IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】
红帽子国家为什么不整治国足Chapter01 起床关于书法家的故事
该起床了! Time to wake up!
起床了,你这个贪睡鬼! Wake up, you sleepyhead!
太阳都晒到屁股了! Ri and shine!
Get up, plea! Time to go to school/kindergarten.
还在睡梦中吗 Still dreaming
再不起床的话,我要抓痒了哦 I’ll tickle you if you don’t wake up.
你要早睡早起。 You should go to bed early to get up early.
清新的反义词还想睡吗 Want to sleep more
我可以多睡一会吗 Can i sleep some more
我太累了,起不来。I’m so tired that I can’t get up.
妈妈,我睁不开眼睛!Mom, I can’t keep my eyes open!
只能再睡五分钟。 Just five more minutes.
我倒数三。快点起床!I’恨开头的成语ll count to three. Come on!
快点,否则你要迟到了。 Hurry up, or you will be late.
我醒了。 I’m awake.
You don’禁毒防艾黑板报t have to wake me up. I’m already up.
哇!你自己起床的吗 Wow! Did you get up by yourlf
你没有听到闹钟响吗 Did you not hear the alarm
不要打瞌睡。做好。 Don’t doze off. Sit right up.
看看谁先起来了?Let’s e who gets up first.
你还在沉睡。 You’re still sound sleep.