36. 他的病情好多了。
[误] His sick condition is much better.
[正] His condition is much better.
雨的诗词 注:在英美⼈看来,sick 只是⼀种⽆意义的重复,因为去掉它以后意思⼀亲清楚,⽽且还更地道。我们甚⾄可以更简单地翻译为 He is much better。
37. 经常给我写信。
[误] Write letters to me often.
[正] Write to me often.
注:中⽂动宾结构的宾语在翻译成英⽂时常常省略,因为这些英语动词本⾝已经包含了中⽂宾语的意思,不⾔⾃明,除⾮需要强调,否则可以省略,不省略反⽽与英语习惯不符。上⾯的例句就是个很好的例⼦。⼜如:“你会唱歌吗”(Can you sing);“我会付钱给你”(I’ll pay you);“他花很多时间读书”(He spends a lot of time reading)等。
菊花的样子 38. 挑战者以0⽐4的⽐分输了与冠军队的那场⽐赛。
[误] The challengers lost the game by zero to four to the champion.
[正] The challengers lost the game by nil to four to the champion.
注:zero 和 nil 虽然都可以表⽰“零”,但 zero 多⽤于电话号码或邮政编码,⽽ nil 则特指⽐赛的⽐分。同样,0⽐0就应该翻译成 nil to nil。
恋繁体字承担责任作文 39. 在⼀次具有历史意义的表决中,北京羸得了申办奥运会的机会。
[误] In a historical vote, Beijing won the bid for the Olympics.
[正] In a historic vote, Beijing won the bid for the Olympics.
注:historic 表⽰“历的,有历史意义的”,⽽ historical 则表⽰“有关历史的,历史学的”。
40. 你读没读过菲尔丁的经典长篇⼩说《汤姆.琼斯》?
[误] Have you ever read Fielding’s classical novel Tom Jones?
[正] Have you ever read Fielding’s classic novel Tom Jones?
注:classic 即可作形容词,表⽰“经典的,第⼀流的”,⼜可作可数名词,表⽰“经典作品”;⽽ classical 却是⼀个没有⽐较级和级的形容词,常指“(建筑,⽂学,⾳乐等⽅⾯)古典的,传统的”。