Ca 1 守塔人A Canadian
The shipping agent(代理) is rving the customers in the way that is considered efficient in Venezuelan(委内瑞拉) culture. To the Canadian, however, this is unfocud activity(活动) that is not nearly as efficient(有效地) as it would be — particularly from her point of view — if the agent simply dealt(处理) exclusively(专门) with her scheduled(计划) appointment. In Canada, businesspeople typically(通常) write appointments and activities into the day’天秤座和天蝎座s agenda(议程) every day. They then work quentially(顺序) through the agenda until they have completed each task or the day is over. In other words, Canadians prefer to do one thing at a time, while the South Americans, including Venezuelans, tend to do a few things simultaneously(同时).
Ca 2 A dozen
As a Westerner, the American visiting professor(客座教授) does not quite understand the collective ownership(集体所有制) of information in some other cultural environments. What made her annoyed(恼火) is a different attitude toward information about people. In the Unite
杜甫的生平d States, it is generally assumed(认为) that personal matters are private(隐私). Teachers go through elaborate(精心) procedures(设计) to assure that students do not have access(接触) to each other’s grades. In business it is the same. Evaluations(评估) are confidential(保密的).
Ca 3 When
As a matter of fact, the American woman was not being disrespectful(不敬). However, it is clear that her way of showing respect and welcome was different from the ancient tradition of keeping physical distance from superiors(上级), which is still widely obrved(遵守), especially when royalty(皇室) is involved(有关的).
策划书格式模板Paul Keating, the Australian prime minister(总理), may have intended(打算) to suggest by his gesture(姿态) that Australia would no longer accept the queen as head of state but just as one of their honored guests. Obviously, the British would not like it at all.
Sometimes, such emingly(表面上的) trivial(琐碎的) things can influence relations betwe
en countries. That’s why protocol(协议) is taken riously and people who are to hold diplomatic(外交) posts(公告) will be given detailed and careful instructions(指示).
Ca 7 A female
When the Canadian young man said, “Who took my peanut butter(花生酱)?”, what he really meant was “Where is my peanut butter? I can’t find it.” The Chine doctor felt upt becau in Chine culture questions like this, especially expresd in the way the young Canadian man did, often imply(暗示) that someone is to blame(罪魁祸首). Chine culture prohibits(禁止) direct accusing(指责)unless a person has been targeted for shame. However, true(忠诚的) to her learned cultural behavior of never showing anger in public, the Chine doctor didn’t say anything, though she was deeply distresd.
Later, the physiotherapist(理疗师) was making a joke when she said the Chine doctor had “three hands”. 第三次拥抱She wasn’t rious, of cour, and expected the patient to be amud(被逗乐) by her explanation for his pain: that the doctor on the other side of the room could have reached an imaginary(虚构的) hand out to touch him. She didn’t know th
at in Chine a “three-handed person” is a slang(俚语) for a thief.
Ca 8 Brent Weber
In American culture, people’s personal goals take priority(优先) over their allegiance(效忠) to groups like the family or the employer. The loyalty(忠诚) of individuals to a group is usually weak. Americans are apt(倾向于) to change their relationship if it suits their individual needs, and they are not likely to be emotionally(情绪) dependent on organizations(组织) and institutions(机构).
In Japane society, the relationship between an employee and the firm(公司) is much more interdependent(依赖), somewhat similar to a child-mother relationship where the mother (firm) is obliged(义务) to take care of her children (employees) and children (employees) have to obey and follow the commands(命令) of their mother (firm).
It is not surprising for an American to try to find another job before he or she leaves his or her prent employer if he or she consider it necessary for him- or herlf. However, this
action was regarded(认为) by the Japane firm as disloyal(不忠), undermining(破坏) the trust between the two parties. In spite of this, the manager(经理) of the firm did not like the parting to be understood as Brent being fired, becau the appearance of harmony(和谐) and agreement(协议) within the group (the firm in this ca) is important in Japane society.
Ca 9 In a cross-cultural
When they are being scolded(责骂) by the trainers(辅导员) for being repeatedly late for afternoon ssions(会议), the Chine trainees felt bewildered(困惑) becau they thought it is inappropriate(不适当的) for the Canadian trainers to become so angry about it. In their opinion, one should not let him- or herlf behave as emotionally(冲动) like this. T山药牛肉汤he appropriate(适当) way to deal with such a person would be to become cooler toward and more distant from the person who behaved so irresponsibly(不负责任的). It was understandable that one would feel angry in this situation but it was not appropriate to show anger, for the other person would certainly lo face if anger were directed toward h
im or her, and the angry person would look foolish and childish(幼稚的) and therefore also lo face.王者蔡文姬