team was in the world cup final.
Chapter 5 champions(冠军)of the world!
BrazilwereplayingagainstSweden.Thegamestartedbadly(开场很糟糕)forbrazil-Sweden were leading(领先), 1-0. But before long(不久)brazil were 2-1 in the lead(领先). Then, in the cond half(下半场), pele scored twice(两次).
Inthe end(最后)brazil won 5-2-they were the champions of the world!Pele’steammatescarriedhimroundthepitchontheirshoulders.Itwasawonderfulmoment.
But there were troubles ahead….
诚信伴我成长Chapter 6 injury
Pele became famousall around the world(全世界). He travelled to(前往)manycountries with santos. He played almost 100 matches(打了几乎100场比赛)a year. It was第2页共2页
very tiring(雷人)and very hard on the body of a young player.
Then in the 1962 world cup in Chile(智利), pele played in the first game, but he wasinjured in the cond.
Now he was out of the tournament(退出了锦标赛).
Pele watched sadly(伤心地)as brazil went on(继续)to win the cup without him. Hewondered if he would ever play for brazil again.
Pele did recover(确实康复了), and he did play for brazil again in the world cup inEngland in 1966. But everything went wrong for(对。。来说,一切都出了问题)brazil andfor pele.He became injured again and was fouled(被判犯规)time after time(屡次).Brazil lost(输了失利了)-they were out(出局了).
England won the final, but a sad pele was already back in brazil.
Chapter 7 goal 1000!(第1000个球)
This time pele was so tired he said he would never play in another world cup. He knewhe would always be a target for the hard men in other teams(其他球队恶人的目标), and hedidn’t want to be badly hurt.
For a while(有一段时间),pele thought that football might have lost its magic…(可能已经丧失了它的魔力)
But pele’s love of the game was bound to(注定要)return. He kept playing for Santos,and he kept scoring goals(进球得分).
Then, in 1969, he hit the net for the 1000th
time! Pele was 29, a married(已婚)manwith children, and now the most famous and important player on earth(世上).Another world cup was coming up in Mexico(墨西哥)in 1970. Pele was asked to play,and he almost said no . then he changed his mind(改变了主意)and said yes. He left he stillhad something to prove(还要证明什么东西).