1. Bible creates man using what substance? Dust
2. Who are the two elder children of Adam and Eve?Cain, Abel
3. Why does god decide to flood the earth? Becau man is weak and evil
4. What type of bird is first relead from the ark in arch of dry load?Raven
5. What does god nd as a sign of the covenant after the flood? Rainbow
6. What does the word babble mean?Cannot speak clearly
7. Who is the father of Ishmael?Abraham
8. What was Sarah’s name before she became Sarah?Sarai
9. God promis not to destroy Sodom if Abraham can find how many good, righteous people? Ten
10. What does lot’s wife turn into when she looks back on the destruction of Sodom and Go
morrah? Pillar of salt
11. Who is the son of Abraham?Ishmael or Isaac
12. Why does Jacob wrestle with an angle of god?A symbol of Jacob's inner struggle to trust God to protect him.want the angel to bless him
13. Who is the cond youngest son of Jacob? Joph
14. What is the Pentateuch?First five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
15. Which one of Joph’s brothers persuades his brothers to throw Joph into a cistern (well) instead of killing him? Reuben
16. What do Joph’s brothers give to their father to make him think Joph has died? Robe
17. Why is Joph thrown into prison by pharaoh?Joph grows up to be a very good-l
ooking man, and Potiphar’s wife wants him to lie down with her. But Joph knows this is wrong, and he won’t do it.Potiphar’s wife is very angry. So when her husband comes home, she lies to him and says: ‘That bad Joph tried to lie down with me!’ Pharaoh believes Potiphar's wife, and he is very angry with Joph. So he has him thrown into prison.
18. Why are Joph’s brothers first nt to Egypt? Ask for food
19. In exodus, on mount horeb/Sinai, god appears to Mos in the form of what? The Burning Bush
20. Who is the brother of Mos? Aaron
21. Which prophet tells god he cannot do his will becau he is a poor public speaker?Mos
22. Which driver does Mos turn into blood during the plague of blood?The Nile River
23. During the plague of the firstborn, god kills the firstborn sons and the firstborn of what type of animal? Cows
24. After the Jews escape from pharaoh, god goes ahead of them by night in the form of a pillar of what? Fire
25. In order to escape from Egypt Mos performs a miracle by parting the waters of what a?The Red Sea
26. What two things are carved into the cover of the Ark of the Covenant?Two Angels/cherubim
27. What is the Ark of the Covenant?The Ark of the Covenant is a vesl mentioned in the Old Testament that was ud to carry the tablets containing the Ten Commandments.
28. What is one name for the god of the Hebrews? Jehovah
29. In Joshua, the Hebrews sound what type of instrument to collap the walls of Jericho? Trumpet
30. In Judges, what is the physical source of Samson’s power? Hair
31. In judges, Samson kills what type of animal with his bare hands?A Lion
32. Hebrews are battling which group of people? Philistines
33. In judges, Samson kills 3000 philistines using what type of unique weapon? Donkey/ass
凉糕怎么做34. In judges, what do the philistines do to Samson after his hair is cut off? 周记50字He was captured by the Philistines, who gouged out his eyes, and made him grind grain in prison.柿子果酱
35. In judges, what’s the name of the god the philistines worship?Dagon
36. Name 3 books of the New Testament.Hebrews, Matthew, Revelation
37. What is the name of Ruth’s mother-in-low?Naomi
38. What is the name of Ruth’s husband? Boaz
39. What is the name of the 华尔街日报中文版philistine giant David defeats? Goliath
40. Name 3 Hebrew kings.Saul, David, Ahab, Solomon
41. Fill in the blank “the lord is my shepherd, I shall not----” want
42. In Jonah, how long does Jonah live inside the fish? 3 days and 3 nights
43. In Mathew, who is the husband of Mary?Joph
44. In Mathew, what’s the name of the king who orders the soldiers to find and kill the Christ child? Herod
45. Who baptizes Jesus? John
46. Name 3 miracles Jesus performs.Walking on the Water, Healing dia, Calming the stormy a
成人礼47. In Mathew, Jesus casts out demons and puts them in what type of animal? Pigs/swine
48. According to Jesus, only under what condition may a man divorce his wife?His wife has infidelities.啤酒品牌
49. In Mathew, the last supper is in celebration of what Jewish holiday?Passover
50. What happens to Judas after he betrays Jesus? Hang himlf