土豆种植方法土化教材的典型之一, 国内外目前就华文教材的本土化进行深入研究的成果还不
多 , 对《美洲华语》系列教材的专门研究、分析和评述也是国内对外汉语研究的
学术空白之一。对《美洲华语》本土化的研究, 有助于华文教材编写原则及理论
的发展,对于华文教育的推广有重要意义。《美洲华语》以从美国中小学华文学习的 5C 标准出发,结合美国中小学生
的差异, 在文章的编写过程中注重教学内容、教学体制、教学方法、语言环境等
骑大象方面的本土化; 在字、词、句的学习上都融入了美国学生对华文学习的需求, 教
关键词: 华文教材美洲华语本土化3
This paper carries out a systematic rearch on the localization of "American
Chine" ,which is one of the typical Chine language teaching materials of primary
and condary school in American. However, in the academic area of teaching
Chine as a foreign language, the up-to-now rearch has not yet systematically
studied the localization of Chine learning and study materials,and therefore leaves a
great blank in the special studies, analysis and commends on the ries of material of
"American Chine". The studies of the localization of the book "American Chine"
will contribute to the develop the principle and theories of writing Chine language
text books, and thus have intensive impact on the popularization of the teaching of the
漫山遍野的近义词Chine language
Starting from the 5C criteria of American pupils learning Chine, considering
the students' different mode of thinking, learning habits as well as the cultural
background when learning Chine, the writing of the book paid attention to the
localization of the following parts: the content of cours, the teaching system, the
methods of teaching, and the language environment. The learning of the Chine
letters, words, and ntences are pertinent, scientific, systematic, various and
constructive in this ries of text books since it integrate the needs of American
students learning Chine. The books emphasize on the training of the students'
abilities on communication, the ns of identity of culture, the interdisciplinary
仇恨的近义词studies, first and cond language studies, the abilities of comparison studies of
cultures, and the abilities to get along well in the communities. In a word, "American大圣归来影评
Chine" are very good example of the localization text booksKey words:Chine Language Teaching Materials 5C Criteria Localization4 目录
1. 绪论1
1.1 选题的背景、研究的目的和意义1
1.2 研究方法. 2
1.3 全美中小学中文学习目标和教学内容. 3
1.4 本土化 7
2《美洲华语》 10
2.1《美洲华语》简介. 10
2.2《美洲华语》编写背景. 10
3《美洲华语》的本土化概述 13有教无类什么意思
3.1《美洲华语》教学内容本土化 13
3.2《美洲华语》教材体制本土化 13
3.3《美洲华语》教学方法本土化 14
3.4《美洲华语》编写人员本土化. 16
3.5《美洲华语》的特点 17
4《美洲华语》教学内容本土化的具体体现 19
4.1 文化教学内容 ??实现中美文化的比较与融合. 19
4.2 语言系统教学24
4.3 强化学习策略35
4.4 贯连其他学科内容,培养严谨思维能力. 37
5 结语40
教师业务学习材料5.1 文化内容编排对比不够明显40
5.2 语言准确性存在一定差距. 40
5.3 教材多媒体配套不完善 41
引用 41
后记 516
1. 绪论
1.1 选题的背景、研究的目的和意义
1.1.1 华文教育在美国影响力增大
近年来, 随着中国经济的持续高速发展, 国家综合实力大幅提升, 国际影响力不断增
强, 中国语言文化在世界的影响日益扩大, 国际上学习汉语的热潮不断升温。美国主流社
会对中国文化和中国语言的兴趣持续增强, 学习中文的重要性日益成为共识, 美国因此出
现了一股强大的学习中国语言、接触中华文化的热潮, 掀起了名副其实的中文热: 除了美