A Visit to the Doctor——By Valerie Sartor
Three pretty young nurs in pink uniforms fluttered around me, cooing softly as they hooked up yet another IV transfusion into my left arm. For the last three days, I had faithfully shown up and sat in a chair next to a dozen other people. Many eyed me curiously. Chine public medical treatment at first unnerved me but soon I lost my rerve and found mylf cheerfully chatting with other suffers. Privacy in Chine hospitals is unknown; illness and bodily functions are simply accepted. My repeated visits to the local hospital not only removed some nasty tummy parasites but also expod me to vast cultural differences between China and the West regarding medical care.
Foreigners often feel uneasy about Chine medical practices. In Western–style hospitals here they prefer to give IV transfusions over injections, shots, pills and powders. And before treatment patients purcha both medication and paraphernalia: needles, tubes, and tape. Medicine is extremely cheap by Western standard. Many Western prescription-only pharma
ceutical drugs can be cheaply bought over the counter. (Many Western pharmaceutical firms manufacture their drugs here.) Medical care is even cheaper—my local hospital in Inner Mongolia charges only 5 yuan to consult a doctor. Patients choo doctors by looking at a wall in the entranceway where physicians’ pictures and bios are displayed in color next to a schedule board listing their hours.
文员简历Medical patients keep their own medical records in the form of a booklet issued by the hospital after you registering to e a doctor. Sitting in a crowded, grimy waiting room with many other people, I waited and watched as my chon physician examined others and prescribed treatment. Thirty-five minutes later a hefty nur gestured to me so I scrambled past the crowd and sat in a wooden chair, knee to knee across from the doctor.
“Problem?” he queried.
“Terrible stomach pains and the constant runs,” I replied.
“Bad smell?” he asked, not looking at me.
Shamefaced, I nodded. Instantly he knew that I had contracted giardia; no sample was needed. I handed him my book; he wrote his analysis, signed it and handed it back, along with a prescription.
“Next,” he sighed.
It was my responsibility to buy all the necessary drugs, either from the in-hou pharmacy or outside, and bring them back every day of treatment.华县地震
Chine patients pay up front before receiving rvices, which include consultation, drugs, and overnight stays. Credit cards and deferred time payments are rare. Each rvice and/or product is itemized and patients are free to choo or reject options and prices. Personally, I felt that the antibiotic treatment offered to me was too intensive. I opted to receive treatment for five days rather than ven. It was entirely my own decision.
In China patients simply show up at the hospital or clinic. No pret appointment is neces
sary, except for surgical procedures. Furthermore, nurs and even doctors often do multitask and em much more flexible than Western medical personnel.
琥珀怎么鉴定真假(from Beijing Review, April 19, 2007)