风干系统windrow systems
分散相diffu siona l pha
分贝计decib el meter
分贝量度dec ib el scale
非哺乳动物no n-mammali an
露点the dew point
冷却系统cold system
冷凝器cond enr
决定因素det ermini ng factors
气载疾病air b orned iase s
气溶胶喷雾air aerosol sprayer
逆温thermal inversi on
内部调节机制i nterna l regulatory mechani sms
市政污水处理厂municip al wage treatment plant 食物链food Chain
声强sound intensi ty
声能sound power
声级sound level
声波sound wave
生活污水domestic wage
神经系统ner vous systems
热血动物war m-blooded animals
热污染ther mal polluti on
热能回收energyr ecover y or heat recover y
热能thermal energy
热力学第二定律 the condlaw of thermod ynamic s 热冲击ther mal shocks
消声器muff ler
需氧aerob ic
听力丧失hea ring loss
听得见的aud ible
水载Water b orne
吸声介质acoustical media
吸声材料aco u stica l materia ls
土壤调节剂so il conditi onor
怏怏不乐什么意思易腐烂的putrescib l e
传质梯度mas s transfe r gradien t
膜membra n e or film
显示器校准反渗透rever osmosis
活性炭acti vatedcarbon
界面面积int erfaci al area
表面积surface area
沉淀dim entati on
混凝coagula tion
絮凝flocc u latio n
高级处理advanced treatment
一级处理primary treatment
二级处理conda ry treatment
卫生污水san itary wage
净化purific a tionor deconta mination泽诺尼亚4
工艺性能pro c ess performa nce
VSS volatil e suapend ed solids
SS suspend ed solids
TOC total organic carbon
溶解的diss olvedor soluble
沉降柱ttling columns
多管高效旋风除尘器multitubeh igh efficie ncy cyclone 多氯联苯pol ychlor obiphenyl
多氯联笨并呋喃p olych lorodi b enzofurans
杂质forei gn matter
工业规模ful l-scale
生物降解bio d egrad ation
生物过滤bio filtra tion
光化学烟雾ph otochemical smog
土壤床soil bed
生物降解能力b i od egr adatio n capacity
易生物降解的e a silyb iodegr adable
尾气offga s
污水wag e
一百万千瓦on e-million-kilowatt
滴滤池trickli ng filter
弹性波elastic wave
弹性介质elastic media
永久性失聪permanen t hearing loss
监管计划reg ulator y mechani sms
VOC volatil e organic compoun d
APC air polluti on control
BOD biochem ical oxygendemand
COD chemica l oxygendemand
澄清池clar ifiers
桶谷Valle y of the Drums
焚化incin eratio n
危险废物haz ardous wastes
保留时间ret ention time
充满be Laden with
停留时间det ention time or residen ce time
净化池clar ifier tank
均质池equa lizati on basin
沉降池di mentation pond or dimen tation tanks
固体废物sol id wastes
水生生物aqu atic life
氧化剂oxid izingagents or oxidizer
水载疾病waterborn e d iase s
格栅screeni ng
隔离grega tion or screeni ng
胶体collo id
普通沉淀法pl ain dimen tation
高浊水high ly turbidw ater
中浊水moderately turbidw ater
弄脏foule d with
单元操作uni t operati on
氯消毒chlo rinati on
财政支持financi al support
沉砂室grit chamber
补充燃料sup p lemen tary fuels
曝气沉砂池aeratedgrit chamber
一沉池prim ary ttlin g tank
溢流负荷overflowloading rates
The newer municip a l inciner ators are usually the continu ouslyb urning type ,and many have “waterwa ll”constru ctionin the combustion chamber in place of the older ,more commonrefractory lining。较新的城市焚烧炉通常都是连续燃烧型,在燃烧室内很多都带有“水墙”式结构,取代了陈旧的通常难以处理的衬里。
TOC is determi ned by meaning the amounto f CO2 produced when the organic carbonin the sampleis oxidized by a Strongoxidizer and compari ng it with the amount i n a standard of known TOC。
总有机碳是指样品中的有机碳被强氧化剂氧化时所产生的C O2的量,并与已知的有机碳标准目录作比较。
RCRA resourc e convers ationand recover y act
半固体mi solid
半透膜mip ermea b le membran e
闭合回路系统c lod-loop system
布袋bagho u
布袋过滤器fa b ric filter
常规技术con v entio n al technol ogy
超声速的sup ersoni c
沉淀物di ment
臭氧层ozon e layer
臭氧空洞ozo n e depleti on短发怎么扎好看
臭氧氧化ozo nation
ui设计师简历初沉池prim ary ttlin g tanks
初级处理pri mary treatment
除草剂herb icide
纯水fresh water
电子捕获ele c troncapture d etecto r
堆肥厂comp osting plants
二次大气污染物cond ary air polluta n t
二燃室co ndarycombustion chamber
二氧化氮nitrogend ioxide
二氧化硫sul fur dioxide
二氧化碳car b on dioxide
二氧化碳导致C O2-induced
废物来源与种类source s and types of solid wastes废物最小化wa ste minimiz ation
焚化炉inci nerato r
公共卫生pub lic health
固体颗粒sol id particl es
固体危险物ha zardou s substan c e
光化学氧化剂p h otoch emical oxidants
含湿率wetting ratio
好氧aerob ic
荷电液滴洗涤器c harged droplet scrubber
恒重constant weight
久久人化肥ferti lizer
化石燃料fos sil fuel
环境破坏env ironmental disturb ance
回流比reci rculation ratio
汇和源sink s and sources
混凝剂coag ulant
活性污泥activated sludge
极地冰层pol ar ice sheets
简单喷雾塔si mple spray T ower
胶体的coll oidal
接地捕集板gr ound ed collection surface
进尘负荷inl et dust loading
静电除尘器el ectros taticp recipi tator聚合物polymer
颗粒层过滤器g ranula r b ed filter
空隙率void ratios
垃圾填埋场la nd fill
陆生生物群te rrestr ial biota
凝聚剂floc culant
农药pesti cide
浓度conce ntrati on or strength
排放emiss ion
气布比air to cloth ratio
气载airbo rne
燃烧combu stion
热能回收energy recover y
三级处理tertiar y treatment
三氧化硫sul fur trioxid e
生化洗涤器bi oscrub b er
湿式除尘器wet scrubber
水生系统aqu atic systems
水银mercu ry
填料塔pack ed T ower
听阈丧失loss of territo ry
停滞stagn a tion
土地流失soi l erosion
脱氯dechl orination
卫生填埋场sa nitary landfil l
温室气体greenho u gas
温室效应gre enhou effect
吸附adsor p tion
吸附剂adso rb ent
吸附质adso rbate
吸收absor p tion
消毒disin fectio n
悬浮颗粒susp ended particl s
悬浮粒子susp ended particu late matter悬浮物susp ension
悬浮液滴liq uid droplets suspend ed
旋风分离器cy clone
压力降pressure drops