American oil billionaire J.Paul Getty has a very famous saying,that is“If you can actually count your money,then you are not really a rich man.”美国的银行业大亨J.Paul Getty曾经说过一句话:如果你的钱是可以数得清楚的,那么你就不是一个真正的富人。Well,the ntence is interesting,but actually we must know how to count the money before we get rich,especially in English.So,in today’s class,we would first learn to say English numbers.
Most people working in finance,whether it is in accountancy,banking,broking,investment, insurance,or whatever,spend a lot of time dealing with numbers.
I.Let’s talk about the different ways to say0in English.Usually,we have the following5 ways to say0in English.They are:OH,ZERO,LOVE,NOUGHT,and NIL!
We say oh
after a decimal point 6.03six point oh three
in telephone numbers84083213eight four oh eight three two one three
李德印32式太极剑in bus numbers No.708get the ven oh eight
in hotel room numbers Room308I'm in room three oh eight.
in years1905nineteen oh five
We say nought
before the decimal point0.201nought point two oh one
We say zero
for the number0the number zero
for temperature-5~C five degrees below zero
We say nil
in football scores5-0Spain won five nil.
We say love
in tennis15-0The score is fifteen love.
Now say the following:
1.The exact figure is0.00
a)before the decimal point,read nought;
b)after a decimal point,read oh.
Nought point oh oh two.
2.Can you get back to me on010–5175–0123?I'll be here all morning.
in telephone numbers,say oh.
Oh one oh five one ven five oh one two three
3.Can you put that on my bill?I'm in room80
in hotel room numbers,say oh.Eight oh four
4.The temperature in north-east China is very low in winter.Usually,it's20degrees below 0!
for temperature,say zero.
5.Basically,tennis scoring proceeds from0to15to30to40to game.
6.The result of the game was3–0
In English,we u a point(.)and not a comma(,)for decimals.在英语当中,小数点都是写为一个点,而
不是逗号。We u commas in figures only when writing thousands.我们在表达数字千的时候呢,用逗号来隔开。
10,002is ten thousand and two.
10.003is ten point oh oh three
In English all the numbers after a decimal point are read parately.For example:
20.66twenty point six six Not twenty point sixty six
0.243nought point two four three
0.005nought point oh oh five
You will also bear people say:
0.05zero point oh five or oh point oh five
But if the number after the decimal point is a unit of money,it is read like a normal number:£12.50twelve pounds fifty€5.95five Euros ninety five
NB.This is very important.When you do business on the phone,say nought point three ven five(0.375)and not nought point three hundred and venty five.If the listener misd the word point,you might lo a lot of money.So,say the digits parately after the point.
Now say the following:
1.It's somewhere between3.488and3.491.
2.Look,it's less than0.0001!It's hardly worth worrying about.
3.I changed all tho yen into sterling and I only got£13.60!
Yen is the standard unit of money in Japan,
Sterling is the standard unit of money in the United Kingdom,
4.That's about14.50in Swiss francs.(瑞士法郎)
5.Did you say0.225or0.229?
6.The dollar is at1.95.(one point nighty five)
7.No,I meant15.005not15,005.
Say:No,I meant fifteen point oh oh5,not fifteen thousand and five
The stress is on the cent of per cent ten per cent
Notice the following when talking about interest rates:(利率)
0.5%a half of one per cent
0.25%a quarter of a percentage point
For example:
The Bank of England raid interest rates this morning by a quarter of a percentage point. Now say the following:
2.They have put the interest rate up by another0.5%.(a half of one per cent)
3.0.75%won't make a lot of difference.
In British English you hear a hundred and twenty three.
In American English you usually hear a hundred twenty three.
So,there are some small differences between British English and American English.
The number1,999is said one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine.
The year1999is said nineteen ninety nine.
The year2000is said the year two thousand.
The year2001is said two thousand and one.
The year2015is said two thousand and fifteen or twenty fifteen.
培训技能Note:It is likely that:different people will refer to the early years of the21century in different ways.
Remember that the year1999is always referred to as nineteen ninety nine-not one thousand
我的账单查询and nine hundred and ninety nine.
Now,plea read the following numbers:
1,000,000is a million or ten to the power six:(106) 1,000,000,000is a billion the power nine:(109)
Now let’s look at the following numbers:
11,234is said:
eleven thousand two hundred(and),thirty—four
磁铁的用途155,721is said:
one hundred(and)fifty-five thousand ven hundred(and)twenty-one
6,155,702is said:
six million one hundred(and)fifty-five thousand ven hundred and two
26,000,008is said:
twenty-six million and eight
326,414,718is said:
three hundred(and)twenty-six million,four hundred(and)fourteen thousand,ven hundred(and)eighteen
4,302,000,000is said:
快乐妈妈four billion three hundred(and)two million
From the above figures,we can e that from right to left,there is a coma every three figures, the function of the coma is very important.It can help us read and remember the numbers.由以上一组数字可以看出,多位数由右向左每3位有一逗号,这个逗号的作用非同小可,在记忆数字时,它可以帮我们很大的忙!
From right to left,the first coma is said thousand逆向第一个逗号读thousand;the cond coma is said:million,第二个逗号读million;the third coma is said:billion,第三个逗号读billion;第四个逗号就是trillion。这几个逗号的作用在于,当我们听到若干thousand时,立即写下这个数,并在其后打一个逗号,并留出3位;当听到若干million,则写下数字,