姓名:Justin Geiman
毕业院校:美国马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland College Park)
组织及职称:马里兰特许消防工程师;国际放火调查员协会(IAAI)- 认证火灾调查员;美国国家酒精、烟草、枪弹和爆炸物管理局(ATF)火灾研究实验室-前火灾研究工程师;ATF全美应急响应行动组成员
文展示了在火灾调查过程中,如何使用在科学方法的框架内对证人证言进行分析,该方法由美国国家防火协会921标准(NFPA 921 - 注释1)推荐使用。这种分析类型适用于起火点的假设检验。
Systematic Analysis of Witness Statements for Fire Investigation
01 文章介绍政府采购制度
Fire investigation consists of both an examination of the fire scene and an analysis of other sources of information such as interviews of emergency responders, building occupants and other bystanders that may have information relevant to the fire. Eyewitness accounts provide information on the conditions that existed before, during, or after the fire. As NFPA 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations points out [1], this type of information, while not a substitute for a fire scene examination, is a necessary part of an investigation that is complementary to a thorough and scientific scene examination. NFPA 921 identifies witness information as one of the sources of information to be considered by investigators in determining the origin of a fire. All witness to a fire should be interviewed, if possible. In most cas, multiple witness statements will need to be considered, along with information obtained during the scene examination and an analysis of the fire dynamics, to determine the origin of a fire.
协会921标准(NFPA 921)指出,虽然这种类型的信息不能替代火灾现场勘查,但是,它是火灾调查的必要组成部分,并能够为全面、科学的火灾现场勘查作出补充。美国国家防火协会921标准明确指出,火灾调查人员在确定起火点范围时,应该将证人证言作为重要的参考信息。尽可能对所有火灾现场的目击证人进行访问。在大多数案件中,需要认真考虑多个目击证人的证词,并且结合在火灾现场勘查中获取的信息以及对火灾动力学的分析,最终确定起火点。
While NFPA 921 provides general guidelines for evaluating the reliability of this type of information, it does not provide specific recommendations for asssing it within the framework of the scientific method. Investigators evaluate the quality of the information obtained from witness as part of their investigation.
虽然美国国家防火协会921标准(NFPA 921)提供了指导方针以评估这类证人证言的可靠性,但该标准没有在科学的框架之内给出具体的建议来评估证人证言的可靠性。火灾调查人员在调查过程中,对证人证言的质量进行评估。虽然有必要对证人进行访问,但是如果在访问过程中不注意细节,则会产生偏见(bias)。确认偏见(confirmation bias),是火中国科技博物馆
灾调查和科学领域中经常讨论的主题。确认偏见一般定义为:带着对已有的信念、期望或者假设的倾向,试图寻找或者解释证据。在科学方法的框架下进行假设检验,目的是证明假设不成立。当火灾调查人员试图证明一种假设成立而非不成立的时候,他们就会忽视其他的假设,产生确认偏见(confirmation bias)。
分析证人证言过程中也会存在一定的认知偏见(bias),具体形式为:“抛锚固定式”和“采樱桃式——择优而取”。在本文中,抛锚固定式意味着,过度依赖一些证人证言。这类现象是认知偏见中一种常见的形式,并且已在2009年美国国家科学院发布的“加强美国之路——法庭科学”报告中指出。“采樱桃式”是选择性地挑选信息片段,旨在选择支持假设的信息而忽视其他证明该假设为伪的证人证言。Lentini, Avato和Cox三位专家提出一种方式来规避潜在的认知风险,他们建议在火灾现场勘查结束之后,开展对证人证言和相关言辞类信息的分析。
The approach outlined in this paper involves using witness information to test hypothes of the fire origin generated during a scene examination. To illustrate the implementation of the approach, a ca study is prented. On January 16, 2007 a fire occurred at the C
astle West Apartments, a 129 unit apartment building in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The wood framed building consisted of three levels of apartments, labeled A, B, and C in Figure 1.
2007年1月16日,在美国科罗拉多州斯普林斯市一幢公寓起火,该公寓共有129间住户。该建筑为三层木制结构,在图示1中显示为A, B, C。A层为一层,B层和C层依次为二层和三层。消防系统未作出及时反应,没有自动喷水,也没有监测到火灾报警信号。应急灯分布在公寓走廊和楼梯内,使用充电电池的烟雾探测器分布在整个公寓走廊和一些单元内。火灾导致2人死亡,13人受伤,6名消防员受伤,建筑物定损估值6百万美元。下列机构对这起火灾展开调查:
1. 美国国家酒精、烟草、枪弹和爆炸物管理局(ATF)的国家响应队(NRT)
2. 美国国家酒精、烟草、枪弹和爆炸物管理局(ATF)丹佛区域分队
3. 科罗拉多斯普林斯市消防局
4. 科罗拉多斯普林斯市警察局
5. 科罗拉多州调查局
6. 埃尔帕索郡法医局
7. 第四司法区检察官办公室
8. 科罗拉多城市搜寻与救援队
02 方法
The goal of the approach outlined in this paper is to provide an objective methodology to comprehensively analyze statements made by witness to a fire as a tool to assist in tes
ting fire origin hypothes. While this method may not be practical in all investigations, it is a particularly uful tool in complex investigations of large-loss fires involving high-occupancy buildings such as apartments, shopping malls, or theaters where there are a large number of witness.
1. 对证人进行访问,以获取信息
2. 用一种有助于分析的方式整理与组织这些信息
3. 对证人提供的信息进行内容分析
死心塌地爱着你4. 展示结果
5. 分析证人证言,以此对起火点进行假设检验
03 访问证人
The ability of witness to accurately recall obrvations from a fire scene generally decreas as time goes by, and as post-event sources of information such as media reports or discussions with family become available [7].
3.1 访问正确的问题
For investigators performing the interviews, it is recommended that a consistent t of questions be developed and ud. The questions asked of a witness may need to be tailored to the particular scene itlf, but consistency in the question t will facilitate conducting the analysis and will likely provide more uful results.