位杂交试验。我们发现在20hpf胚胎Hoxa2b表达在头部,Hoxa5a和Hoxa9a分别在中部和尾部。但在3dpf幼鱼,这种前后表达模式消失。Hoxa2b、Hoxa5a和Hoxa9a 都在假想的斑马鱼胸腺原基高表达。在成体,Hoxa2b、Hoxa5a、Hoxa9a基因主要分布在脾红髓中,白髓中少量分布。在肾脏,Hoxa2b、Hoxa5a、Hoxa9a基因主要分布在肾小管边缘及肾小管之间的间隙里。由于Hox基因主要表达在分化程度较低的干细胞或者祖细胞中,因此我们推测Hoxa2b、a5a、a9a在肾脏和脾脏的表达部位可能反映了肾小管附近和脾红髓为斑马鱼肾脏造血干细胞增生并向髓样先祖细胞分化的场所。
The expression pattern of Hox genes in the development of
zebrafish hematopoietic systems
From Drosophila to mammals all Hox genes (homeobox gene) contain a highly conrved DNA-binding domain. The basic function of Hox genes is to control how and where parts of the body develop. During vertebrate evolution, Hox genes have co-opted to achieve a variety of functions. V arious downstream targets of Hox proteins identified within the developing central nervous system (CNS) suggest that Hox genes not only play a role in patterning of the CNS during early development, but also contribute to cell specification and identity. There is increasing evidence that Hox transcription factors play a direct role in normal proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic cells, as well as tissue regneration and turmorigenesis. All hematopoietic progenitors express Hox genes in a pattern characteristic of the lineage and stage of differentiation of the cell. In murine immatured hematpoietic cells, at least 22 of the 39 Hox genes are expresd. Expression of clustered Hox genes, and enforced overexpression and knockout studies have demonstrated that dysregulation of Hox genes can lead to various developmental abnormalities and malignancies. Hox genes encode DNA-binding proteins that are deployed in overlapping domains along various body axes during embryonic development. This quential activation of Hox genes in temporal and spatial
mode, the Hox code, is critical for the proper positioning of gmented structures along tho axes, which include the vertebrate, the limbs and also, the digestive and reproductive tracts. It remains unknown how Hox genes are regulated to determine the identity of hematopoietic stem cells and their derivatives which migrate and express most Hox genes.
Zebrafish as a model organism is widely ud in the study of human development and dia models. It has a number of advantages such as transparent embryos, easy cultivation, esay operation and powerful regenerative capacity. What the most important is, zebrafish has a complete blood circulatory
system, and its hematopoietic genetic network in the evolutionary is highly conrved with the human’s. Compared to 39 Hox genes with humans and other mammals, zebrafish has at least 48 Hox genes. Therefore, zebrafish is an ideal model to further investigate Hox code in hematopoietic system.
In this study, we first u quantitative RT-PCR or qRT-PCR,to examine the expressions of 41 Hox genes in 30 hpf and60hpf of zebrafish embryos and four adult organs. The adult organs are suppod to cloly link to hematopoiesis. Our results show that the number and abundance of the
Hox gene expression reduces when the embryos grow.There are 31 hox genes expressing at 30hpf, and 26 hox genes at 60 hpf. In adult organs, five Hox genes are expresd in, liver, 24 in heart, 22 in spleen and 23 in kidney. The majority of the expresd genes belong to the A & B cluster, and mostly are located the the 3 'end including paralogs 1 to 9. While the genes of a10b,a11a,a11b,c4a,c6b,c11a,c11b,c12b,d4a,d9a,d10a,d11a are transiently expresd, the expression of Hoxa2b,a5a,a9a, b2a,b8a and d3a are stably detected in heart, spleen and kidney. Consistently, Hoxa1a,a2b,a3a,a4a,a5a,a9a,a11a,b5a,b6a,b7a,b8a and d3a are highly expresd in the embryos, spleen and kidney, suggesting that the genes may be specific to hematopoiesis.
To determine the spatio-temporal expression patterns of Hox genes, we then lect three reprentative Hox genes and perform RNA in situ hybridizations. We find that the expression of Hoxa2b is located in the head area while, Hoxa5a and Hoxa9a are respectively expresd in the central and caudally part of the embryo of 20hpf. In 3dpf juvenile fish, however, the anterior-posterior (AP) patterns disappear. Hoxa2b, Hoxa5a and Hoxa9a genes become expresd in similar domain,localized in the presumptive thymic primordium. In adult, Hoxa2b、Hoxa5a、Hoxa9a genes are mainly distributed in the red pulp of the spleen, and in the edge of renal tubules. Given tha
t Hox genes are mainly expresd in the lower differentiated stem cells e or precursors, we propo that the neighbor of renal tubules and red pulp of the spleen may be the homing sites where hematopoietic stem cells proliferate and differentiate into hemacytoblasts or myeloblasts.
To verify our hypothesis mentioned above, we finally create the MLL-AF9 transgenic zebrafish. MLL-AF9 fusion protein has been shown to aggreasively increa the the expression of Hoxa cluster genes, particularly of 5’ Hoxa cluster genes. In this study we do find higher expression levels of Hoxa2b,a9a,b5a,b5b in transgenic zebrafish.
The results further demonstrate that Hox genes are spatotemporally expresd in hematopoeitic cells and their homing locations.
In conclusion, the Hox code refers to the expression pattern of Hox genes in a mode of time and spatial collinearity. This characteristic expressionm play critical roles in in the hematopoietic developemnt of the zebrafish. It is still unknown whether Hox expression pattern determines the homing and trifficking og hematopoietic cells or homing microenviroment confers Hox expression patterns to hematopoietic cells. Whatever, our study has proivided a new venue for us to further validate the functions of Hox gene in the migration and homing of adult stem cells.
KEY WORDS: Homeobox gene, adult stem cells, Homing, Real-time PCR, in situ hybridization,zebrafish.池州路
第一章综述 (1)
1.1 同源盒基因及Hox密码 (1)
1.2 Hox基因家族的主要生理功能。 (3)
1.2.1 参与体节的形成 (3)
同罗1.2.2 调节细胞的增生和分化 (4)
1.2.3 其他功能,诸如参与癌症再生等 (5)糊汤粉
1.3 Hox基因家族在造血细胞中的表达模式。 (5)
1.4 Hox基因与白血病 (7)
1.5 斑马鱼的血细胞形成过程 (8)
1.6斑马鱼Hox基因研究的启示 (9)
第二章 Hox基因家族在斑马鱼造血系统中表达水平的定量分析 (10)
2.1材料与方法 (10)
2.1.1 实验材料 (11)
2.1.2 实验仪器 (11)
2.1.3 主要实验试剂 (11)
2.1.4 主要实验方法 (12)
2.2 实验结果与讨论 (16)
第三章Hoxa2b、Hoxa5a及Hoxa9a在斑马鱼胚胎及脏器中的表达部位检测.. 23闪烁的烁
3.1 材料和方法 (23)
3.1.1 实验材料 (23)
3.1.2 实验仪器 (24)
3.1.3 主要实验试剂 (24)
3.1.4主要实验方法 (25)
解放长春3.2 实验结果与讨论 (29)
3.2.1 脾脏及肾脏的组织学切片 (29)
3.2.2 胚胎和成体脾脏及肾脏中Hoxa2b,a5a,a9a的表达部位 (30)
第四章白血病原癌基因MLL-AF9融合蛋白对斑马鱼造血系统Hox表达模式的影响 (34)
4.1 材料与方法 (34)