摘要..............................................................III 文献综述 (1)
绪论 (11)
一、问题的提出及其研究意义 (11)
二、问题研究状况及其评价 (12)
三、本文的研究对象、研究方法及内容结构 (14)
四、本文研究的重点、难点及创新点 (18)
第一章恩格斯晚年自然观要解决的主要问题 (19)
一、进一步划清马克思主义自然观与旧唯物主义自然观的界线 (19)
(一)划清与古代原始的朴素自然观的界线 (19)
(二)划清与近代机械的形而上学自然观的界线 (20)
二、总结和反思自然科学和哲学社会科学的新成果 (21)
(一)总结和反思自然科学的新成果 (21)
(二)总结和反思哲学社会科学的新成果 (25)
三、系统阐述马克思主义自然观 (28)
第二章恩格斯晚年自然观的建构方法 (31)
一、把自然界及其变化过程当作实践去理解 (31)
二、把人对自然界的改造过程当作主客体对立统一关系去理解 (32)
三、把人、自然、社会当作有机体去理解 (33)
皇州四、把自然科学当作物质生产方式的内在要素去理解 (34)
第三章恩格斯晚年自然观的构成要素 (37)
一、逻辑起点:劳动创造人类历史 (37)
二、思想中介:对自然科学研究和现代工业状况的反思 (38)
三、理论内核:实践基础上自然史与人类史的双向互动 (39)
四、思维框架:人、自然、社会的统一关系及其历史展开进程 (40)
五、理论目标:完善作为世界观的哲学 (41)
第四章恩格斯晚年自然观的基本内容 (43)
一、自在自然的先在性与人化自然的建构性 (43)
二、自然与人及其活动的关系 (45)
(一)人与自然相互影响、相互制约 (45)歌曲老歌
护士ppt模板(二)人类活动展开的规律性 (47)
(三)建设共产主义是解决人与自然矛盾的现实途径 (48)
孩子哭闹三、自然与社会历史的关系 (51)利水渗湿
(一)自然史演变与社会历史发展的辩证运动 (51)
(二)劳动对人及其历史的创造与劳动的自然界限 (52)
四、自然界与自然科学的关系 (53)
(一)自然科学对自然规律的揭示 (53)
(二)自然科学的自然界限 (55)
第五章恩格斯晚年自然观的贡献与不足 (57)
一、恩格斯晚年自然观的贡献 (57)
(一)突出和强调了辩证思维方式在自然观理解上的重要性 (57)
(二)深入揭示了自然界与人类社会相联系的辩证图景 (58)
(三)从唯物论和辩证法相统一的角度完善了马克思主义自然观 (59)
纸球二、恩格斯晚年自然观的不足 (60)
(一)对自然观中某些观点的表述不够准确 (60)
(二)对马克思某些哲学思想的阐释过于简单化 (63)
参考文献 (65)
致谢 (69)
在校期间发表论文情况 (71)
II 第四章,挖掘和概括恩格斯晚年自然观的基本内容。恩格斯晚年自然观的基
A study of Engels’ late natural view
Major: The developing history of Marxism
Instructor: Professor Hu Liu
Author: Xue Qianyu
The dialectical materialist view of nature is an important component of Marx's Philosophy, and its basic idea has been propod by Marx and Engels in the beginning of the creation of Marxist philosophy, but its systematization is initially completed by Engels in the late of 1870s. Engels’“Dialectics of Nature”and “Anti-Dühring”are important symbol of the dialectical materialist view of nature preliminary to systematically establishing. There are various explanations and interpretations in the study of Engels' late natural view, which has played an extremely important role in promoting people's understanding and dismination of Marx's Philosophy, but there are also some misunderstanding and misinterpretation. So, this article returns to Engels’ text of the natural co
ncept in his later years, combined with the division of Marx and Engels, and objectively analyzes its natural view. It is of great significance to carry out an in-depth study of Engels' natural outlook in his later years and to make appropriate evaluation, and it is also important to promote the understanding and interpretation of the whole Marxist philosophy. This article mainly elaborates and analyzes Engels' natural outlook in his later years from five aspects.
Chapter One, it clarifies the main problems to be solved in order to construct the Marxist view of nature in Engels’ later years. (1) It is necessary to further clarify the line between the Marxist view of nature and the old view of naturalism, including the ancient view of nature and modern metaphysics; (2) it needs to make a natural summary of the new achievements by the natural sciences and the philosophy and social sciences;
(3) Marx and Engels did not focus on discussing the view of nature in the early days, so it needs to elaborate on the Marxist view of nature comprehensively.
Chapter two, it illustrates specific methods of constructing the natural view in Engels' later years. The method of construction of Engels' natural view is esntially the same as Marx's construction of the natural view. Engels made a more concrete play,