1.This is the B.original piano on which the compor created some of his greatest works.
2.The speech which he made D.conerning the project has bothered me greatly.
3.With the B.extra glue the stamp ought to stick fast.
4.The scientist A.abandoned his rearch for lack of funds.
我要买车网5.Can’t you D.squeeze more juice out of the lemon?
6.The factory B.transferred 50 of its key personnel to the west office.
7.The B.prompt action of the policeman saved the people in the hou being burnt.
8.After the explosion,she had a look of B.horror on her face.
9.There was a short A.pau before the next speaker got up.
10.To D.sustain someone is to urge him to make a great effort.
11.I have before me two large books of A.reference and a pile of papers.
12.A strike began late in September in protest against aD.reduction of wages.
13.In this disgui, you can walk into your own hou, without a chance of B.recognition even by your loved ones.
14.Mr.Carey asked if his son had D.behaved properly at the party.
15.There is no doubt that all this puts a considerable C.burden on a teacher with a large number of class.
16.We thought John would do well, but he has succeeded beyond A.expectation .
17.He laughed so loudly that his laughter D.echoed through the hou .
18.The restaurant applied for a B.licen to ll wine.
19.The car came into a C.halt just in time to prevent an accident.
20.A person who is A.mentally ill is one who mind is unwell.
21.In the C.index of a book,all the things mentioned in the book are listed in alphabetical order.
22.They B.inspected the whole hou for traces of damp.
23.Her first A.literary effort, the novel Boston Adventure,was well received.
24.A row of trees C.masked怎么做鱼丸 the junkyard from the eyes of passing motorists.
25.The urgent tasks of the government were economic A.recovery and administrative reform.
26.One of his good points is his B.sympathy with young writers.
27.The body is made up of various D.tissues.
28.In B.subquent lessons ,we shall take up more difficult problems.
29.I felt D.as though I were floating on a cloud.
30.Why don’t you do something C.nsible in your spare time?
31.Eventually, he has to A.give up his experiments for the reason that nobody would understand him and support him financially.
32.He made a long speech. However, he had C.left out the most important issue.
周瑜和小乔33.The driver C.pulled up hard to avoid a boy who was crossing the street.
34.The thief B.broke into the room, took the precious diamond and went away.
35.His parents began to C.t aside a small sum of money every month for his college education ever since he was still a little child.
36.The detectives A.took off their uniforms and put on plain clothes before they t out.
37.Their supply of water will A.run out if it doesn’t rain for one more month .
38.Even the repairman could not C.figure out what hd gone wrong with the washer.
39.They had to decide if they should A.call off some class.
40.Thunderous cheers D.burst out the minute the pop singer appeared on stage.
41.It is believed that Tom, for some reason, had B.held back the truth.
42.Befour the final attack, an air bombing was carried out with intent to B.break down the enemy defen system.
43.To their surpri, the cost for the repairing of the old hou A.amounted to $1,800.
44.The economic depression had compelled many nations to A.cut down on their annual budgets.
45.Rising prices will C.stimulate demands for high incomes.
46.If anything unexpected happens,you should D.call包菜 in a doctor as soon as possible.
47.The judge A.dismisd all the charges against him on the ground of insufficient evidence.
48.The great fire C.reduced the forest to a few trees.
白云阁49.I thought she was the cretary, but B.turend out to be the president of the company.
50.The children just sit around all day doing nothing ; they need something to D.stimulate them.
51.A.Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough money on me to buy that book.诘难
唐泰斯52.The child went through a D.pha during which he was completely rebellious .
53.B.Rural things are tho connected with the countryside.
54.B.Prior to the Revolutionary War, the United States was an English colony.
55.The old part of the city still has a West Indian B.flavour.