A Woman Can Learn Anythin g a Man Can
carolyn Turk When I was a kid, everyth ing in my bedroom was pink. I have two sisters and we had a complet e miniatu re kitchen, a herd of My LittlePoniesand veral Barbieand Ken dolls. We didn’thaveanytoytrucks, G. I. Joes or basketb alls.We did have a Wiffle-ball t, but you would have been hard-presd to find it in our playroo m. Tomboysweweren’t.
So some peoplemay find it ironicthat I grew up to be a mechani cal enginee r. In fact, I am the only femaleenginee r at my company. In order to get my college degree, I had to take a lot of math and science class. I also had to work with a team of student s as part of a nationa l competi tion to convert a gas-guzzlin g SUV into a hybridelectri c vehicle—that’swhere I learnedhowtofixcars.I’mpr
oudtosaythatI got A’sinallmyclass, includi ng multiva riable calculu s and differe ntialequatio ns. I’vealwaysbeen prettygood at math and design,but I didn't underst and where that could take me. I was expecte d to go to college,butnooneevertoldmeI’d make a good enginee r someday.
When I was in high school,Ididn’tknowthefirstthingabout enginee ring. I couldn’thavedisting uished a transmi ssionfrom an alterna tor. The car I drove neededsome work but I was afraidto take it to the mechani c. Because honestl y, the mechani c could have shown me an electri c can openerand said, “Thisispartofyourcarandit’sbroken— pay me to fix it,”andI wouldn’thaveknownanybetter.
At the end of my junioryear of high school,I heard about a summerprogram designe d to interes t girls in enginee ring. The six-week program was free, and student s were given college creditand a dorm room at the Univers ity of Marylan d. I applied to the program, not because I wantedto be an enginee r, but because I was craving indepen denceand wantedto get out of my parents’ hou for six weeks.
我在高中第三年末的时候,听说了一个暑期班,专门致力于提升文档冲亿季,好礼乐相随mini ipad移动硬盘拍立得百度书包女孩对工程的兴趣。课程长达六周,完全免费,并且参加的学生还能获得大学学分以及住在马兰里大学的学生宿舍里。我报了那个暑期班,并不是因为我想成为一名工程师,而是由于我渴望独立,希望能够搬离父母的房子自己生活六周。
生日快乐歌吉他谱I was accepte d to the program and I earnedsix enginee ring credits. The next year I entered the univers ity as an enginee ring major. Five years later I had a degreeand three decentjob offers.
Ican’the lp shudder ing when I hear about studies that show that women are at a disadva ntagewhen it comes to math. They imply that I am somehow abnorma l. I’mnot, but I do knowthatifIhadn’tstumble d into that summerprogram, I wouldn’tbeanenginee r.
互动论坛When I was growing up I was told, as many student s are, to do what I am best at. ButIdidn’tknowwhatthatwas. Most peoplethink that when you are good at somethi ng, it comes easilyto you. But this is what I discove red: just because a subject is difficu lt to learn, it does not mean you are not good at it. You just have to grit your teeth and work harderto get good at it. Once you do, there’sastrongchanceyou will enjoy it more than anythin g el.
语音语调In eighthgrade I took algebra. On one test I got only 36 percent of the answers correct. I failedthe next one, too. I started to think, MaybeI’mjustnogoodatthis. I was lucky enoughto have a teacherwhodidn’ttakemybad gradesas a judgmen t of my abiliti es, but simplyas an indicat ion that I shouldstudy more. He pulledme aside and told me he knew I could do better. He let me the tests, and I pulledmy grade up to an A.
I studied a lot in college, too. I had moments of panic while sitting underne ath the buzzing fluores cent lightsin the enginee ring library on Saturda y afterno ons, when I worried that the estroge n in my body was prevent ing me from underst anding thermod ynamic s. But the guys in my class had to work just as hard, and I knew that I couldn’taffordto lo confide nce in mylf.Ididn’twanttochoo
between my feminin ity and a good career.So I reminde d mylfthat tho studies, the ones that say that math comes more natural ly to men, are bad on a faultypremise: that you can judge a person’sabiliti es parat e from the cultura l cues that she has receive d since she was an infant. No man is an island. No woman is, either.
Why are we so quick to limit ourlv es? I’mnotdenying that most littlegirls love dolls and most littleboys love videoga mes, and it may be true that some peoplefavor side of their brain, and othersthe left. But how relevan t is that to me, or爱国朗诵诗歌
to anyone,as an individ ual? Instead of transla ting our differe nces into hard and fast conclus ions about the human brain, whycan’twefocusinstead on how incredi bly flexibl e we are? Instead of using
what we know as a reasonwhy women can’tlearnphysics, maybe we shouldconside r the possibi lity that our brainsare more powerfu l than we imagine.
Here’sacret: math and science don’tcome easilyto most people. No one was ever born knowing calculu s. A woman can learn anythin g a man can, but first she needs to know that she can do it, and that takes a leap of faith. It also helps to have lecti ve hearing.