
更新时间:2023-05-27 07:50:47 阅读: 评论:0

Along with the China a nd the West cu l t u re exchange,more and more abroad sch ol a rs start to take a bro a d view on the Chin e Ii ter at ure an d the culture.Con fue ius was the greatest thinker and t he e du c at i on a li s t in an ci en t China.Nowadays,our domestic schola rs ha ve go t many accomplishments ab o ut Confucius’thoughts.But meanwhile,our re ar c h has a ls o got in to some diffic ult circumstances.It is S O difficult to exceed the p re dec es so rs’S UCC ES S.Le arn in g from others,may get out of the dilemma.The overas Sinology r e arc h a c t ua l ly has provided a幸福岛
very go od vi e w po i n t for US.Although American rearch about Confucius starts a little bit late。but has reached a hilgher academic standard.Before WbridⅥ研II.the An'lerican main Sinology rear che rs come from England,but the American thought re arc hes are so different to other countries.Most early American scholars who began to do the rearch
about pre—Qin ha v e some philosophy backgrounds.After World w打II,the American Sinologist had got the consid.erable progress to the Chine thought rearch  and formed their  sp ec i a l i nqu iry way,which later becam e their rearch tradition.
Therefore,My ar tic le tries to take”the American scholars’rearch about Confucius thought”as a topic,and in trod uces studies of the American
液体英文scholar,especially the achievement of veral repre s en ta t iv e scholars’.Hope to provide US a new way to study Confucius thoughts.This not only benefits to the further development of rearch,moreover to urge the academic exchange,and to make Chine culture adequately spread abroad.
Firstly,my arti cl e e xpl ain s some bas ic situation in foreword part.In the  first chapter,summarize the American scholars’studies ab o u t Confucius.And then  in the c o nd ch apt er carefully analysis an d the problems American scholars  focus,including Confucius’polities,education.philosophy thoughts and SO on.In T h ir d chapter,I tr y to emphasis ve ra l reprentative  scholars  and analysis  their  rearch characteristic  and the rearch  teehnique.On this foundation,in last
cha pt er,I find some rearch conll[n onn ess of r ep r es en t at iv e sc ho l ar s an d di sc us s future pro spe cts for developing th is re a rch f ie ld.
霸王肘子KEY WoRD China scholars in the United States,Confucius

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