好看的卷发 本单元的中心话题是多元文化——Li Lan等人在旧金山的旅游经历。学生通过本单元学习,可以初步了解旧金山的一些基本情况,包括地理环境,各大城市特点以及多元文化等。
Step 1. Warming up
1. Show students two pictures about the United States and invites students to describe them in order to introduce some basic knowledge of the it.
2. T gets students to talk what they know about the United States.
3. T shows a map of the USA and asks:
1)How many states are there in the USA?
2)Which state is on the western coast?
张继科比赛3)How much do you know about California?
4)How much do you know about San Francisco?
Step 2. Pre-reading.
T: Turn to P28 and look at the pictures to predict the contents of the passage.
Step 3. Reading
Get Ss to read the passage quickly and answer the following questions:
What is the passage mainly about?
Who: _________
Where: visit ________________
What: Li Lan recorded__________________________
How the author develops the travel journal: in _____ order.
This passage is ____________ about Li Lan's travel in ___________. She liked the city a lot. She visited many places and experienced their _______________.
Detailed reading:
Get Ss to read the passage again and draw a diagram of Li Lan’s trip.
1.Read the Para.1&2 and answer the questions.
1). Which places did the author visit before coming to San Francisco? How did the author feel?
(the Redwood Forest and Napa Valley. Definitely felt good.)
2). How about the people in the Mission District?
红海mini红楼梦好句摘抄(They were mainly from Mexico and central America. They ud to be very poor.)
3). What did the author do?
(She went around looking for street arts and ate some delicious food.)
2.Read the Para.3&4 and answer the questions.
1). Where did the author go in the afternoon?
(The author headed to a local muum that showed the historical changes in California.)
2). Why did Chine immigrants go to San Francisco?
(To ek their fortune in the gold rush. )
开店指导3). How did Chine people earn a living?
(opened up shops & restaurants; joined the gold rush; built the railway; found jobs on the farm)
Step 5. Discussion
1. What examples of ethnic diversity can you find in the journal?
2. Have you ever been to a place that has a diver culture?What are the benefits and challenges of cultural diversity?
Step 6. Summary
Step 7. Homework
Write a short passage about your understanding of diver culture
本单元的中心话题是文化多元性——Li Lan等人在旧金山的旅游经历。学生通过本单元的学习, 可以初步了解旧金山的一些基本情况,包括地理环境、各大城市特点以及人文活动等。Listening and Speaking 该板块的活动主题是“讨论几种美国食品的起源”。美国的多元文化反映在社会生活的各个领域,饮食就是很重要的一个方面。 Reading and Thinking该活动主题是“了解一个具有多元文化特点的城市”。阅读文本是一则旅行日记。在日记中,中国学生Li Lan记录了自己的加州之行,并主要介绍了在旧金山一天的行程和所见所闻,从最初的旧金山的城市建筑产生兴趣到逐渐体会到多元文化对这个城市方方面面的影响。Discovering Uful Structure 该模块的活动主题是“理解英语中省略的用法”,该模块重点训练学生的语法内容。Listening and Talking该模块的活动主题是“谈论中国的少数民族文化”。此部分从谈论美国的多元文化过渡到谈论中国文化的多样性。少数民族文化是中国文化多样性的重要体现。Reading for Writing 该模块的活动主题是“介绍一个有显著文化特征的地方”该木块通过介绍中国城继续聚焦中国文化。Asssing Your Progress板块为检测部分。Video Time该视频聚焦纽约市皇后区,展现美国的“熔炉文化”。
Unit 3 Diver Cultures
1.Plea say ________ (definite)whether you will be coming or not.
2.She never participates ________ any of our discussions,does she?
3.He speaks English as ________ (fluent)as a foreigner.
4.The textbook ________ (contain)12 units,including 2 revisions.
5.Whereas in the ________ (finance)world,you only get what you pay for.
6.We deal with all ________ (variety)of information.
7.I ’ ve had a few interviews,but no job ________ (offer)yet.
8.Apart from ________ (be)the kingdom of flowers,it is home to many ethnic minority groups.
9.The group had been carefully ________ (lect)for the study becau of their lifestyles.