Normal anatomy of coronary arteries, viewed from above with t he atria removed. A = aortic valve; P = pulmonary valve; T = tricuspid valve; M = mitral valve; RCA = right coronary arter y; AM = acute marginal branch of the right coronary artery; C B = conus branch of the right coronary artery; CV = Coronary ventricular branch of left anterior descending branch; PD = posterior descending branch; AVN = atrioventricular nodal br anch; Circ = circumflex coronary artery; OM = obtu marginal branches of circumflex coronary artery; LAD = left anterior descending coronary artery; Diag = diagonal branches of the l eft anterior descending coronary artery; Inter = intermedius branch of the left coronary artery.
A = 主动脉瓣; P = 肺动脉干瓣; T = 叄尖瓣; M = 僧帽瓣(贰尖瓣); RCA = 右冠状动脉; AM = 右冠状动脉锐边分支; C
B = 右冠状动脉圆锥支;CV = 冠状动脉左前降支心室支;PD = 后降支;AVN = 房室结分支; Circ = 回旋冠状动脉; OM = 回旋冠状动脉钝边分支; LAD = 冠状动脉左前降支; Diag = 冠状动脉左前降支角状分支; Inter = 左冠状动脉中间分支。
1. Superior Vena Cava —上腔静脉
2. Aorta —主动脉
3. Pulmonary Artery —肺动脉
4. Left Atrium —左心
5. Right Atrium —右心房
6. Left Ventricle —左心室
7. Right Ventricle —右心室 8. Inferior Vena Cava —下腔静脉
蜻蜻蜓9. Left Main Coronary —左主冠状动脉 10. Circumflex —左冠状动脉回旋分支
11. Left Anterior Descending —左冠状动脉前降支
12. Right Coronary —右冠状动脉
1. Left atrial appendage —左心耳(LAA)
2. Left main coronary artery —左主冠状动脉
3. Left circumflex branch —左回旋支
4. Obtu marginal branches —钝边分支
5. Left anterior descending —左前降支
6. Diagonal branche s —角状分支
7. AVGA —房室间隔沟动脉 8. PDA—后降支动脉
9. Posterolateral branch —后侧分支。
10. Septal perforating branches —各中隔跨越分支。
1. R. coronary —右冠状动脉。
2. Sinu-atrial nodal branch —窦房结分支。
3. Conus branch —圆锥分支。
小蝌蚪的成长过程4. Atrial branch —心房分支
5. R. marginal branch —右边缘分支。
想对你们说6. L. coronary —左冠状动脉。
7. L. circumflex branch —左回旋分支。
7. L. anterior descending( interventricular branch ) —左前降支(心室中间分支)。
8. Lateral branches —各侧面分支。
十二公民影评9. inerventricular ptal branches —跨心室中隔各分支。