2020年8月Vol.34 No.4Aug. ,2020
能源环境保护Energy Environmental Protection 移动扫码阅读
ZHU Yuanting ,RONG Qing ,FANG Xi,et al. Application of energy management contract mode in distributed pho
莲子心泡水tovoltaic power generation project]J]. Energy Environmental Protection ,2020,34(4) : 105-108.合同能源管理模式在分布式光伏发电项目中的应用
朱园庭容 庆1,方 熙2,黄潞璐3,谢增林4,张 浩°
互动英文(1.上海电力大学,上海200082;2.国网福建省电力有限公司闽侯县供电公司,福建福州350000; 3.石河子大学,新疆石河子市832000;4,国网福建省电力有限公司福州供电公司,福建福州350000) 摘要:基于合同能源管理模式(EMC),对某公司装机容量为12 MW 的光伏发电项目进行研究。 结果表明:该公司采用EMC 模式建造光伏电站,预计20年可获得发电收入约2 010万元;EMC 模式不仅能实现大规模盈利,还能充分利用闲置屋顶安装光伏组件,降低公司用能成本,避免投 资风险大和项目回收期长等不利因素;在光伏发电项目中应用EMC,可以实现企业、能源服务公 司、社会合作共赢的局面。
中图分类号:X382 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-8759(2020)04-0105-04
Application of energy management contract mode in distributed
photovoltaic power generation project
ZHU Yuanting 1,RONG Qing 1,FANG Xi 2,HUANG Lulu 3,XIE Zenglin 4,ZHANG Hao 4(1. Shanghai University of Electric Power , Shanghai 200082, China ; 2. State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co, ,Ltd.
Minhou County Power Supply Company , Fuzhou 350000, China ; 3. Shihezi University , Shihezi 832000,
China ;4. State Grid Fuzhou Electric Power Supply Company ,Fuzhou 350Q00,China)
Abstract : A photovoltaic (PV ) power generation project with an installed capacity of 12 MW was studied bad on energy management contract (EMC) mode. The results showed that by building a photovoltaic power station using EMC mode , this company could obtain 20.1 million yuan through power generation in 20 years. EMC mode could not only provide a large profits , but also make full u of the idle roof to in stall PV modules , reduce the energy cost of the company , and avoid the adver factors such as high in vestment risk and long payback period of the project. The application of EMC in PV power generation projects could achieve all-win cooperation among enterpris , energy rvice companies and society.Key Words : Energy management contract ; Distributed photovoltaic power generation ; Benefit
0引言分布式光伏发电是一种优质的绿色能源、具 有显著的发展前景和综合利用价值。由于具备体
积小、重量轻、安装容易、不单独占地等特性,屋顶 式光伏发电项目得到广泛应用,分布式光伏电站 贴近受电侧,既可以有效减少电力在输配过程中
合同能源管理模式很好的解决了这些困难,能源 服务公司与用能单位签订能源管理合同,根据其
再根据合同约定与客户分享节能效益,大大降低 收稿日期:2020-04-06
第一作者简介:朱园庭(1992-),女,福建福州人,本科,经济师,主要研究方向为新能源工程管理。E-mail :464750594@