第一篇:英语作文——With the development of the times
With the development of the times, the pace of the economy quickly, youth unemployment has now become one of the most popular topics in society.A large number of young people cannot find a job after leaving shool.It goes without saying that youth unemployment needs to be tackled urgently, but this important task is anything but easy.why a large number of young people who are leaving school find it difficult to get a job.I think that is compod of the following reasons:
1、Particularly, youth unemployment spells a variety of hardships in a society that is powerless to create jobs.2、As unemployment balloons, competition among young individuals for jobs also ris.3、More and more companies require students have more pro-job experiences, but due to the heavy workload, resulting in no time to practice.4、Many companies are no longer needs interns,becau they are no energy to do the training.5、Not everyone can have the condition to go to school, becau they had no tech
nical ability in a professional line and is very difficult to find a job.6、Becau the work is becoming more and more mechanized, just rely on manual labor is reduced and so on.Unfortunately, ways to create jobs for young people em to be mostly slow and often ineffective.For instance, some governments decide to take austerity measures, contrary to the argument that to cut public spending in the prence of high unemployment would be to ignore the lessons of history that are specifically not in favor of young people looking for jobs.Neither is entrepreneurship a promising option for graduate employment becau the precarious character of working for onelf does not suit everybody.On the other hand, not every school leaver acquires sufficient skills needed for the labor market, which implies that part of the long-term pro-job campaign should begin at school in the first place.Further, the supply and demand of jobs for young people are very important steps, as en in some societies that face a lack of personnel in technology and natural sciences, but have a surplus of students in human and social sciences.All in all, tho are challenges for individuals and the society as a whole in the light of the current economic recession in which young graduates are being verely affected.The government should
do more to ea the pressure of employment for young people, young people should start from their own, learn the skills, learn to endure hardship.
1.The Great Wall(长城)
The Great Wall was built in ancient China.It is the world's longest human-made structure, about 6000 kilometers long.As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall has become the symbol of the Chine nation(中华民族).A Chine saying(谚语)goes like this,“ You are not a true man until you get to the Great Wall.”(不到长城非好汉)
Lots of beautiful stories about the Great Wall took place during its construction,such as Meng Jiangnu's story.Meng Jiangnu was a beautiful woman.Meng's husband was caught by government and nt to build the Great Wall.She misd her husband very much after he was taken away.she decided to t off to look for him.Unfortunately, by the time she reached the great wall, she found that her husband had already died.Hearing the bad ne
听话的反义词ws, she burst into tears(流泪).Her howl([haul]嚎哭)caud the collap([kə'læps] 倒塌)of a part of the Great Wall.2.The Terracotta(['tɛrə'kɑtə]陶)Army(兵马佣)
The Terracotta Army was known as the greatest discoveries of the 20th centuries in china.It is located in Xi'an, a historical and cultural city ofNorthwest China.The Terracotta Army had lain underground for more than 2000 years before it was discovered in 1974.Itis a part of Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum([mɔsə'liəm]陵墓).Qin Shihuang was the first emperor(['ɛmp枸杞岛旅游攻略ə国内国际时事rɚ]皇帝)of a united China.He wanted to build a special tomb to show he was the greatest emporor.So he made two million workers to dig four holes and put many statues(['stætʃu] 雕像)of soidiers,hors and war-coaches(战车)into the holes.The anciant Chine people thought the “Army” can protect the emporor in his afterlife.(古代中国人认为那些军队可以在秦始皇死后继续保护他)
Every year,many visitors from China and other contries come to visit The Terracotta Army Muum.In 1998,the former(['fɔ小妇人英语读后感rm孕妇能睡电热毯吗ɚ]前任的)U.S.President Bill Clinton(美国前总统克林顿)together with his wife Hilary(希拉里)and daughter visited Terracotta Army Muum.
Bill Clinton said he wished he could be the curator([kju'retɚ] 馆长)of the Terracotta Army Muum.(克林顿说他多么希望能是兵马俑博物馆的馆长)
相声满腹经纶3.The Four Great Inventions
As we all know,The Compass(指南针),Gunpowder(火药),Papermaking,and Printing are our Chine great inventions.Our ancestors(['ænsɛstɚ]祖先)created them by their own mind and hand.The inventions not only have an effect on our daily life,but also contribute to the culture all aroud world.(这些发明不仅仅影响我们的日常生活,同时也对全世界作出了贡献)
But which is the most uful and practical invention to us? I think the compass is more important than the others.Becau of it,we can know our country,our world.With the help of the compass, Columbus([k两个天堂ə'lʌmbəs]哥伦布)found the new land.With the help of it,we know that the earth is like a ball.Having the compass,we can e the earth clearly.We can say that without the invention of the compass,there can not be a colourful world.(我们可以说没有指南针的发明,就不会有这个丰富多彩的世界)
4.Shanghai 2010 World Exposition([ekspə'ziʃən]博览会)
One year ago ,Shanghai 2010 World Expo was held in our country.The World Expo has a long history but it had never been held in a developing country(发展中国家)before.As a chine,I felt very proud([praud]自豪).In my opinion, the Expo was a large and grand ceremonies.I like China Pavilion([pə'viljən]中国馆)best.China Pavilion was designed in the style of traditional Chine architecture(中国馆设计成传统中国建筑风格).Ithas a
distinctive roofwhichlooks like a crown.So China Pavilion is called “oriental crown” as well.Its main colour is red which reprents the spirit of Chine culture.The theme([θim] 主题)of the Expo was “Better City, Better Life”(城市让生活更美好).It provided china with an important chance(它给中国提供了一个重要机遇).Great changes have taken place in china and more and more people throughout the world are focusing(focus ['fokəs] 聚焦)their attention on china now.(中国发生了巨大变化,越来越多来自世界各地的人将眼光聚焦于中国)