British English英式英语 | American English美式英语 |
a bit (少量) | a little |
about (到处) | around |
abroad (在国外) | overas |
香辣羊肉火锅add sign (加号) | addition sign |
aeroplane(飞机) | airplane |
aim (目标;目的) | goal |
all in one go (突然) | all at once |
all-round (全面的;多方面的) | all-around |
afterwards (后来;然后) | afterward |
air hostess(空中小姐) | airline hostess |
American Indian(美国印第安人) | Native American |
amongst (在……中间) | among |
angry(生气的) | mad |
anticlockwi(逆时针的) | counterclockwi |
any more (不再;再也不) | anymore |
anywhere(无论何处) | anyplace |
apart from (除……之外) | besides |
apartment hou(公寓大楼) | apartment building |
at university (在大学学习) | in college〔school〕 |
autumn(秋天) | fall |
axe(斧头) | ax |
backwards (向后) | backward |
backwards and forwards (来回地) | back and forth |
bad-tempered (脾气暴躁的) | grumpy |
bandage(绷带) | gauze |
bank note(钞票) | bill |
barber's shop(理发店) | barbershop |
barman(酒吧招待) | bartender |
beauty parlour(美容院) | beauty shop〔beauty salon〕 |
beckon (示意) | signal |
be made up of (由……组成) | be made of |
bank note (纸币) | bill |
bill (账单) | check |
billiard room(台球室) | poolroom〔pool hall〕 |
billion(万亿) | trillion |
bin (废纸篓) | wastebasket |
biscuit(饼干) | cookie〔cracker〕 |
blackboard(黑板) | chalkboard |
book(预订) | rerve |
booking office(售票处) | ticket office |
bookshop(书店) | bookstore |
boots〔wellies〕 (雨靴) | galoshes |
bottom drawer (嫁妆) | hope chest |
braces(吊带;背带) | suspenders |
brackets (括号) | parenthes |
break(课间休息;学校假期) | recess |
bricks (积木) | blocks |
bridesmaid(伴娘) | maid of honor |
bum (温柔的女人屁股) | fanny |
byway (小路) | back road |
cab rank(出租车停车处) | taxi stand |
calendar (一览表) | catalogue |
call box(公用电话亭) | phone booth |
call in to (顺便逛) | go〔run〕 by |
camp bed(行军床) | cot |
camp fire (篝火;营火) | campfire |
candy stick (甘蔗) | candy cane |
carat(克拉,宝石的重量单位) | karat |
caretaker〔porter〕 (门房;看门人) | janitor |
carriage(车厢) | car |
car park(停车场) | parking lot |
cashier(出纳员) | teller |
content (目录) | catalogue |
central rervation(安全岛) | median strip〔divider〕 |
certainly(当然) | sure |
chairman (主席;会长;董事长等) | president |
chartered accountant(注册会计师) | certified public accountant |
chat show(访谈节目) | talk show |
cheap (廉价的) | inexpensive |
cheeky (无耻的) | nervy |
chemist(药剂师) | druggist |
chemist's shop(药店) | drugstore〔pharmacy〕 |
cheque(支票) | check |
Christian name(名字) | given name |
choosy(好挑剔的) | picky |
cinema(电影院) | movie |
clamber (攀登;爬) | scramble |
classified ad(分类广告) | want ad |
climbing-frame(攀缘架) | jungle gym |
clingfilm (保鲜膜) | plastic wrap |
clothes-peg (晾衣用的衣夹) | 矛和盾的故事clothespin |
cock(公鸡) | rooster |
code number (电话区号) | area number |
coffin(棺材) | casket |
comic(漫画书) | comic book |
commercial traveller(旅行推销员) | traveling salesman |
concertina (手风琴) | accordion |
cooker (炉具) | stove |
co-operate (合作) | cooperate |
co-ordinate (协调) | coordinate |
copper〔bobby〕 (警察) | cop |
cosy(舒适的) | cozy |
cot(婴儿床) | crib |
county town(县城) | county at |
crisps(炸薯片) | chips |
cross (生气的) | angry |
crossroad(十字路口) | interction〔junction〕 |
cul-de-sac(死胡同) | dead-end |
cupboard(碗柜) | clot |
current account(活期存款账户) | checking account |
curriculum vitae〔c.v.〕 (简历;履历) | resume |
curtains(窗帘) | drapes |
cutting(剪报) | clipping |
expensive (昂贵的) | dear |
deposit account(储蓄存款账户) | savings account |
despatch (派遣;发送) | dispatch |
dialling code(区号) | area code |
dialling tone(拨号音) | dial tone |
dinner jacket(小礼服) | tuxedo |
disc(圆盘;唱片) | disk |
dish(碟) | plate |
dishonour (丢脸;不光彩) | disgrace |
distance learning cour (函授课程) | correspondence cour |
diversion(绕路) | detour |
division(区) | district |
drainpipe (排水管) | downspout |
螳臂挡车draper's shop(纺织品店) | dry-goods store |
drapery(纺织品) | dry goods |
draught (散装啤酒) | draft |
draughts (国际跳棋) | checkers |
drawing pin (图钉) | pushpin |
driving-licence(驾驶执照) | driver's licen |
dual carriageway(双行道) | divided highway |
dustbin〔rubbish bin〕(垃圾箱) | garbage can〔ashcan,trash can〕 |
dust cart(垃圾车) | garbage truck |
dustman(清洁工) | garbage collector〔sanitation worker〕 |
dyke (排水沟) | dike |
dynamo (发电机) | generator |
ear ache (耳痛) | earache |
earth wire(地线) | ground wire |
elastic band(松紧带;橡皮筋) | rubber band |
engine(发动机) | motor |
escalator(电梯) | moving stairca〔moving stairway〕 |
estate agent(房地产经纪人) | realtor |
estate car(旅行轿车) | station wagon |
everywhere(到处) | everyplace |
exclamation mark(感叹号) | exclamation point |
exhaust pipe(排气管) | tailpipe |
exhaust silencer (消音器) | muffler |
express delivery post(特快专递) | special delivery mail |
ex-rviceman(退伍老兵) | veteran |
extra time (加班时间) | overtime |
facecloth〔face-flannel〕(洗脸毛巾) | washcloth |
fall ill (生病) | get sick |
fall over (跌倒) | fall down |
Father Christmas(圣诞老人) | Santa Claus |
fete (汇演;庆祝活动) | festival |
film(电影) | movie |
film star(电影明星) | movie star |
find (发现) | discover |
fire brigade(消防队) | fire department |
firework(烟火) | firecracker |
firstly (首先) | first |
first floor(第二层) | cond floor |
fishmonger's(鱼店) | fish store |
flashlight (摄影闪光灯) | flashbulb |
flask(暖瓶) | thermos |
flat(公寓) | apartment |
flat battery (废电池) | dead battery |
flat-out(以最高速) | all-out |
flex(电线) | electric wire |
flick knife(弹簧刀) | switchblade knife |
flick through (浏览;快速翻动) | leaf through |
flight ticket (飞机票) | plane ticket |
flipper(鳍) | fin |
flyover(立交桥) | overpass |
fog lamp (汽车的雾灯) | fog light |
football(足球) | soccer |
footpath〔pavement〕(人行道) | sidewalk |
forename(名) | given name |
for ever (永远) | forever |
fork-lift (铲车;叉车) | forklift |
French window(落地长窗) | French doors |
fridge(电冰箱) | refrigerator〔icebox〕 |
fridge-freezer(电冰箱) | refrigerator-freezer |
friendly society(互助会) | fraternal society |
fringe(刘海) | bangs |
frontier (边境;边界) | border |
fruit machine(吃角子老虎) | slot machine |
full stop(句号) | period |
funeral parlour(殡仪馆) | funeral home |
fun fair(游乐园) | amument park |
funnel(烟窗) | smokestack |
further education(成人教育) | adult education |
gangway (过道;狭长通道) | aisle |
gaol(监狱) | jail |
gaolbird(囚犯) | jailbird |
gaoler(监狱看守) | jailer |
garage〔petrol〕 station (加油站) | gas station |
garden party(游园会) | lawn party |
gearbox(变速箱) | transmission |
gearing(传动装置) | leverage |
gear lever (变速杆) | gear lift |
gents〔gent's〕(男厕) | men's room |
get on with someone(相处融洽) | get along with someone |
get the sack (被解雇) | be dismisd〔fired〕 |
girl guide(女童军) | girl scout |
glass(眼镜) | eyeglass |
glowworm(萤火虫) | lightning bug |
goods lift(公务电梯) | freight elevator |
goods train(货运车) | freight train |
goo pimples(鸡皮疙瘩) | goo bumps |
go-slow(减速) | slowdown |
graduate(丈夫用英语怎么说大学毕业生) | alumnus |
gramophone(留声机) | phonograph |
greaproof paper(蜡纸) | wax paper |
grey(灰色的) | gray |
grocer's(杂货店) | grocery store |
ground floor(第一层) | first floor |
groundnut(花生) | peanut |
conductor(售票员) | guard |
guildhall(市政厅) | city hall |
gumboots(橡胶高筒靴) | rubbers |
gundog(猎犬) | bird dog |
gym shoe(运动鞋) | sneaker |
hand lens (放大镜) | magnifying glass |
hairdresr (理发师) | hair stylist |
half-time (中场休息) | halftime |
half-way (中途;半路上) | halfway |
摇呼啦圈能减肥吗hallo〔hullo〕 (喂;嘿;哎) | hello |
hall of residence(学校公寓) | dormitory |
handbag(手提包) | pur〔pocketbook〕 |
hang about (无聊地空等) | wait around |
have a go (尝试) | take a turn〔give something a try〕 |
have a lie-in (睡懒觉) | sleep in |
have an early night (早早就寝) | go to bed early |
headlamp (车前灯) | headlight |
high street(大街;主要街道) | main street |
hire car (租用汽车) | rental car |
homelike(亲切的) | homey |
holiday(假期) | vacation |
holidaymaker(度假者) | 团员教育评议自我评价vacationer |
homework(家庭作业) 干贝的功效与作用 | assignment |
homoxual (同性恋者) | fag |
hood (车顶;引擎罩) | roof |
hooter (汽笛) | horn〔siren〕 |
hotchpotch (大杂烩) | hodgepodge |
ice lolly(冰棍) | popsicle |
ill〔unwell〕(有病的) | sick |
industrial estate(工业区) | industrial park |
infrared (红外线的) | infra-red |
in future (今后;从今以后) | in the future |
inland revenue(国内税收) | internal revenue |
inquiry agent(私人侦探) | private detective |
interval(幕间休息;时间间隔) | intermission |
inverted commas(引号) | quotation marks |
invigilate(监考) | proctor |
jam(果酱) | jelly |
jery〔jumper〕(运动衫) | sweater |
joint-stock company(股份公司) | stock company |
journalist(新闻记者) | newsman |
jug(大水罐) | pitcher |
jump a red light (闯红灯) | run a red light |
jump the queue (插队) | cut in line |
junction(十字路口) | interction |
keen (渴望的) | avid〔eager〕 |
kerb(路边石) | curb |
kennel (狗窝) | doghou |
kiosk(报刊亭) | newsstand |
kitchen paper (纸巾) | paper towel |
knockout (淘汰赛) | practice ssion |
label (标签) | tag |
lace (鞋带) | shoelace |
ladies(女厕) | ladies' room |
last but one(倒数第二) | next to last |
lastly (最后) | last |
leader〔leading〕 article(社论) | editorial |
left-luggage office(行李房) | baggage room〔check room〕 |
leisure centre (体育活动中心) | sports complex |
leisure park (游乐场) | amument park |
let(出租;租赁) | lea〔rent〕 |
letter box(信箱) | mail slot |
life belt(安全带) | life prerver |
| |