Regulations on the Safety Administration of Dangerous Chemicals
Regulations on the Safety Administration of Dangerous Chemicals 【法规变迁史】
(Decree No.344of the State Council of the People's Republic of China was issued on 26th January 2002,and revid by the 144nd Executive Meeting of the State Council on 16th February
第⼀章总则 (3)
第⼆章⽣产、储存安全 (10)
第三章使⽤安全- (21)
第四章经营安全 (23)
第五章运输安全 (30)
第六章危险化学品登记与事故应急救援 (41)
第七章法律责任 (45)
第⼋章附则 (68)
安监总局总⼯黄毅对新修订5处重⼤修改条款解释: (70)
Chapter I General Principles (3)
ChapterⅡSafety of Manufacture and Storage (10)
ChapterⅢSafety of U (21)字和字节的区别
ChapterⅣSafety of Operation (23)
ChapterⅤSafety of Transportation (30)
Chapter VI Registration of Dangerous Chemicals and Emergency Rescue of Accidents (41)
Chapter VII Legal Liability (45)
Chapter VIII Supplementary Rules (68)
State Administration of Work Safety(SAWS)’s chief engineer,Huang Yi explained the5major terms newly revid as below (70)
Chapter I General Principles
第⼀条为了加强危险化学品的安全管理,预防和减少危险化学品事故,保障⼈民群众⽣命财产安全,保护环境,制定本条例。Article1In order to strengthen the control over safety of dangerous chemicals,to prevent and reduce the accidents from dangerous chemicals,to guarantee the people’s life and property safety and to protect the environment,the regulations are hereby enacted.
Article2The safety administration of production,storage,u,operation and transportation of dangerous chemicals were applied to this ordinance.
The disposal of the wasted dangerous chemicals shall be governed by the relevant laws,other administrative regulations and national provisions concerning about environmental safety.
Article3“Dangerous chemicals”as referred to herein include toxic chemicals and other chemicals which have the properties of poison,corrosion,explosion,burning and combustion supporting etc.,and
will be harmful for human body,facilities and environment.
The List of Dangerous Articles should be determined,promulgated and adjusted according with the identification and classification of their risk characteristics by the administrative department in charge of production safety supervision and management jointly with the administrative departments of industry and information technology,public curity,environmental protection,
health,quality supervision inspection and quarantine,transportation,railway,civil aviation and agriculture etc.of the State Council.
Article4The management of dangerous chemicals should adhere to safety and prevention first, comprehensive treatment approach to strengthen and implement the main responsibility of enterpris.
The personnel chiefly in charge of units that manufacture,store,u,deal in and transport of the dangerous
chemicals(hereinafter referred to as the“units of dangerous chemicals”)must guarantee the overall safety administration.
The units of dangerous chemicals shall meet the safety requirements of laws,administrative regulations,industrial standards,and establish and complete the management rules and regulations,job safety responsibility system,their employees must take part in the training for the relevant safety,legal and posts technical know-how.All employed persons shall be educated and trained,only tho passing the examination may hold their posts;For qualified positions,only the pers
ons having relevant certificates may hold the posts.
第五条任何单位和个⼈不得⽣产、经营、使⽤国家禁⽌⽣产、经营、使⽤的危险化学品。Article5Any units and personnel should not manufacture,deal in,u of the dangerous chemicals that their production,operation and u are banned by the State.
For the u of the dangerous chemicals that restricted by the provisions of the State,any units and persons should not violate the restrictions to u such chemicals.
Article6The relevant departments in charge of supervision and administration of the
manufacture,storage,u,operation,transportation of dangerous chemicals(hereinafter referred to as the“departments in charge of supervision and administration of dangerous chemicals”)shall fulfill their responsibilities according to the following:(⼀)安全⽣产监督管理部门负责危险化学品安全监督管理综合⼯作,组织确定、公布、调整危险化学品⽬录,对新建、改建、扩建⽣产、储存危险化学
(1)The administrative department in charge of safety production and supervision will be responsible for overall work for administration and supervision of safety of dangerous chemicals,organize the determination,publishing,adjustment of the catalogue of dangerous chemicals,examine the safety conditions of construction projects for new established, reconstructed,expanded production,and storage of dangerous chemicals(including the dangerous chemicals using long pipe delivery),be responsible for issuance of the licens for safety production of dangerous chemicals,safety usage of dangerous chemicals,and operation of dangerous chemicals,and be responsible for registration of dangerous chemicals.
(2)The public curity organs shall be responsible for the public curity control over dangerous chemicals,be responsible for the issuance of hyper-toxic chemical purcha licens and road transportation pass for hyper-toxic chemicals,be responsible for supervision over the safety of the
road transportation of dangerous chemicals (三)质量监督检验检疫部门负责核发危险化学品及其包装物、容器(不包括储存危险化学
(3)The administrative departments in charge of quality supervision,inspection and quarantine shall be responsible for the issuance of the manufacture licens of dangerous chemicals and their packing materials as well as containers(excluding fix type large tank for dangerous chemicals,hereinafter as same)to manufacture enterpris for industrial production,be responsible for the supervision over the quality of products,and be responsible for the inspection of import&export dangerous chemicals and their packages.
(4)The administrative departments in charge of environmental protection shall be responsible for the
supervision and administration of the disposal of wasted dangerous chemicals,be responsible for the identification of the environmental hazards and risks of dangerous chemicals,determination of the implementation of key environmental management of dangerous chemicals,be responsible for the environmental management of registration of dangerous chemicals and new
chemicals;investigation of relevant chemical environmental pollution accidents and the ecological damage incidents according to detail responsibilities,be responsible for emergency environmental monitoring of the sites of dangerous chemical accidents.
(5)The transport administrative department of the State shall be responsible for the licensing of
highway and waterway transportation of dangerous chemicals,and the safety control of their means of transport,be responsible for qualification determining of drivers,sailors,loading and unloading man
agement personnel,transport escorts,declares,and on-site container inspector from units for highway and waterway transportation of dangerous chemicals.The railway administrative department shall be responsible for the safety management of railway transportation for dangerous chemicals,be responsible for the qualification examination of carriers,consignor for dangerous chemicals and their means of transport.The civil aviation administrative department shall be responsible for the safety management of air transportation, air transportation enterpris and their means of transport.
(6)The administrative departments in charge of health shall be responsible for the management of identification of toxicity of dangerous chemicals,and be responsible for organization and coordination of medical and health rescue of the personnel who are injured due to accidents of dangerous chemicals.
(7)The administrations for industry and commerce shall,in accordance with the licens of the releva
nt departments,issue the business licens for units that manufacture,store,deal in,or transport dangerous chemicals,and investigate and deal with illegal acts of the procurement of dangerous chemicals for units that deal in dangerous chemicals.
(8)The administrative departments in charge of post shall be responsible for the investigation and dealing with the behavior of nding dangerous chemicals by post.
第七条负有危险化学品安全监督管理职责的部门依法进⾏监督检查,可以采取下列措施:Article7The relevant departments in charge of supervision and administration of dangerous chemicals may exerci the following powers in the cour of supervision and examination
according to law:
(1)To enter into the operating sites of dangerous chemicals to make the spot examination,to learn the relevant information from the personnel concerned,and to inspect and copy relevant documents
and information;
(2)To order the parties concerned to eliminate the hidden risks of accidents of dangerous chemicals forthwith or within a specified time limit when such risks are discovered;
(3)To order the parties concerned to cea forthwith the u of facilities,equipment,apparatus, and means of transport that fails to meet the relevant laws,regulations,rules,and national standards,industrial standards bad on evidence;
(4)To clo down the sites which illegal produce,store,u,deal in dangerous chemicals after the approval by main responsible person from the relevant departments,to detain the dangerous chemic
als that produce,store,u,deal in,and transport illegally and the raw materials,facilities,transport tools ud to illegal produce,u,and transport dangerous chemicals;
(5)To make corrections on the spot,or to order the parties concerned to make corrections when finding the illegal acts.
并应当出⽰执法证件;有关单位和个⼈对依法进⾏的监督检查应当予以配合,不得拒绝、阻碍。The departments in charge of supervision and administration for dangerous chemicals shall take the works of supervision and examination according to law,the persons who responsible for supervision and examination shall not less than2,and shall show their certificates;the relevant units and personnel shall coordinate to the supervision and examination according to law without refusal or hindrance.
Article8The people’s governments higher than the county level shall establish the coordination systems for supervision and administration of safety of dangerous chemicals,to support, supervi the departments in charge of supervision and administration of safety of dangerous chemicals on duty according to laws,to coordinate,solve the important problems concerned in the management of supervision and administration of safety of dangerous chemicals.
The departments that in charge of the responsibility of supervision and administration of safety of dangerous chemicals shall coordinate to,cooperate mutually to strengthen the administrative work of supervision and administration of safety of dangerous chemicals according to law.
Article9Any unit and personnel may report the behaviors that against the Regulations to the departments in charge of the responsibility of supervision and administration of safety of dangerous
chemicals.When the departments in charge of the responsibility of supervision and administration of safety of dangerous chemicals received the reports,they shall deal with timely; the concerns excluding with their responsibility shall be transferred to relevant departments to
process timely.
Article10The State encourage manufactures that produce dangerous chemicals and enterpris that u the dangerous chemicals to apply advanced technology,technique, facilities,and auto-control systems to benefit the improvement of the safety insurance level,the dangerous chemicals shall be encouraged to adopt special storage,uniform distribution and concentrate sales.
ChapterⅡSafety of Manufacture and Storage
Article11The Sate carries out the integrated management,rational distribution for manufacture and storage of dangerous chemicals.
The administrative departments in charge of industry and information technology of the State Council and other relevant departments shall in accordance with their responsibilities,be responsible for making the industrial planning and distribution of manufacture and storage of dangerous chemicals.
The organizers of people’s governments at local level shall make the urban and rural planning, according to the local actual situation;allocate the appropriate areas to be specialized for the manufacture and storage of dangerous chemicals in accordance with the principle of ensuring safety.