Write a POem about how courage, Cletermination, and Strength have helped you face ChanengeS in your life.
3 Gran(I Prizes: TriP to WaShington, D.C. for each Of three winners, a Parent and One Other PerSOn Of the WinneIJS ChOiCe・ TriP includes round-trip air tickets, hotel Stay for
two nights, and tours Of the NatiOnal Air and SPaCe MlISeUm and the OffiCe Of NatiOnal GeOgraPhiC WOrId ・
6 FirSt Prizes: The book Sky Pioneer: A PhotOhiOgraPhy OfAmelia Earhart Signed by author COrinne SZabO and PiIOt Linda FinCh・
50 HOnOrabIe Mentions: JUdgeS Will ChOOSe UP to 50 honorable InentiOn winners, WhO Will each receive a T-Shirt in memory Of Earharts final flight.
FOnOW all ιules CarefUny to PreVent disqualification・逐组词
■Write a POem USing 100 WOrdS Or fewer. YOur POem Call be any fbπnat, any IIUmber Of IineSe
■Write by hand Or type On a SingIe Sheet Of PaPer. YOil Inay USe both the from and back Of the PaPer・
■On the Same Sheet Of paper, Write Or type your name, address, telephone number, and birth date・
■Mail your entry to US by OCtOber 31 this year・
1.How many PeOPle Can each grand PnZe Winner take On the free trip?
A.Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Six.
2.What Will each Of the honorable mention WinnerS get?
A.A Plane ticket. B. A book by COrinne SZabo.
C. A SPeCial T-Shirt・ D・ A PhOtO Of AmeIia Earhart.
3.Which Of the following VVill result in CIiSqUalifiCation?
A. TyPing your POem out. B. Writing a POem Of 120 WOrdSe
Jennifer MaUer has needed more WinPOWer than the typical COnege StUdent to PUrSUe her goal Of earning a nursing degree・ That WinPOWer bore fruit When Jennifer graduated from UniVerSity Of WiSCOnSin-EaU CIaire and became the first in her Iarge family to earn a bachelor,s degree・
Mauer, Of Edgar5 WiSCOnsin, grew UP On a farm in a family Of 10 children. Her dad WOrked at a job away from the farm, and her mother ran the farm With the kids. After high SChOOL Jennifer attended a IOCal technical COllege, WOrking to Pay her tuition (学费),becau there WaS no extra InOney Set aside for a COnege education・ After graduation, She WOrked to help her SiSterS and brothers Pay for their SChOOling・
Jennifer now is married and has three Children Of her own. She decided to go back to COnege to advance her Career and to be able to better SUPPOrt her family WhiIe doing SOmething She loves: nursing・ She ChOSe the LJW-EaU CIaire PrOgram at MiniStry S
aint JOSePh,s HOSPital in MarShfieId becau She WaS able to PUrSUe her four-year degree CIOSe to home・ She COUId drive to CIaSS and be home in the evening to help With her kids. Jennifer received great SUPPOrt from her family as She WOrked to earn her degree: Her husband WOrked two jobs to COVer the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take Care Of the Children at times.
ThrOUgh it all, She remained in good academic Standing and graduated With honors・ Jennifer SaCrifiCed (牺牲)我的好朋友50字to achieve her goal, giving UP many nights With her kids and missing important events to StUdy. "Some nights my heart WaS breaking to have to PiCk between my kids and StUdying for exams Or PaPerS.π She SayS・ HoWeVer, her Children have Iearned an important IeSSOn WitneSSing their InOther earn her degree・ Jennifer is a first- generation graduate and an inspiration to her family - and that,s Pretty POWerfUL
4.解题神器What did Jennifer do after high SChOOI?
A. She helped her dad With his WOrk・ B. She ran the family farm On her OWrL
C. She SUPPOrted herlf through COnege・ D・ She taught her SiSterS and brothers at home.
5.Why did Jennifer ChOOSe the PrOgranl at MiniStry Saint JOSePh,s HOSPital in Marshfield?
A. TO take Care Of her kids easily・ B. TO Iearn from the best nurs.
C. TO SaVe money for her ParentS・ D・ TO find a Wen-Paid job there・
6.What did Jennifer SaCrifiCe to achieve her goal?
A. Her health・ B. Her time With family・ C. Her reputation. D・ Her ChanCe Of PrOmOtion.
7.What Can We Iearn from Jennifers story?
A. Time is money. B. LOVe breaks down barriers・
C. Hald WOrk PayS off. D・ EdUCatiOn is the key to SUCCeSS・
言之凿凿是什么意思>干煎马鲛鱼In the mid-1990s, TOm BiSSen taught EngliSh as a VOIUnteer in UZbekiStan・ He Ieft after SeVen months, PhySiCany broken and having IOSt his mind. A few years later, Still attracted to the country, he returned to UZbekiStan to Write an article about the disappearance Of the Aral Sea.
HiS visit, however, ended UP involving a IOt InOre than that. HenCe this book, ChaSing the Sea: LOSt AmOng the GhOStS OfEmPire in Central Asia, WhiCh talks about a road trip from TaShkent to KarakaIPakStan, Where millions Of IiVeS have been destroyed by the SIOW drying UP Of the a. It is the StOry Of an AmeriCan travelling to a Strange land, and Of the PeOPle he meets On his way: Rustam, his translator, a IOVely 24-year-old WhO PiCked UP his COlOrfUl EngIiSh in California, OIeg and NataSha, his hosts in TaShkent, and a String Of foreign aid WOrkerS ・