庐 隐
The Wonderful U of Boasting
Lu Yin
鲁达当和尚打一成语Boasting is a kind of megalomania. Though moralists may call it a human failing, it does, however, rve extremely uful purpos in social intercour. Without the capability for boasting, you will be looked down upon by even a rickshaw puller, to say nothing of finding a good job.
Becau of their earnest and down-to-earth approach to work, Westerners are, in the eyes of Chine smarties, next door to idiotic. They are being laughed at by Chine smarties for the tremendous amount of energy they put into their activities. While westerners go about whatever work they do methodically and patiently, never dreaming of reaching great heights in one step, we Chine are always given to eking a shortcut and regard the ability to boast as the master key to it.
Boasting is an esntial art of life just as hyperbole is an indispensable rhetorical figure. The Tang poet Li Bai’s famous lines “The Yellow River comes from the sky” and “My white hair of thirty thousand feet” are examples of hyperbole, which, to tho who know little about the art of hyperbole, may sound like a gross exaggeration on the part of poet.
That boasting is of extremely great u to one is beyond doubt. Man is a queer animal. Suppo you tell someone the plain truth about a certain matter without holding anything back, he will probably laugh at you scornfully instead of returning a congenial respon. On the other hand, suppo, penniless as you are, you brag unabashedly to somebody who knows little about you, “Minister So-and-So is a good friend of my father’s, ” “Politician So-and-So is my grandpa’s sworn brother, ” “I know a certain business tycoon very well, ” or “My wife is a nominally adoptive sister of a certain warlord’s fifth concubine.” The listener will adore you like a deity or may even, at an opportune moment, respectfully treat you to a big dinner featuring edible bird’s nest!
People of every description, being aware of the ufulness of boasting, are doing all they
can to put it into practice. But wait a minute! You’ve got to know enough about the person you are boasting to. Otherwi, you’ll make a bungle of it and fail to touch a chord in his or her heart. Suppo you meet an unknown writer or a young student who worships men of letters and you want to pretend to be a nior, all you have to say is that Hu Shih is a clo friend of yours or that Yu Dafu is your cond lf. And, what is better, you can try to find out by a roundabout way some trifling personal anecdotes about the two celebrities, such as what Hu Shih best likes to know and what Yu Dafu strongly dislikes, so that you can refer to them affectionately by their first names. Conquently, you’ll end up becoming a personage on a par with both of them, and enjoying the respect of all.
When you meet a girl who is vain, just tell her that you have toured to various countries, such as Turkey and South Africa, …and at your own expen into the bargain! That suffices to prove you are not only a man of much learning and experience but also well-to-do. And you will thereby win her heart instantly.
When you meet a businessman, bureaucrat, politician or warlord, you can, after gathering
each and every mood of them, start boasting wildly to cater to their likes. To sum up, you should brag about women to tho who are fond of women, about money to tho who are money-mad, about fame to tho who are desirous of personal fame, and about power to tho who hanker after a position of great influence. Like combating poison with poison, this trick will always work wonders.
Yes, bragging is of great u, but you need to be very skillful in the performance of it, otherwi you’ll give away the show and end up in a complete fiasco.