Sustainable Development
忐忑不定The idea of sustainable development has been accepted by the world.How to keep sustainable development is a big problem facing our planet.The prent situation is worrying.First£¬natural resources are becoming less than before.Second£¬as some people are not aware of the importance of the environmental protection£¬the problems with it remain extremely rious to some degree.The gap between the rich and the poor has the tendency to become wider and wider.To our great joy£¬many countries have taken action.On one hand£¬they have made relevant laws and regulations and put large amounts of money to the environmental protection.One the other hand£¬popularized education as well as international cooperation is being carried out.As for mylf£¬I should take the responsibility to devote mylf to sustainable development£¬our future and the lives of our children and our grandchildren will be in danger.
Sustainable development of tourism Nowadays, tourism has become the most powerful development industry in many countries.It meets the tourist demand and promotes socio-economic and cultural development.But, at the same time, it also produces a negative impact on environmental resources, and has caud rious environmental damage, led to the tourism resources gradually degraded or disappeared.what’s more, this crisis has also deeply related to social, cultural, economic and psychological and so on.For example, water pollution caud by wage and solid waste, which emissions by the hotels and other tourist rvice facilities;the air pollution results from the excessive u of modern means of transport in tourism activities.Sustainable Tourism stresd the moderate development of tourism resources, and the intra-generational equity and intergenerational equity, bad on the combination of immediate and long-term interests.It also emphasis on the protection of tourism resources and the environment, has become an inevitable choice for the development of tourism.First,Strengthen tourism Eco-Environmental Protection.I believe that awareness of protecting tourism envi
ronment can accelerate the growth of tourism.And this requires that people must be thoroughly update the traditional values ,and improve the tourism developers、managers and tourists awareness of environmental protection, so as to promote the in-depth and sustained development of sustainable tourism.Second,tting up a specialized convention to regulate the development of sustainable tourism.International community should make special global environmental convention to deal with this question by drawing lessons from existing regional convention.This is the only effective legal measure to promote sustainable tourism development.Finally, optimizing the structure of tourism industry.By this, We can promote the tourism development.In order to promote suitable development of tourist-area ,How to optimize tourist-system is a very great task of tourism-study.Some eco-principles can provide uful ways and especial angels to the problem's ttlement.In addition , the trend of tourism and the market demand of tourism also are the important factors that influence the direction of the tourist resources exploration.Therefore, we must explore the tourist resources to meet market demand and keep up with the trend of tourism to promote tourism sustainable development.Sustainabl
e Tourism as an inevitable choice for the development of tourism, is a hot topic in tourism industry currently, and also will be the mainstream in the 21st century international tourism.We shall bring up tourism as an important industry in China's national economy, properly protect and utilize our tourism resources and try to achieve sustainable tourism development.
(一)公平性原则 可持续发展强调人类需求和欲望的满足是发展的主要的目标。公平性原则即机会选择的平等性,主要包括以下三方面:(1)同代人之间的横向公平性,要给世界以公平的分配和发展权,要把消除贫穷、贫富悬殊、两极分化作为可持续发展进程特别优先的的问题来考虑;(2)代际间的公平即时代之间的纵向公平性。人类赖以生存的自然资牛一定律
演讲稿100字源是有限的,本代人不能以自己的发展与需求而损害人类世世代代满足需求的条件——自然资源与环境。(3)公平分配有限资源 各国拥有着按其环境与发展政策开发本国自然资源的主权,并负有确保在其管辖范围内或在其控制下的活动不致损害其他国家或在各国管辖以外地区环境的责任。
(二)可持续性原则 可持续性是指生态、环境系统受到某种干扰时能保持其生产率的能力。资源和环境是人类人类生存与发展的基础和条件,资源的永续利用和生态系统的可持续性的保持是人类持续发展的首要条件。人类确定自己的消耗标准必须在生态可能的范围内。可持续性原则与公平性原则是密切相关的。
(三)共同性原则 实现可持续性发展必须采取全球共同的联合行动。发展共同的认识,提高共同的责任感,既保证所有各方的利益又保护全球环境与发展体系。
(四)需求性原则 即要满足所有人的基本需求,向所有人提供实现美好生活愿望的机会。主要包括三种需求:(1)基本需求:维持正常的人类活动所必需的基本物质和生活资料;(2)环境需求:人类在基本需求满足后,为了使自己的身心健康、生活更和谐所需求的条件;(3)发展需求:基本需求得到满足后,人类为了使生活更充实和进一步向高层次发展