
更新时间:2023-05-27 19:33:56 阅读: 评论:0

南芬球团厂  Nanfen Pellet Plant
南芬选矿厂 Nanfen Beneficiation Plant
铁精矿 iron concentrate
过滤车间  filtering workshop
皮带输送机 belt conveyor
原料矿槽 raw material bin
待干料矿槽  stay drying bin
湿料矿槽  wet material bin
自然脱水过程  natural dewatering process
水分  water content
红豆面包的做法造球  pelletizing
造球机 pelletizer
造球室 balling room
造球盘 balling disc
烘干工序 drying process
圆盘给料机 disc feeder
干燥室  drying room
圆筒干燥机 Cylindrical dryer  hydraulic cylinder 液压缸
沸腾炉 boiling furnace
干精矿槽 dry concentrate bin  driving wheel  driven wheel
配料工序 proportioning process
配料室 proportion room
配比  proportion
膨润土 bentonite
除尘灰 dust
螺旋输送机 screw conveyor
电子皮带秤 electronic belt scale
混合料 mixed material
立式强力混合机 vertical strong mixer  horizontal
耙齿 rake
处理能力 processing capacity
皮带小车 belt trolley
混合料仓 mixed material bin
圆筒式结构 cylindrical structure
造球生产 pelletizing production
成球性能 balling property/ performance  physical performance
上料小皮带 charging belt    discharge
圆盘造球机 disc balling machine
打水 spray water
旋转 rotating
甩出 throw out
合格生球 qualified green pellet
抗压强度 compressive strength
落下强度 drop strength
造球盘 balling disc
辊式筛分机 roller screening machine
除去 remove
不合格粉料 unqualified powder material  gun powder
表面光洁度 surface finish
整体粒级 overall grain size
返料系统 reverting system  returning system
生球布料系统 green pellet distribution system
摆动皮带机 swinging belt conveyor
宽皮带机  wide belt conveyor
辊式布料器 roller distributor
恒性料层 persistence layer
球层厚度 ball layer thickness
预先布料 advance distribution
筛分    screening
致密和光滑 den and smooth  compact  CD compact disk
链篦机 chain grate machine
鼓风干燥段 up-draft drying zone
抽风干燥段 down-draft drying zone
预热段    preheating zone
回转窑  rotary kiln
环冷机  annular cooler
热废气流 waste heat flow
氧化  oxidize
固结  indurate  solidify
回转窑窑尾废气温度 waste gas temperature at rotary kiln end
抽干段 drying zone
预热1 preheating zone I
主引风机  main draught fan
电除尘 electrostatic precipitator  (ESP)
排放幽默段子 discharge
球团矿 pellet
焙烧 baking
直径 diameter radius
煤粉 pulverized coal
喷煤枪 coal injection gun
四通道结构 of four channel structure  tee way
缩短 shorten
拉伸 stretch
火焰 flame
焙烧球 baking ball
高温焙烧 high temperature baking
沿着回转窑周边 along the periphery of the rotary kiln
高温翻滚 high temperature rolling
国王的故事中径  medium diameter
冷却过程 cooling process
环冷1 annular cooling ction one  ction drawing
高温段 high temperature ction
氧化量 the amount of oxidization (oxidization)
放热 relea heat
鼓风机 blower
二次风 condary air
热废气 hot exhaust gas
成品球团矿 finished pellet
台车翻车机 car dumper  dumping truck  anti-dumping
成品输出系统 finished product output system
成品皮带机 finished product conveyor
翻板式分料器 tipping distributor
成品矿仓 finished product bin
粉末含量 content of powder
造球岗位 balling post
粒度 grain size
合格球团矿 qualified pellet
皮带小车 car belt
翻板 turning plate
成品堆场 finished goods yard  Scotland yard
成品球团矿堆场 finished pellet yard
贮存能力 storage capacity
有发车组时 when trains are ready,
返料皮带 reverting belt conveyor
矿仓 ore bin
优质炉料 high quality furnace burden
高炉 blast furnace
炼铁生产 iron making production
J2b胶带机 J2b belt conveyor
混合机 mixers
DW29/4立式强力混合机年味  DW29/4 vertical strong mixer
偏心旋转器  eccentric rotators
下料  be discharged
三通分料装置  Tee feeding device
造球室  balling room
造球系统  Pelletizing system
犁式给料器  plough feeder
缓冲料仓  buffer bins
尼龙衬板  Nylon linings
粘料及磨损  sticking and wearing out
参数  Parameters
堆密度  Bulk  density
储存量 Storage capacity
小时用量(t/h)    Hourly consumption
有效容积(m3/)  Effective volume  (m3/unit)
几何容积(m2/)    Geometric  Volume  (m2/unit)
变频圆盘    frequency-controlled disc
电子皮带秤  electronic scale belt
圆盘造球机  disc pelletizer
缓冲仓  buffer bins
设定值  t value
倾角  inclining angle
铁精矿的造球要求 concentrate pelletizing need 
接球皮带  receiving belt
辊筛  roll screen
链篦机室  chain grate machine room 
返料皮带  revert belt.
生球  green pellets
布料段  distribution ction 
生球取样装置  green pellet sampling device
皮带计量装置  belt weighing device. 吴耀宗
生球的筛分及布料  green pellet screening and distribution
链篦机-回转窑-环冷机系统 Chain grate-rotary kiln-annular cooler system
卸料  discharge
摆动胶带机 rocker belt
辊式筛分机  roll screen
不合格生球  unqualified green pellets 
溜槽  chute
下层L1宽胶带机  the lower wide tape conveyor L1
辊式布料器  roller distributer 
L2胶带机  belt conveyor L2 
Evenly 均匀
干燥和预热股字组词  dried and preheated
链箅机受料段箅床  grate of chain grate receiving zone
自动料位监测装置  automatic material level monitor

本文发布于:2023-05-27 19:33:56,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:造球   皮带   成品   装置
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