每一轮太阳的升起都会开启新的一天一个全新的开端With every sun comes a new day. A new beginning.
一份希望相信今天会比昨天更美好 A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday.
但对我来说不是这样我叫小伊But not for me. My name is Eep. 这是我的家人咕噜一家And this is my family, the Croods.
要是你看到我们身上披的动物皮毛和我们倾斜的额头If you weren't clued in already by the animal skins
还是一头雾水的话我就直说了我们是山洞人and sloping foreheads, we're cavemen.
我们大多时间都住在山洞里一片漆黑NMost days we spend in our cave, in the dark.
夜复一夜日复一日Night after night, day after day.
再怎么样也是家嘛Yep, home sweet home.夜以继日
实在不得已外出时我们要在这个残酷的敌对世界中拼命觅食When we did go out, we struggled to find fo
od in a harsh and hostile world.
而我负责拼命保护我的家人And I struggled to survive my family. 我们是这里最后剩下来的原始人了本来是有邻居的NWe were the last ones around. There ud to be neighbors.
高特一家惨死在一只猛犸脚下NThe Gorts, smashed by a
霍克一家被一条沙蛇吞下了肚NThe Horks, swallowed by a sand snake.
厄夫一家被蚊子叮死了NThe Erfs, mosquito bite.
斯洛格一家普普通通的感冒NThrogs, common cold.
还有咕噜一家也就是我们NAnd the Croods, that's us.
咕噜一家之所以活了下来全因为我爸爸NThe Croods made it, becau of my dad.
他很强壮而且他守规矩NHe was strong, and he followed the rules.
普洱茶有保质期吗那些画在山洞墙壁上的规矩NThe ones painted on the cave walls. 任何新鲜事物都是不好的好奇心是不好的NAnything new is bad, curiosity is bad.
夜晚外出是不好的基本上任何有意思的都是不好的NGoing out at night is bad. Basically, anything fun is bad.
欢迎来到我的世界NWelcome to my world.东江漂流
但这个故事是关于所有那些如何在瞬间发生翻天巨变NBut this is a story about how all that changed in an instant.
因为我们不知道我们的世界...NBecau what we didn't know was that
就要终结了Nwas about to come to an end.
而山洞墙壁上的规矩里可没写到这些NAnd there were no rules
on our cave walls to prepare us for that.
千元机排行榜你应该等我暗号的小伊?NYou are suppod to wait for my signal. Eep?
哦! 不!NOw! No!
我们都在洞里闷了一辈子了NWe've been in that cave forever.
三天可不算一辈子NThree days is not forever.
在咱们家就算NIt is with this family.
小伊你能下来吗? 你一惊一乍的NEep, would you come down here? You're being so dramatic.
别珊迪回这儿来NNo, Sandy, come back here.
记着暗号等暗号的才是好姑娘乌嘎NRemember the signal. Good girls wait for the signal. Ugga.
我一抓到珊迪就回去然后你再给暗号NAs soon as I get Sandy, I'll go back in, and you can give the signal.
不我是说你现在已经出来了NNo, I mean, you're already out now.
老爸我等着你的暗号呢NI'm waiting for the signal, Dad.
无所谓了坦克出来就是了NNever mind, Thunk. Just come out. 但你要是不给暗号我怎么知道你是不是我爸?NBut if you don't give the signal, how do I know you're my dad?安全标语大全
暗号不是为了让你确认是我NThe signal isn't so you know it's me.
是为了证明我还没被什么动物吃掉NIt's so you know I wasn't eaten by an animal.
那为什么还把暗号弄成动物叫? 这样不会眉毛胡子一把抓吗?NThen why is the signal an animal noi? Doesn't that just confu things?
我不管我还等着我的暗号呢NI don't know. I'm still waiting for the signal.
妈我们该走了NMom, we're ready to leave.
还活着呢NStill alive.
还早着呢NIt's still early.
而你还是那么胖NAnd you're still fat.
早餐编队!NBreakfast formation!
我要看到货真价实的山洞人行动我们速战速决NI want to e some real caveman action out there. We do this fast.
我们大张旗鼓我们举家合作NWe do this loud. We do this as a family.
永远不忘恐惧心!NAnd never not be afraid!
耶早饭NYay, breakfast.
谁上?NWho's up?
我们投掷决定她在空中的时候喊正反NWe'll flip for it. Call her in the air.
反坦克上到位NTails. Thunk is in. Positions.
上啊坦克NCome on, Thunk.
干得漂亮带回山洞NWay to go. Take it to the cave.
快放娃娃去追!NRelea the baby!
追上他们珊迪! 上!NGet them, Sandy! Go!
追上他们老妈!NGet them, Mom!
老婆子不行了小伊为我复仇!NOld lady down! Eep, avenge me! 感激不尽NThanks.
注意了!NHeads up!
嘿老爸咱们能现在吃吗?NHey Dad, can we eat now?
等一回家就吃NJust wait till we get home.
小伊刹车了NEep, put on the brakes.
- 有谁饿了? - 好样儿的! 老爸N- Who is hungry? - All right! Good one, Dad.
给你坦克喝吧NHere you go, Thunk. Drink up.