The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative
Market Rearch Ref.: K22/15-192 Appendix A
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The Government of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
(N.B.: This tender is covered by the Agreement on Government Procurement of the World Trade Organization)
Supply of Legal Publications (Other Than Tho Published by
Sweet & Maxwell Group & LexisNexis Group)
Terms of Tender (Supplement)
电影死寂1. Tenderers are requested to note that GLD-TERMS-1 (July 2003) of the Standard
Tender Terms and General Conditions of Contract is applicable to
this Tender.
2. Quotation
(a) Tenderers are requested to specify their Trade Discount offered in Schedule A of
Appendix B for the duration of the Contract.
(b) Tenderers are requested to quote percentage of Trade Discount offered on the
publishers’ listed prices in the Schedule for consideration. Tenderers should
note the requirements in Clau 3(a) of the Special Conditions of Contract that
all postal, air freight and local delivery charges shall be absorbed by the
(c) Tenderer may offer rvice charge for the publications from publishers which
offer no trade discount nor any benefits to them. In such ca, Tenderers are
required to submit such book lists together with Tender documents
evaluation. However, the Government rerves the right to reject such offer and灯具品牌排行
Tenderer’s attention is also drawn to the requirement of Price List specified in
Clau 6(b) of the Special Conditions of Contract.
(d) Payment will be made in Hong Kong Dollars as specified by Tenderers and
agreed by the Director of Government Logistics. If a publication is published
in currency other than Hong Kong currency, the published list price of cost shall
be converted into Hong Kong Dollars and the conversion rate of Hong Kong
Dollars to the specified currency applicable to this Contract shall be the official
opening lling rate quoted by the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation
Ltd. However, Tenderers must clearly specify the basis for conversion to Hong
Kong Dollars for payment and the date at which the conversion rate will apply,
(i) Date of order;
(ii) Date of invoice;
(iii) Date of delivery of Goods ex-stock / shipment / postage; or (iv) Date of payment by the Government.
N.B. Should this date fall on a Sunday or Public Holiday, the exchange rate
索尔尼仁琴ruling on the nearest working day preceding this date shall apply.
Market Rearch Ref.: K22/15-192 Appendix A
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(e) Unless agreed to the contrary, the conversion rate of Hong Kong Dollars to the
specified currency applicable to this Contract shall be the official opening
lling rate quoted by the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd.
ruling on the date specified in Clau 3(d)(i) above.
(f) The successful Tenderer shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary
foreign exchange for the subscription of periodicals.
3. Prices Quoted
Pursuant to Clau 3(b) of the Terms of Tender of GLD-TERMS-1 (July 2003), ANY
4. Asssment of Tenders
长气>德州市疫情(a) Tenderers are requested to note that the criteria of asssing the most economical
offer are bad on the highest trade discount and/or commissions offered on the
publishers’ net list prices and also in compliance with the requirements as
stipulated in Clau 3 of the Special Conditions of Contract. For price
罗技g100comparison purpos, any prompt payment discount offered by Tenderer in
Schedule B will not be taken into consideration in the tender price asssment.
(b) Tenderers are requested to note that this Tender will be considered on an overall
basis for Items 1 and 2 in Schedule A. Incomplete offers will not be considered.
Item 3 in Schedule A is an optional requirement.
(c) Tenderers are requested to quote a fixed discount only for Items
1 and
2 in
Schedule A and this fixed discount apply to all means of delivery. Tenderers with
alternative terms of discount other than the fixed discount as specified in Schedule
A will not be considered.
(d) For information of Tenderers and for the purpo of price asssment, the
estimated 2-year order value is HK$6.06M. Details are as follows : Market Rearch Ref.: K22/15-192 Appendix A
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For large order
Despatch HK equal to or over
By Air Publications 50 copies per text
1. Law Books (Including Supplements)
(i) U.K. Publications 530,695.00 N.A. 204,000.00
天津供暖(ii) H.K. Publications N.A. 60,084.00 N.A.
(iii) Publications other than U.K./H.K 335,794.00 N.A. N.A.