
更新时间:2023-05-29 03:07:47 阅读: 评论:0

1.Nothing good comes easy.好事多磨
3.I'm doing you a favor: 我是在帮你忙呀!
do a favor帮个忙~
后浪漫4.I’m in study room.我在⾃习室
lf-learning room或Self-study room都可以
5.Ask him yourlf. 你⾃⼰问他吧。
6.I've been acting like I'm okay, but I'm not.我⼀直假装没事,其实不是。act like: 举⽌像…
7.Is there someone in there?⾥⾯有⼈吗?
8.It doesn't mean anything这说明不了什么
9.I can't keep it up. I'm exhausted我不能再这么下去。我累了。
keep up: 保持exhausted: 疲惫的
10.Wonderful. There's even an empty at.太好了还有个空座呢。~~~ 长期坐公交屌丝必备
wonderful: 极好的empty: 空的
scatterbrain(注意⼒不集中的⼈、糊涂⾍),说的再难听点就是你简直没⼤脑... ⾝边这种scatterbrain还是很多的!
12.50-50 shot: ⼀半⼀半
这个事情你有把握吗? 50-50 shot: ⼀半⼀半.或者翻译成50%的⼏率
< freaking way: 搞错没,开什么玩笑?
14.“凑热闹”这个词在英语中可以⽤词组come along for the ride来表⽰
它的意思是:to join in an activity without playing an important part in it。例⼦My boyfriend loves this rock band, he has booked two tickets for the concert tonight, but I just came along for the ride.
15.idgaf其实就是I don't give a fuck的缩写,意思是我才不在乎,管它呢!相当于我们平时常说的I don't care,与I don't give a shit意思相同。
有时可以去掉字母i,写成dgaf,例如"I dgaf about her".,意思是我才不在乎她。
吞拿鱼寿司A: Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend
B: idgaf
16.I've got a uful contact in the office我上边有⼈(还记得武林外传⾥出书的⽼太太的那句:我上边有⼈~).形容有内部关系~~ contact: 联系⼈。也可以指熟⼈。颧骨读音
17.What the hell did you hear?(你究竟听到了什么?)
what the hell: ⽤以加强语⽓或咒骂,究竟,到底。
18.Stop being so mushy!别那么⾁⿇!
It's the people who love you you're the hardest on: 对那些爱你的⼈,你恰恰是最苛刻。
hard on⽤来表⽰对……刻薄
20.I feel headache ,naua and vomiting 我头晕恶⼼想吐
21.I am getting diarrhea我腹泻
diarrhea n.腹泻,拉肚⼦
22.It's tacky 俗⽓
It's just a little tacky ,not fashionable.有点俗。不时髦
23.Go ahead,make my day.(来吧,让我也⾼兴⾼兴。)
make somebody's day: 使某⼈⾼兴,使某⼈⼀天⾮常快活。
24.He's smoking hot!他⾝材真好!
我的初三生活作文这句话只适⽤于男⽣的⾝材,为什么叫smoking hot,我也不知道,呵呵
直接说He's hot! 也可以,男⼥通⽤。
25.Out of my way: 让开!别挡着道!
26.It's tacky 俗⽓
It's just a little tacky ,not fashionable.有点俗。不时髦
27.He is a playa 交过很多⼥朋友的⼈
playa: 交过很多⼥朋友的⼈
Ripe在这⾥表⽰⽠果的成熟,夏天买西⽠,有时买到的只是half-ripe(半⽣不熟),⼀点⼉都不甜。Ripe还可以⽤来指抽象的“成熟”,⽐如The time is not yet ripe.(时机尚未成熟。)但ripe old age则指的是“⾼龄、晚年”。
劳动定员29.Here goes nothing 中⽂⾥很难找到完全对应的说法,有点像: “好了,不管那么多了,就这样吧。”
30.kick one's butt: 教训某⼈⼀番,给某⼈⼀点颜⾊看看
kick your butt.给你点颜⾊看看以前有同学翻译成give you some color e
31.As often as not the bus are late on rain day.⼀下⾬公交车就晚点
as often as not=often as not: (more often that not) very often
As often as not he forgets his homework.他往往忘了做家庭作业。
32.That's a girl/boy: 真乖。对对⽅亲昵的称呼。
33. wife and child in tow: 拉家带⼝
in tow意思是“拖着,在⼀起”
34.I'm done: 我受够了
/doc/69deaf6e8e9951e79b8927c0.html your price:开个价吧
36.he's flirting with every girl in this room,他到处跟⼥孩调情。
37.So boring, how about we all head back to my crib instead?真⽆聊,不如
crib 的意思是⼩⼉床,在这⾥被俚语为我家,我的⼩窝
好难吃!吃到很难吃的东西,第⼀个反应就是Yuck! 或是It's yucky. 记得说这个yuck 的时候要拖的长长
的,像是yuuuuuuuck ,听起来才会像。另外跟yucky 很像的⼀个词叫icky ,也是难吃的意思。所以下次再吃到什么不好吃的东西时,不妨⼤声地说Yuuuuuuuuuck! 或是Iiiiiiiiicky!
Yum.好吃。跟yuck 正好相反的就是yum 这个词了。好吃的东西⼀⼊⼝,你就可以说Yum! Yummy 也是同样的意思。
39.Bite me!滚蛋
是⼀种⽐较粗俗的表达,和中⽂⾥的“滚蛋”差不多,⽐较礼貌⼀点的说法有go away和leave me alone,和中⽂“⼀边⼉去,别来烦我!”差不多。
40.If only you knew about it.你要是知道就好了。
if only:要是...多好。例如:If only he could come! 要是他能来多好!
41.You must come in person.你必须亲⾃来in person亲⾃
另外in person还有外貌上的意思。You look so much younger in person意思就是“您本⼈看上去更年轻些”
42.He is an alpha male.他是男⼈中的男⼈。
alpha male:alpha是希腊字母的第⼀个字母,即居统治地位的,占主导地位的男性。He is an alpha mal也就是纯爷们43.drag someone ⽣拉硬拽
She had to be dragged into eing the dentist.(要她去⽛科医⽣那⾥看病⾮得⽣拉硬拽不可。)
44.I haven't slept a wink 我压根就没睡着
45.Act your age别没⼤没⼩的
act one's age就是指“举⽌与年龄相称”,有时也⽤be one's age来表⽰,⽤来形容孩⼦⽓
46.He's straight:他是直男
直男的意思是不是同性恋, 不是GAY.
straight: 直男。Heteroxual,异性恋的,反之则为gay(homoxual,同性恋的)
47.Would you by any chance have change for 5?你能找换5元钱的零钱吗?
by any chance常⽤于问句,询问是否真实、可能等,可以翻译为“或许,可能”
48.Hay, check that out!快看那边
美国生活费不要总说look at it了
49.Just a little off topic there.有点跑题了
off topic 就是跑题的意思
50.It is all Greek to me.我对此⼀窍不通。
51. good eye:好眼⼒
good eye的意思是好眼⼒,不是好眼睛
52.he goes mental 他简直⽓疯了
go mental: ⽓疯了
53.What's all the kerfuffle (about)? 这怎么乱哄哄的
kerfuffle: 骚乱,混乱
54.On the pill 的意思是正在服⽤⼝服避孕药
pill 在⼝语中有特定含义!“⼝服避孕药”的意思。
55.take pen, forget character 提笔忘字
56.without a shadow of a doubt: 毫⽆疑问。
57.Man, that English test was a doozy. I think I failed.⽼兄,这英⽂考题太难了,我想我挂了。
58.Her family must be loaded她家⼀定很有钱。
be loaded装满的,在这暗⽰有钱
Did you e the car that drove her to school today? Her family must be loaded.
59.I'll go bananas 我要疯啦~
I'll go bananas if I have to do the homework again.
这个词可能起源于go ape。⼤概是起源于20世纪初期。⼈们可能很容易把灵长类动物和⾹蕉联想起来,因此go bananas是暗指go ape.
60.She is a carbon copy of her sister.她跟她姐姐长得⼀模⼀样
carbon copy以表⽰“极相像的⼈;极类似的事”
61.She is a drama queen她就喜欢⼩题⼤做
drama queen喜欢⼩题⼤做的⼈。
62.You rock 你真⽜b
或You're really something!你真⽜b
63.I have ants in my pants for the coming exam on Tuesday.
裤裆⾥有蚂蚁ants in their pants.坐⽴不安
64.Everyone has a little dirty laundry每个⼈都有⼀些脏⾐服的含意是每个⼈都有不可告⼈的秘密
相当于“Everyone has a skeleton in his clot”。
65.Quit it ,OK?!别闹了好吗
你⼼烦的时候还有⼈和你开玩笑,或者打闹就可以说这句Quit it,或者说leave me along.
66.Look smart!快点,赶快
He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, outwardly kind but inwardly vicious!
“披着⽺⽪的狼(wolf in sheep's clothing)”。这指的是某⼈扮得像个好⼈,但其实是个坏蛋
68.He sure as hell did it. 肯定是他⼲的。
表⽰“肯定⽆疑”的词组在⼝语中还有很多,如as sure as a gun。看⼀下例⼦:As sure as a gun, this is he. 没错,准是他。as hell起到加强语⽓的作⽤。我们在⼝语中也可以⽤as+adj.+as hell来加强语⽓。例如:I'll be as normal as hell.(我会尽量表现得⾮常正常。)
69.Stay on the line. 别挂电话。
stay on:留下来,再待⼀会⼉
70.He was so hard on me last night.他昨晚对我很凶。
Hard这个字在美国⽤的很多,hard 的意思就是说态度很差,对某⼈很凶,对某⼈很刻薄,或是对⼈很严格都可以⽤这个词。所以He was so hard on me last night简单地说就是他昨晚对我不好,可能是对你发脾⽓,或是对你态度很差。Hard也可以指让你觉得很难去调适的状况。例如考试没考好你可以说I didn't do it well in the test. It's so hard for me. 要安慰别⼈的话,可以说No hard feelings,就是说别放
在⼼上。例如我同学考试没考好,我就可以安慰他“No hard feelings, I believe you are gonna ace it next time.”。
71.It's just that she' cheap.She's beneath you.
cheap: 低级的,俗⽓的beneath: 在...之下
72.She is a flat chested girl她是平胸
另外教⼤家⼏个次bra sizes罩杯。⼤胸怎么说呢?常看美剧,就会知道的~~嗷嗷
73.That's a big no.“绝对不⾏。”
Big 这⾥⽤来表⽰强调,意思是“断然地,完全地,确切⽆疑地”。还是第⼀次见到这样的说法,学到了That's a big no.“绝对不⾏。”

本文发布于:2023-05-29 03:07:47,感谢您对本站的认可!



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