项目 | ITEM |
货币资金 | Cash |
短期投资 渔家傲秋思范仲淹 | Short term investments |
应收票据 | Notes receivable |
应收股利 | Dividend receivable |
应收利息 | Interest receivable |
应收帐款 | Accounts receivable | 女生大姨妈推迟是什么原因
其他应收款 | Other receivables |
预付帐款 | Accounts prepaid |
期货保证金 | Future guarantee |
应收补贴款 | Allowance receivable |
应收出口退税 | Export drawback receivable |
存货 | Inventories |
其中:原材料 | Including:Raw materials |
产成品库存商品 | Finished goods |
待摊费用 | Prepaid and deferred expens |
待处理流动资产净损失 | Unttled G/L on current asts |
一年内到期的长期债权投资 | Long-term debenture investment falling due in a year |
其他流动资产 | Other current asts |
流动资产合计 | Total current asts |
长期投资: | Long-term investment: |
其中:长期股权投资 | Including long term equity investment |
长期债权投资 | Long term curities investment |
合并价差 | 觉海慈航Incorporating price difference |
长期投资合计 | Total long-term investment |
固定资产原价 | Fixed asts-cost |
减:累计折旧 | Less:Accumulated Dpreciation |
固定资产净值 | Fixed asts-net value |
减:固定资产减值准备 | Less:Impairment of fixed asts |
固定资产净额 | Net value of fixed asts |
固定资产清理 | Disposal of fixed asts |
工程物资 | Project material |
在建工程 | Construction in Progress |
待处理固定资产净损失 | Unttled G/L on fixed asts |
固定资产合计 | Total tangible asts |
无形资产 | Intangible asts |
其中:土地使用权 | Including and u rights |
递延资产长期待摊费用 | Deferred asts |
其中:固定资产修理 | Including:Fixed asts repair |
固定资产改良支出 | Improvement expenditure of fixed asts |
其他长期资产 | Other long term asts |
其中:特准储备物资 | Among it:Specially approved rerving materials |
无形及其他资产合计 | Total intangible asts and other asts |
递延税款借项 | Deferred asts debits |
资产总计 | Total Asts |
资产负债表续表 | Balance Sheet |
项目 | ITEM |
短期借款 | Short-term loans |
应付票款 | Notes payable |
应付帐款 | Accounts payab1e |
预收帐款 | Advances from customers |
应付工资 | Accrued payroll |
应付福利费 | Welfare payable |
应付利润股利 | Profits payab1e |
应交税金 | Taxes payable |
其他应交款 | Other payable to government |
其他应付款 | Other creditors |
预提费用 | Provision for expens |
预计负债 | Accrued liabilities |
一年内到期的长期负债 | Long term liabilities due within one year |
其他流动负债 | Other current liabilities |
流动负债合计 | Total current liabilities |
长期借款 | Long-term loans payable |
应付债券 | Bonds payable |
长期应付款 | long-term accounts payable |
专项应付款 | Special accounts payable |
其他长期负债 | Other long-term liabilities |
其中:特准储备资金 | Including:Special rerve fund |
长期负债合计 | Total long term liabilities |
递延税款贷项 | Deferred taxation credit |
负债合计 | Total liabilities |
少数股东权益 | Minority interests |
实收资本股本 | Subscribed Capital |
国家资本 | National capital |
集体资本 | Collective capital |
法人资本 | Legal person"s capital |
其中:国有法人资本 | Including:State-owned legal person"s capital |
集体法人资本 | Collective legal person"s capital |
个人资本 | Personal capital |
外商资本 | Foreign businessmen"s capital |
资本公积 | Capital surplus |
盈余公积 | surplus rerve |
其中:法定盈余公积 | Including:statutory surplus rerve |
公益金 | public welfare fund |
补充流动资本 | Supplermentary current capital |
未确认的投资损失以“-”号填列 | Unaffirmed investment loss |
未分配利润 | Retained earnings |
外币报表折算差额 | Converted difference in Foreign Currency Statements |
所有者权益合计 | Total shareholder"s equity |
负债及所有者权益总计 | Total Liabilities&Equity |
项目 | ITEMS |
产品销售收入 | Sales of products |
其中:出口产品销售收入 | Including:Export sales |
减:销售折扣与折让 | Less:Sales discount and allowances |
端午三首 产品销售净额 | Net sales of products |
减:产品销售税金 | Less:Sales tax |
产品销售成本 | Cost of sales |
其中:出口产品销售成本 | Including:Cost of export sales |
产品销售毛利 | Gross profit on sales |
减:销售费用 | Less:Selling expens |
管理费用 | General and administrative expens |
财务费用 | Financial expens |
三国美人其中:利息支出减利息收入 | Including:Interest expensminusinterest ihcome |
汇兑损失减汇兑收益 | Exchange lossminus exchange gains |
产品销售利润 | Profit on sales |
加:其他业务利润 | Add:profit from other operations |
设计主管营业利润 | Operating profit |
加:投资收益 | Add:Income on investment |
加:营业外收入 | Add:Non-operating income |
减:营业外支出 | Less:Non-operating expens |
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