勋伯格早年成名作升华之夜Transfigured night(1899),曲中有一处和弦结构引发起音乐界的争论,勋伯格用了“不存在、无法归类、不被允许的九和弦的最后一个转位“,结果是维也
Wiki: A particular point of controversy was the u of a single 'nonexistent' (that is, uncategorized and therefore unpermitted) inverted ninth chord, which resulted in its rejection by the Vienna Music Society. Schoenberg remarked 'and thus (the work) cannot be performed since one cannot perform that which does not exist'.
绿色手机壁纸后来勋伯格在自己的和声学里说(Theory of harmony):“理论常讲九和弦的最后一个转位不能出现,但这给了这个结构一个太早的不公平的定论,今天还没被用上的结构不一定就等同于刺耳,没准明天真的能用上,并且还贼好听。而我在升华之夜中写出的九和弦的最后一个转位,更多是跟随着听感的指引。”大切诺基多少钱
'Theory was on the right path when it affirmed the existence of ninth chords. Then it should have mentioned that inversions of ninth chords do not appear, but it could just as well have suppresd its opinion that they are bad or even impossible… What is still not ud today is not on that account ugly; for it may be ud tomorrow, and then it will be beautiful. In my Sextet, Verklärte Nacht ... I wrote the inversion of a ninth chord, the one in Example 267a at ✻, without then knowing theoretically what I was doing – I was merely following my ear…'
'Only now do I understand the objection, at that time beyond my comprehension, of that concert society which refud to perform my Sextet on account of this chord (its refusal was actually so explained). Naturally: inversions of ninth chords just don't exist; hence, no performance, either, for how can one perform something that does not exist…'
波波头电影柳堡的故事美国作曲家、理论家David Lewin(影响力最大的成就transformational theory)写了一篇有意思的论文,说这个和弦不是九和弦的最后一个转位,而是一个“有11、9、b6音的Bb和弦,如果不看Ab的话”。并且写了篇20页的文章说他的观点,说这是一个有”b flat minor ambience”的区域,也挺有意思。
'Let us now return to Verklarte Nacht, and specifically to measures 41-42. I claim that we will recognize the first harmony of measure 42, without the A flat, as an eleven-nine-minor six chord over B flat. We shall do so becau the cadential material of measure 41 gives us two strong clues to trigger the '