(Glossary of Special English in Mining Engineering )
Chapter 3 .1 Mining method
mining method 采矿方法;
mining operation 采矿作业;
transportation 运输;
ventilation 通风;
ground control 顶板管理;
the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤成本;
recovery 回采率;
subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷;
subsidence control 地表沉陷控制
cover 覆盖层;
overburden 上覆地层;
immediate roof 直接顶;
floor 底板;
松木家具好不好dip (Pitch) 倾角;
hardness 硬度;
strength 强度;
cleavage 解理;
gas,methane 瓦斯
daily operation 日常工作
single operation 单一工序
unit operation 单元作业
auxiliary operation辅助作业
桔梗的作用与功效cutting n. 切割,掏槽;
blasting n. 爆破
loading n. 装煤
haul v. 运输,搬运
drainage n.排水
power n. 动力 power Supply 动力供应
communication n. 通讯
lighting n.照明。
disruption in production 停产;
reduction in production 减产;
compromi 折衷
room and pillar 房柱式
我想有个家by far 到目前为止
in common with … 和…一样
underground mining 井工开采
outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层;
crosscut 联络巷、石门;
drift 平硐;
entry 平巷;
development stage 开拓阶段;
production stage 生产阶段;
face 工作面。
continuous miner 连续采煤机;
haulage capacity 运输能力;
main entry 主巷。
barrier pillar 隔离煤柱;
butt entry 区段平巷;
property line 矿井边界线。
shearer 滚筒采煤机
planer,Plow 刨煤机
surface mining 露天开采
auger mining 螺旋钻开采
rapid excavation 快速掘进
hydraulic mining 水力采矿
百度手写underground gasification 地下气化
ocean mining 海洋采矿
Chapter 3 .2 Mine Preplanning