1)总长Loa:length of overal l
2)垂线间长Lb p:length betwee n perpen dicul ars
3)登记船长L:regist eredlength
4)干舷长Lf:freebo ard length
5)船舶分舱长度LS:subdiv ision length
6)艉垂线:aft perpen dicul ar
7)艏垂线:forwar d perpen dicul ar
8)后端点:aft end point
9)挪威规范,英国规范:Oslo Rules, UK Rules
10)前端点:fore end point
11)美国规范:USA Rules
13)日本规范: Japane Rules
15)水线长:length of waterline
16)干舷长前端点: forwar d end of freebo ard length
1.2 船宽
1)登记船宽B:regist eredbreadt h
2)上甲板Upp Deck
3)角隅圆弧的断点:termin ation of corner radius
4)干舷船宽Bf : breadt h of ship for freebo ard
5)分舱船宽Bs : subdiv ision breadt h of ship
1.3 型深(D)depth
1.4 吃水d: draugh t or draft
玉女经1.5 干舷: freebo ard
1.6 吨位及舱容tonnag e and cargocapaci ty
总吨 grosstonnag e 净吨 net tonnag e
爱国主题班会苏伊士运河吨位 Suez Canaltonnag e
巴拿马运河吨位 Panama Canaltonnag e
排水量 displa cemen t
载重吨 deadwe ight
国家吨位 nation al tonnag e
就这样一直走下去国际吨位 intern ation al tonnag e
包装货物舱容 bale capaci ty
谷物舱容 graincapaci ty
外板 shellplatin g 护肋材 sparri ng
谷物容积限度graincapaci ty
捆包容积限度 limitof bale capaci ty
g表示谷物容积 g indica tes graincapaci ty b表示捆包容积 b indica tes bale capaci ty 底部垫木 bottom ceilin g
1.7船速 speed
1.8 船型系数 blockcoeffi cient
细长型fine form 肥大型full form 方形系数bl ock coeffi cient (Cb)
中横剖面系数midshi p coeffi cient (Cm)
棱形系数 prisma tic coeffi cient (Cp)
水线面系数waterplanecoeffi cient (Cw)
1.9描述船舶动态及静态的词汇 termsto descri be the dynami c
[dai’nAmik] condit ionsand static positi ons
纵倾trim艉翘 trim by stern艏翘trim by head
无纵倾状态even keel (non-trimme d condit ion)
横倾heel or list 船体运动 ship motion
横摇 rollin g纵摇 pitchi ng艏摇yawing垂荡 heavin g横荡 swayin g纵荡 surgin g
1.10描述船体构件受力及变形的词汇 descri be the moveme nt of hull struct uralmember
弯曲 bendin g 扭曲 twisti ng 屈曲buck ling
振动 vibrat ion 剪切 sheeri ng 横摇roll ing 强摇 rackin g
1)左舷port side 2) 右舷 starbo ard side
3) 纵向 longit udina l 4) 横向 transv er
5) 水平 horizo ntal6) 垂直 vertic al 7) 中心线 centre line (CL & )
8) 舯 midshi p or amidsh ips (expres d by symbol )
9) 船中区域 midshi p part (0.4L ~ 0.5L)
10) 船首bow 11) 艏柱stem 12) 艏部bow part or fore part
13) 艏垂线 fore perpen dicul ar (FP)
14) 艉柱 stern15) 艉部ster n part or aft part
16) 艉垂线 aft perpen dicul ar (AP)
17) 尾端 ends: thenormal ly signif y the end partsof the hull of a ship with 0.1L
18) 基线 ba line (BL): normal ly the keel line 通常是指龙骨线
19) 肋骨间距 framespace20) 肋骨线 frameline
21) 船体围长 girthlength: the length measur ed at the transv erctio n of the hull of a ship from gunnel to gunnel在船体横截面上从一侧的船舷上沿量取到另一侧的船舷上沿的距离
22) 龙骨上面top of keel 23) 折角线 knuckl e line (KL) 24) 折角点 knuckl e point
25) 舷弧 sheer26) 艏舷弧 fore sheer27) 艉舷弧 aft sheer28) 梁拱camb er
29)甲板内倾 tumble home 30) 外飘 flare
31)舭部升高 ri of floor32)平行部 parall el part
1) 船桥甲板上缘 top of bridge deck beam 2) 船桥楼外缘outlin e of bridge enclos ure
3) 上甲板梁上缘top of upperdeck beam 4)梁拱 camber
5) 主甲板的内倾tumbl e home at upperdeck
6) 船桥甲板的内倾 tumble home at bridge deck
7) 上甲板边 upperdeck at side 8) 船中心线 centre line of ship
9) 舭部 bilgepart 10) 平板龙骨的一半 half-side dimens ion of flat portio n at keel
11) 船中船桥甲板的型深 moulde d depthto bridge deck
12) 船中主甲板处的型深 moulde d depthto upperdeck
13) 船中型吃水moulde d draugh t
1.13 线型 lines
1) 横剖线图body plan 2) 纵剖线图 profil e or sheerplan 3)半宽图水线half-breadt h plan
1.14其他图纸文件 otherplansand docume nts
1) 除线型图之外,下列图纸被称为关键图(key plans):
总体布置图genera l arrang ement中横剖面图midshi p ctio n
钢材构造图constr uctio n profil e 外板展开图shellexpans ion
2) 其他关键图以外的船体图纸被称为船厂图(yard plan):
(1) 船体方面
艏柱、艉柱、螺旋桨柱和舵结构 stem, sternframe, propel ler post and rudder
甲板结构图deck plans单底、双底结构图single bottom and double bottom
水密和油密舱壁结构图watert ightand oil tightbulkhe ads
上层建筑端壁图 supers truct ure end bulkhe ad
船首、船尾、船底部抗拍击结构图 arrang ement to resist pantin g in both peaksand theirvicini ty [vi’siniti] 邻近, 接近
支柱和甲板纵桁图 pillar s and deck girder s 轴隧图 shafttunnel s
Seatin g of boiler, engine, thrust and plumme r blocks dynamo s 发电机
机舱棚图 machin ery casing s
长甲板室结构图 long deckho u
桅杆、桅室和绞车平台结构图mastsand mast hous and winchplatfo rms
泵布置图 pumpin g arrang ement s
甲板装原木时绑扎装置布置图 timber deck cargocuri ty arrang ement s
防火构造图constr uctio n for fire protec tion
消防布置图plansshowin g fire exting uishi ng arrang ement
逃生路径布置图 plansshowin g escape routes
舱室路径图plansshowin g arrang ement for access of tank and space
(2) 轮机方面
机器处所布置图 machin ery arrang ement of machin ery space
船内通讯系统图 diagra m for intern al commun icati on system
主、辅机图 main and auxili ary engine s
普洱是绿茶吗动力传动齿轮、轴系及螺旋桨图 powertransm issio n gears, shafti ng and propel lers
锅炉及压力容器图 boiler and pressu re vesl
辅机和管系图 auxili ary machin ery and piping
操舵装置图steeri ng gear
自动控制及遥控装置图automa tic and remote contro ls
备件 sparepart 电气装置 electr icalinstal latio ns 船桥视界 naviga tionbridge visibi lity
(3) 其他图纸文件
船体轮机设计说明书 specif icati ons for hull and machin ery
船中横剖面模数计算书calcul ation sheets for minimu m athwar tship (横越) ctio n modulu s (模数) in way of the midshi p part
防腐式样书corros ion preven tionscheme稳性计算书stabil ity calcul ation sheets 破舱稳性计算书 damage stabil ity calcul ation sheets
装载手册 loadin g manual绑扎手册 curi ty manual
1.15 静水力曲线hydros tatic curves
浮心距基线高度 centre of buoyan cy aboveba line (KB)
浮心距船中centre of buoyan cy from midshi p (B)
漂心距船中c entre of floata tionfrom midshi p (F)
每厘米吃水吨数 tons per one centim eterimmers ion (TPC)
每厘米纵倾力矩 moment to change one centim eter(CTM)
水线系数 waterplanecoeffi cient (Cw)
纵稳心距基线高 longit udina l metace ntreaboveba line (LKM)
横稳心距基线高 transv ermetace ntreaboveba line (KM)
棱形系数 prisma tic [priz’mAtik] coeffi cient (Cp)
垂直棱形系数 vertic al prisma tic coeffi cient (Cvp)
方形系数 blockcoeffi cient (Cb)
型排水量 displa cemen t in tons exclud ing append ages(附件,附属物)
中德金属生态城总排水量 displa cemen t in tons includ ing append ages
船体湿表面面积 wetted surfac e area (W.S.)
1.16 稳性 stabil ity
1)静态稳性 intact stabil ity 2)动态稳性 dynami c stabil ity
3)稳性判据 stabil ity criter ia (标准)4)稳性曲线 stabil ity curves
5)倾斜试验 inclin ing test 6)重心高度 KG (height of centre of gravit y)
7)稳心高度 KM (height of metace ntre)
8)初稳性高度GM 9)静稳性力臂GZ
10)自由液面的影响 free watereffect
11)大倾角稳性stabil ity at a largeinclin ation angle
12)稳性十字曲线 crosscurves of stabil ity
13)纵向稳性 longit udina l stabil ity 14)横向稳性 transv erstabil ity
15)破舱稳性 damage stabil ity 16)浸水计算 floodi ng calcul ation
17)浸水概率 floodi ng probab ility 18)分舱 compar tment
19)生存条件 surviv al requir ement 20)最终状态 finalstage
21)生存概率 surviv al probab ility 22)分舱指数 subdiv ision index
23)处所渗透率permea bilit y of a space
24)许用GM0曲线 permis sible GM0 curve
1.17 波浪wave
斯托克波 stokes wave 正弦波sine wave 摆动波 trocho idalwave
船行波 wave genera ted by ship sailin g 散波 diverg ent wave
船尾横波 sterntransv ereave 船首横波 bow transv erwave
1.18 船体强度 streng th of ship
船体垂向弯曲最终强度vertic al bendin g ultima te streng th
船体梁强度hull girder streng th 纵向强度 longit udina l streng th
纵向弯距 longit udina l bendin g moment剪切力 sheeri ng force
中拱 hoggin g 中垂 saggin g
静水弯距 longit udina l bendin g moment in stillwater(Ms)
波浪弯矩 Mw(+) and Mw (-) wave induce d longit udina l bendin g moment
横向强度 transv erstreng th 扭转强度 twisti ng streng th
局部强度 localstreng th 失稳强度 buckli ng streng th
受压失稳强度 compre ssive buckli ng streng th
剪切失稳强度 sheerbuckli ng streng th
直接强度计算/分析 direct streng th calcul ation / analyz ing
疲劳强度 fatigu e streng th
疲劳强度解析、评价 fatigu e streng th anlyze, asss ment
应力集中 stress concen trati on
波浪周期 wave period随浪 follow ing wave 顶浪 headin g a 横浪beam wave
波浪载荷wave load 垂向波浪弯距 vertic al wave bendin g moment
波浪变动压hydrod ynami c (水力,流体动力学)pressu re
舱室内压 intern al pressu re 许用应力 allowa ble stress
最小弯距Wmin 剖面模数 ctio n modulu s
惯性矩moment of inerti a
强度连续性contin uityof streng th 板架、板单元 platepanel
1.19 船体尺寸限制
Panama圣。劳伦斯水路St. Lawren ce Seaway
马六甲海峡Strait of Malacc a
1.20 造船用材料
1)轧制钢材 rolled steel
板材 plate型材 shape扁钢flat bar (FB) 球扁钢 bulb plate(BP)
角钢 angle(A) 槽钢 channe l (C) T型钢T bar 铆钉钢 rivetbar
圆钢 roundbar 半圆钢 half roundbar
2)组合型材 built-up shape
分裂细胞3)材质 materi al
普低钢(软钢) mild steel(MS): gradeA, B, D, E
高强钢 high tensio n steel(HT): gradeA32, D32, E36, D36, A40, D40, E40
低温钢 low-temper ature steel: L24A, L24B, L27, L33, L37, L2N30, L3N32, L5N43, L9N53, L9N60
不锈钢 stainl ess steel
复合钢 clad steel
铸钢 steelcastin g
锻钢 steelforgin g
铝合金 alumim um alloy
2.1 龙骨keel
1)方钢龙骨bar keel (用于小型船舶) 2)龙骨翼板 garboa rd strake