
更新时间:2023-05-28 22:14:56 阅读: 评论:0

500 most ud Spanish verbs
1. abatir - to knock down, to overthrow, to throw down
2. abrasar - to burn, to t on fire
3. abrazar - to embrace, to hug; to clamp
4. abrir - to open
5. absolver - to absolve, to acquit
6. abstener - to abstain
7. aburrir - to annoy, to bore, to vex
8. aburrir - to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary
9. acabar - to finish, to end, to complete
10. acelerar - to accelerate, to speed, to hasten, to hurry
11. aceptar - to accept
12. acercar - to bring near, to place near
13. acercar - to approach, to draw near
14. acertar - to hit the mark, to hit upon, to do (something)
right, to succeed in, to guess right
15. aclamar - to acclaim, to applaud, to shout, to hail
16. aclarar - to explain, to clarify, to make clear, to rin, to
17. acompa?ar - to accompany, to escort, to go with, to keep
18. aconjar - to advi, to counl
19. acordar - to agree (upon)
20. acordar - to remember
21. acostar - to go to bed, to lie down
22. acostumbrar - to be accustomed
23. acuchillar - to knife, to cut, to flash, to cut open
24. acudir - to attend, to be prent frequently, to respond (to
a call), to come to the rescue
25. acusar - to accu
26. adelantar - to advance, to keep on, to progress, to go ahead
27. adelantar - to go forward, to go ahead, to move ahead,
to take the lead
28. adivinar - to divine, to foretell, to guess
29. admirar - to admire
30. admitir - to admit, to grant, to permit
31. adoptar - to adopt
32. adorar - to adore, to worship
33. adquirir - to acquire, to get, to obtain
34. advertir - to advi, to give notice, to give warning, to take
notice of, to warn
35. afeitar - to shave onelf
36. agarrar - to grasp, to obtain, to ize, to catch, to clutch, to
come upon
37. agitar - to agitate, to wave, to shake up, to stir
38. agotar - to exhaust, to u up
39. agradar - to plea, to be pleasing
40. agradecer - to thank, to be thankful for
41. agrandar - to enlarge, to grow larger, to increa
42. agravar - to aggravate, to make wor
43. agregar - to add, to collect, to gather, to aggregate, to collate
44. agrupar - to group
45. aguardar - to expect, to wait for
46. ahorrar - to economize, to save
47. alcanzar - to reach, to overtake
48. alegrar - to be glad, to rejoice
49. almorzar - to lunch, to have lunch
50. alquilar - to hire, to rent
51. alumbrar - to illuminate, to light, to enlighten
52. alumbrar - to be (get) high, to get tipsy, to become lively
(from liquor)
53. alzar - to heave, to lift, to pick up, to rai (prices)
54. amar - to love
55. a?adir - to add
56. andar - to walk
57. anunciar - to announce, to foretell, to proclaim
公务员考试报名条件58. apagar - to put out (flame, fire), to extinguish, to turn off
(flame, fire, light)
59. aparecer - to appear, to show up
60. aplaudir - to applaud
61. apoderar - to take power, to take posssion
62. apreciar - to appreciate, to apprai, to esteem
63. aprender - to learn
64. apresurar - to hasten, to hurry, to rush
65. aprobar - to approve, to pass a test
工作联系函标准格式66. aprovechar - to take advantage, to avail onelf
67. apurar - to fret, to grieve, to worry
68. arrancar - to root up (out), to pull up (out), to tear off (away), to snatch
69. arreglar - to fix, to arrange, to adjust, to regulate, to ttle,
to repair
70. arrojar - to fling, to hurl, to throw
71. articular - to articulate, to pronounce distinctly
72. agurar - to assure, to affirm, to asrt, to insure
73. asir - to ize, to grasp
74. asistir - to attend, to assist, to be prent
75. asustar - to be frightened, to be scared
76. atacar - to attack
77. atener - to rely on, to depend on
78. atraer - to attract, to allure, to charm
79. atravesar - to cross, to go through, to run through
80. atrever - to dare, to venture
81. avanzar - to advance
82. averiguar - to find out, to inquire, to investigate
新生儿0到15天的吃奶量83. ayudar - to help, to aid, to assist
84. bailar - to dance
哈萨克族85. bajar - to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend
86. balbucear - to stammer, to hesitate in speech
87. ba?ar - to bathe onelf, to take a bath
88. barrer - to sweep, to whisk
89. bastar - to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice
90. bautizar - to baptize, to christen
91. beber - to drink
92. bendecir - to bless, to concrate
93. borrar - to era, to cross out
94. bostezar - to yawn, to gape
95. botar - to fling, to cast (away), to throw (away), to launch
96. broncear - to bronze, to tan
97. bullir - to boil, to bustle, to hustle, to stir
98. burlar - to make fun of, to poke fun at, to ridicule
99. buscar - to look for, to ek
100. caber - to be contained, to fit into
101. caer - to fall
102. caer - to fall, to fall down, to tumble
103. calentar - to heat (up), to warm (up)
104. callar - to be silent, to keep quiet
105. calzar - to shoe, to wear (shoes), to put on (shoes) 106. cambiar - to change
107. caminar - to walk, to move along
108. cansar - to become tired, to become weary, to get tired 109. cantar - to sing
110. caracterizar - to characterize
111. cargar - to load, to burden
112. casar - to get married, to marry
113. celebrar - to celebrate
114. cenar - to have supper, to eat supper
115. cepillar - to brush
116. cerrar - to clo
117. certificar - to certify, to register (a letter), to attest
118. charlar - to chat, to prattle
119. chistar - to mumble, to mutter
120. chupar - to suck
121. cocinar - to cook
122. coger - to ize, to take, to grasp, to grab, to catch
123. colegir - to collect
124. colgar - to hang (up)
125. colocar - to put, to place
126. comenzar - to begin, to commence, to start
127. comer - to eat
暑假社会实践128. componer - to compo
129. comprar - to buy, to purcha
130. comprender - to understand
131. conducir - to lead, to conduct, to drive
132. confesar - to confess
133. conocer - to know, to be acquainted with
134. conguir - to attain, to get, to obtain
135. constituir - to constitute, to make up
136. construir - to construct, to build
137. contar - to count, to relate, to tell
138. contener - to contain, to hold
139. contestar - to answer, to reply
140. continuar - to continue
141. contribuir - to contribute
142. convencer - to convince
143. convenir - to agree, to convene
144. convertir - to convert
145. convocar - to call together, to convene, to convoke, to summon
146. corregir - to correct
147. correr - to run, to race, to flow
148. cortar - to cut, to cut off, to cut out
149. costar - to cost
150. crecer - to grow
151. creer - to believe
152. criar - to breed, to rai, to bring up (rear)
153. cruzar - to cross
154. cubrir - to cover
155. cuidar - to take care of onelf
156. cumplir - to fulfill, to keep (a promi), to reach one's

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