
更新时间:2023-05-29 14:41:23 阅读: 评论:0

The basic requirement of accounting information is the reaction of economic activity’s authenticity. However, as development of economy, the influence of financial fraud to authenticity of accounting information is growing, and it has become a common phenomenon and noteworthy social issues. The exposure of many well-known companies’financial fraud problem let us realize that the means of financial fraud have become diversified, and the harm being further deepened. Listed companies' financial fraud behavior not only blows to investor confidence, but also destroys the order of curities market. Therefore, it is esntial to punish, prevent and resolve the financial fraud.
Experts from our country and foreign countries have studied the issues of financial fraud’s identification and governance, but as our country’s condition is different from Western countries’, it is not reasonable to copy the Western theory directly. Therefore, this paper us normative rearch a芸芸众生造句
nd ca study method to discuss the identification and governance of financial fraud in China’s listed companies.
Firstly, in the part of normative rearch, the paper summarizes the reasons and pressure which lead to fraud, a variety of means of financial fraud and describes the fraud identification signals.
Secondly, in the ca study ction, the paper analyzes financial fraud ca of Unisplendour Guhan Group Co.,Ltd comprehensively. It us financial statement analysis method to analyze the company’s financial indicators during the time of fraud as well as the impact of financial fraud to the company in recent years. Besides, this paper also makes a contrast of Unisplendour Guhan and Jiuzhitang Co.,Ltd. to help us get a better understanding about identification and influence of financial fraud.
Finally, the paper gives related suggestions on how to solve the problem of China's listed companies’financial fraud from the perspective of audit, regulatory, external regulators, internal governance, supervision of public opinion as well as other investors.
Keywords:Listed companies,Financial fraud,Identification signal,Governance of fraud,Financial statement analysis
第1章绪论 (1)
1.1 研究背景和意义 (1)
1.2 研究思路及框架 (2)
1.2.1 研究思路 (2)
1.2.2 研究框架 (3)
1.3 研究方法 (3)
1.4 可能的创新点 (3)
第2章文献综述 (5)
2.1 国外研究现状 (5)
2.1.1 财务舞弊识别研究 (5)
2.1.2 财务舞弊动因研究 (6)
2.1.3 财务舞弊手段研究 (6)
2.1.4 财务舞弊治理研究 (7)
2.2 国内研究现状 (7)罗马第一季
2.2.1 财务舞弊识别研究 (7)
2.2.2 财务舞弊动因研究 (8)
2.2.3 财务舞弊手段研究 (8)
2.2.4 财务舞弊治理研究 (9)
2.3 国内外研究评述 (9)
第3章财务舞弊相关概念与综合分析 (11)
3.1 财务舞弊内涵 (11)
3.1.1 定义 (11)
3.1.2 财务舞弊相关概念辨析 (12)
3.1.3 财务舞弊种类 (13)
3.2 上市公司财务舞弊动因 (14)
3.2.1 上市公司舞弊压力 (14)
3.2.2 上市公司舞弊机会 (16)
3.2.3 上市公司舞弊文化 (18)
3.3财务舞弊手段 (18)
3.3.1购进业务环节 (19)
3.3.2销售业务环节 (19)
3.3.3关联交易环节 (21)
3.3.4 货币资金结算环节 (22)
3.3.5 其他手段 (22)
3.4财务舞弊识别信号 (23)
3.4.1 运营信号 (23)
3.4.2 市场信号 (24)
3.4.3 财务信号 (24)
3.4.4 管理层信号 (25)
第4章财务舞弊案例分析 (26)
吊唁是什么意思4.1紫光古汉背景介绍 (26)
4.2紫光古汉财务舞弊案情况简介 (26)
4.3 舞弊期间基本财务比率分析 (29)
4.3.1 盈利能力分析 (31)
4.3.2 成长能力分析 (34)
4.3.3 偿债能力分析 (35)
4.3.4 营运能力分析 (37)
4.3.5 长期融资能力分析 (38)
4.4 财务舞弊对紫光古汉的后续影响 (39)
4.4.1 对企业股票的影响 (39)
4.4.2 对盈利能力的影响 (41)
4.4.3 对企业转型的影响 (43)
4.4.4 紫光古汉后续发展困境 (47)
4.5 与九芝堂的对比分析 (48)
4.5.1 利润表对比分析 (48)
4.5.2现金流量表对比分析 (52)
4.5.3 资产负债表对比分析 (54)
4.5.4 企业财务状况整体评价 (57)
4.6 紫光古汉财务舞弊手段及成因 (58)
4.7 案例启示 (59)
第5章上市公司财务舞弊治理对策 (61)
5.1 审计视角下财务舞弊治理对策 (61)
5.1.1对购进业务环节财务舞弊的审计策略 (61)
5.1.2对销售业务环节财务舞弊的审计策略 (61)
5.1.3对关联交易环节财务舞弊的审计策略 (62)
5.1.4对货币资金结算环节财务舞弊的审计策略 (62)
生活阳台5.2 制度视角下财务舞弊治理对策 (63)
5.2.1证券市场制度的完善 (63)
5.2.2信息披露制度的完善 (63)
5.2.3法律法规的完善 (64)
5.3 外部监管部门视角下财务舞弊治理对策 (64)
5.3.1加强证监会监管力度 (64)
5.3.2加强注册会计师协会监管力度 (65)
5.3.3完善政府部门监管职能 (65)
5.4 企业内部治理视角下财务舞弊治理对策 (66)
5.4.1公司治理结构的完善 (66)
5.4.2内部审计监督的完善 (67)
5.5 舆论监督视角下财务舞弊治理对策 (67)
5.6 投资者监督视角下财务舞弊治理对策 (68)
第6章结语与本文局限性 (69)
6.1 结语 (69)
6.2 本文存在的局限性 (70)
参考文献 (71)
致谢 (74)
个人简历 (75)

本文发布于:2023-05-29 14:41:23,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:舞弊   财务   研究   治理
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