Learning to Speak English Is an Art | |
学习说英文是一项艺术 | |
Ladies and gentlemen; | |
各位女士,各位先生: | |
I thank you for being here. | |
感谢大家来到这里. | |
I'm going to get straight to the point. | |
我要直接讲重点. | |
All traditonal learning methods are futile. | |
所有传统的学习方法都没有用. | |
Most college graduates still can't speak fluent English. | |
大部分大学生毕业仍然无法说出流利的英语. | |
This proves English students aren't learning. | |
这证明学生学习英语,学了等于没学,学了没用. | |
Some people em to speak English well. | |
有些人英语好像说得很好. | |
Chine think the people speak great English becau they don't know the difference. | |
中国人认为这些人很会说英语,因为他们听不出好坏. | |
Americans think the people speak great English becau they are non_native English speakers anyway. | |
美国人认为这些人很会说英语,因为英语反正不是他们的母语. | |
Don't think you can learn English by hanging around Americans. | |
不要以为和美国人在一起就可以学到英语. | |
Don't think you can master English by going abroad. | |
不要以为出国,就可以把英语学好. | |
Why?Becau what you learn is vague and limited. | |
为什么呢? 因为你所学的都是模糊和有限的。 | |
You pick up a little here today. | |
今天你在这里学一点. | |
You pick up a little there tomorrow. | 盘古会|
明天你在那里学一点. | |
You end up saying almost the same thing every day. | |
最后你每天老是说那几句同样的话. | |
English is like an ocean. | |
英语像一片汪洋大海. | |
There is no limit to what you can learn. | |
你可以学的范围无限大. | |
You cannot learn aimlessly. | |
你不能漫无目的地学习. | |
You should learn to speak first. | |
你应该先学说. | |
Make speaking English your number one priority. | |
将说英语列为你的第一个优先考虑的事. | |
Once you start to speak,the rest will be easy. | |
一旦你开始说,其他剩下的就容易了. | |
Learning to speak English is not a big deal. | |
学习说英语不是什么了不起的事. | |
It's not that difficult. | |
没有那么困难. | |
It's no more than a speaking technique. | |
只不过是一种说话的技巧而已. | |
It's just like children learning to speak. | |
这就像小孩学说话一样. | |
They mimic their mothers'voices. | |
他们模仿妈妈的声音. | |
When they're alone,they speak to themlves. | |
当他们独处时,他们会自言自语. | |
We started off the wrong way right from the beginning. | |
我们从一开始方法就错了. | |
We don't need to learn grammar. | |
我们不需要学语法. | |
We don't need to analyze ntences. | |
我们不需要分析句子. | |
Children don't need to learn how to write. | |
小孩子不必学怎么写. | |
they don't need to learn K.K.phonetics. | |
他们不必学KK音标. | |
They don't even need to learn the ABCs before they can speak English. | |
在他们会说英语之前,他们甚至不必学ABC. | |
All you have to do is listen to the CD and follow it. | |
你只要听CD,然后跟随着念. | |
Learn through inten repetition. | |
经过努力不断重复学习. | |
Speak to youlf from dawn to dusk. | |
从早到晚自言自语. | |
With this method,you'll enjoy speaking English. | |
用这种方法,你会喜欢说英语. | |
You'll discover it's lots fo fun. | |
你会发现,说英语充满乐趣. | |
It will become your passion. | |
说英语会成为你热爱的事情. | |
You'll enjoy interacting. | |
你会喜欢与人互动. | |
You'll look forward to meeting people. | |
你会期待认识别人. | |
Briaking the ice will be a piece of cake. | |
打破沉默将会变得很容易. | |
You'l feel English is an art. | |
你会觉得,英语是一门艺术. | |
You'll speak like an artist. | |
你会说得像艺术家一样. | |
Your words will be like paint on canvas. | |
你说的话将非常有色彩,有生命. | |
One Breath English is the best way. | |
"一口气英语"是最佳的方法. | |
It's a great shortcut. | |
这是非常好的捷径. | |
The results speak for themlves. | |
学习效果非常清楚. | |
You have to try. | |
你一定要试试. | |
You owe it to yourlf. | |
你一定要做. | |
It will be the best decision you ever made. | |
这将是你做过的最好的决定. | |
Thank you all for listening! | |
感谢大家的聆听! | |
Good luck to everyone here. | |
祝在座各位好运. | |
Now I welcome any questions you might have. | |
现在,欢迎大家提出问题. | |
What Is "One Breath English Sqeeches"? | |
什么是"一口气英语演讲"? | |
Ladies and gentlemen: | |
各位女士,各位先生: | |
I feel so proud to be here . | |
来到这里我感到十分荣幸. | |
I really appreciate this great opportunity. | |
我真是感激有这么大好的机会. | |
It's a special occasion. | |
今天是个特别的场合. | |
I have exciting news. | |
我有一个令人振奋的消息. | |
I want to share it with you. | |
我要和你们大家分享. | |
We've just developed a new method of learning. | |
我们民经研发出一种新的学习法. | |
It's learning English through speeches. | |
就是通过演讲学英语. | |
We call it "One Breath English Speeches". | |
我们称之为"一口气英语演讲". | |
The speeches originate from One Breath English. | |
这些演讲源自于"一口气英语". | |
They take learning one step higher. | |
它们将学习带向更高一步的境界. | |
They're the very latest advancement in English study. | |
它们是英语学习中最新的进展. | |
Each speech is carefully organized. | |
每一篇演讲稿组织都很严谨. | |
It contains six groups of nine ntences. | |
包含六组,每一组九句. | |
It's a total fo fifty_four ntences. | |
总共有五十四个句子. | |
It's a three_minute speech at normal speed. | |
以正常速度演讲,大约三分钟讲完. | |
Recite it in one minute ,and you will retain it forever. | |
一分钟之内背完,你将永远记住. | |
That is the beauty of this speech tmthod. | |
这就是这种演讲方法的奇妙之处. | |
Each speech reprents everyday English. | |
每一篇演讲稿都代表了日常的英语. | |
Each one is educational and informative. | |
每一篇都具有教育性和知识性. | |
Each one is interesting and fun. | |
每一篇都非常有趣. | |
You can collect speeches like vocabulary. | |
你可以像累积词汇一样,累积演讲稿. | |
You can connect them together one by one. | |
你可以一篇接一篇全部串连起来. | |
You accumulate as many as you can to attain fluency. | |
尽可能地累积起来,你就可以达到流利的境界. | |
Speak for fifteen minutes,and you'll have a solid foundation. | |
连续说十五分钟,你就拥有稳固的基础. | |
Speak for thirty,and you'll be an expert. | |
连续说三十分钟,你就是高手了. | |
That is our goal for you. | |
这就我们为你设定的目标. | |
Our goal is to keep you talking. | |
我们的目标就是让你一直说. | |
Talk,talk English non_stop. | |
一直说英语,说个不停. | |
If you are able to continue talking for half an hour,you'll be fluent. | |
如果你能够持续说半小时,你就会很流利了. | |
Giving speeches is the highest form of communication. | |
发表演讲是沟通的最高境界. | |
Mastering speeches is the greatest challenge. | |
精通演讲是最大的挑战. | |
Learning speeches is the most effective way. | |
学习演讲是最有效的方法. | |
Speeches are an excellent learning tool. | |
演讲是一种绝佳的学习工具. | |
You learn to express yourlf clearly. | |
你学习清楚地表达自己. | |
You learn to think on your feet under pressure. | |
你学习在压力之下站着思考. | |
How can you memorize so many speeches? | |
你怎么能记住这么多的演讲稿呢? | |
You might not believe you can do it. | |
你可能无法相信自己可以做到. | |
Let me tell you the cret to this whole thing. | |
让我告诉你所有的决窍. | |
You must have an audience. | |
你必须要有听众. | |
You must have people there giving you pressure. | |
你必须要有人在那里给你压力. | |
You cannot just practice by yourlf. | |
你不能光靠自己练习. | |
You must find as many listeners as you can. | |
你必须尽可能多找一些听众. | |
You must stand up on a platform or a stage. | |
你必须站在讲台上或舞台上. | |
That's the only way to memorize long speeches. | |
这是惟一可以将长篇演讲背起来的方法. | |
One Breath English will teach you how to speak skillfully. | |
"一口气英语"将教你们如何熟练地说英语. | |
One Breath English Speeches will train you to become a great public speaker. | |
"一口气英语演讲"将训练你,如何成为优秀的公众的演说家. | |
They complement each other perfectly. | |
这两种方法是完美的互补. | |
Memorize one speech after another without forgetting. | |
演讲稿一篇接一篇地记忆,都没有忘记. | |
You'll feel a great n of achievement. | |
你会觉得有很大的成就感. | |
You'll feel productive every day. | |
你会觉得每天都很有收获. | |
I hope everyone can learn this method. | |
我希望大家都能够学习这种方法. | |
Spread the news loud and clear. | |
将这个消息大声清楚地传出去. | |
Spread the message everywhere you can. | |
请你走到哪里,就把这个信息传到哪里. | |
Thank you. | |
谢谢大家. | |
How to Save Money | |
如何节省金钱 | |
Ladies and gentlemen: | |
各位女士,各位先生: | |
Welcome future millionaires! | |
欢迎你们这些未来的百万富翁! 芝士炒饭 | |
I'm here to talk about money. | |
我今天来这里谈的主题是金钱. | |
We all need money. | |
我们都需要钱. | |
We all want to be rich. | |
我们都想富有. | |
We all want to make a fortune. | |
我们都想发财. | |
Money doesn't grow trees. | |
钱不会长在树上. | |
Money doesn't come easily. | |
钱来之不易. | |
Let me tell you how to save money. | |
让我来告诉你如何省钱. | |
First ,you must be frugal. | |
首先,你必须节俭. | |
You should be careful with your money. | |
谨慎使用你的钱. | |
You should be a conrvative spender. | |
花钱要保守. | |
Live within your means. | |
生活要量入为出. | |
Live within your budget. | |
生活不要超过预算. | |
Never spend more than you make. | |
不要花的钱比你赚的钱还多. | |
Look before you leap. | |
三思而后行. | |
Manage money wily. | |
精明地理财. | |
Don't let money burn a hole in your pocket. | |
不要留不住钱财. | |
Second,don't be a borrower. | |
第二,不要做负债者. | |
Pay off your bills. | |
付清账单. | |
Pay off what you owe. | |
付清你欠的钱. | |
Out of debt,out of danger. | |
脱离债务,就脱离危险. | |
Debt is like a bottomless pit. | |
债务就像无底洞. | |
Once,in it,you fall deeper and deeper. | |
一旦负债,就越陷越深. | |
Be debt free. | |
完全不要负债. | |
Never borrow from others. | |
不要跟别人借钱. | |
Keep away from debt. | |
远离债务. | |
Third,don't be a lender. | |
第三,不要做债主. | |
Never lend money to others. | |
绝不借钱给别人. | |
Lend your money and lo your friend. | |
把钱借给朋友,就会失去朋友. | |
Lend only in ca of emergency. | |
只有在紧急时才借钱给别人. | |
Lend only if the need is reasonable. | |
只有理由正当才借. | |
If your friend asks for one hundred,lend him twenty. | |
如果朋友要借一百,给他二十就好. | |
No borrowing. | |
不要跟别人借钱. | |
No lending. | |
不要借钱给别人. | |
Penny and penny laid up will be many | |
积少成多. | |
Fourth,buy things with cash. | |
第四,用现金购物. | |
Avoid using credit cards. | |
避免使用信用卡. | |
Avoid tho interest payments. | |
避免支付利息. | |
Never spend your money before you have it . | |
钱没拿到手就别先花掉. | |
Never buy things you cannot afford. | |
别买你买不起的东西. | |
Try to do wothout credit cards. | |
尝试不用信用卡. | |
Buy only what you need. | |
只买你需要的东西. | |
Don't buy what you want. | |
别买你想要的东西. | |
Know the difference to save money. | |
分辨这其中的差别,才能存钱. | |
The above is my advice. | |
以上是我的建议. | |
From saving comes having. | |
节俭为致富之本. | |
Neither a borrower nor a lender be. | |
不要做负债者,也不要做债主. | |
Follow the rules. | |
遵循这些原则. | |
The sky is the limit. | |
一切都是可能的. | |
Your millions are waiting for you. | |
百万身价正在等着你. | |
Thanks for listening. | |
感谢你们听我演讲. | |
Have a great day! | |
祝你们愉快! | |
Now ,start saving for financial success. | |
现在,就为财务上成功而开始存吧. | |
My School Life | |
我的学校生活 | |
Hello,everyone. | |
嗨,大家好! | |
It's a pleasure to be here. | |
很荣幸来到这里. | |
My topic today is school life. | |
我今天的主题是学校生活. | |
My school is my life. | |
我的学校就是我的生活. | |
My life is my school. | |
我的生活就是我的学校. | |
My life revolves around school. | |
我的生活就围绕着学校. | |
I've been in school for many years. | |
我上学已经许多年了. | |
I've been studying a long time. | |
我读书已经读很久了. | |
Let me tell you about my school life. | |
让我来告诉大家我的学校生活. | |
First,school life is a challenge. | |
首先,学校生活是一大挑战. | |
It's continuous competition. | |
不断地有竞争. | |
It's full of pressure and lots of tests. | |
充满了压力和许许多多的考试. | |
The competition is inten. | |
竞争非常激烈. | |
The pressure is heavy. | |
压力非常沉重. | |
The testing never ends. | |
测验永无止尽. | |
It ud to drive me crazy. | |
这曾经快把我逼疯了. | |
Now ,I handle it OK. | |
现在,我应付得还不错. | |
Now,I just focus on doing my best. | |
现在,我尽力而为就是了. | |
Second,school is a great learning expericnce. | |
第二学校生活是个非常好的学习经验. | |
I welcome this chance to discover. | |
我欣然接受这个探索的机会. | |
I understand that knowledge is power. | |
我了解,知识就是力量. | |
Some days are unforgettable. | |
有些日子令人难忘. | |
Some class are incredible. | |
有些课程真是太棒了. | |
Some teachers inspire me so much. | |
有些老师给我非常大的启发. | |
Before,I thought school was boring. | |
以前,我觉得上学很无聊. | |
Before,I complained it was torture. | |
以前,我抱怨上学是一种折磨. | |
Now ,I know it's a privilege to be valued. | |
现在,我知道上学是一个值得珍视的特权. | |
Third,my school is like a family. | |
第三,我的学校就像一个家. | |
We're like a clo_knit community. | |
我们像是一个紧密结合的团体. | |
We're like members of a special club. | |
我们像是一个特殊社团的成员. | |
We stick together like a team. | |
我们大家团结在一起. | |
We share and care about each other. | |
我们彼此分享,互相关怀. | |
We all learn and grow together. | |
我们大家共同学习,共同成长. | |
I cherish classmates and teachers. | |
我珍惜同学和老师. | |
They understand and encourage me . | |
他们了解我,鼓励我. | |
Their friendship and support mean a lot. | |
他们的友谊和支持意义重大. | |
Fouth,school life is about participation. | |
第四,学校生活有许多活动可以参与. | |
It's about trying new things. | |
我有机会尝试新事物. | |
It's about joining clubs and getting involved. | |
我有机会参加并参与社团活动. | |
I like to interact with others. | |
我喜欢和别人有互动. | |
I learn to open my mind . | |
我学习敞开我的心胸. | |
I discover who I am and what I like. | |
我发现自我,并找到自己真正喜欢的事物. | |
I create fond memories. | |
我得到了美好的回忆. | |
I make friends for life. | |
我结交了终生的朋友. | |
I realize that school life is really great. | |
我明白学校生活太愉快了. | |
Right now,school dominates my life. | |
现在,学校支配着我的生活. | |
It's my first big challenge. | |
这是我第一个大挑战. | |
It's my best opportunity to improve. | |
这是我改进的最佳机会. | |
I treasure the happy days. | |
我珍惜那些美好的日子. | |
I tolerate the tough days. | |
我忍受那些艰苦的日子. | |
I never take one day for granted. | |
我绝不会浪费任何一天. | |
I thank you for listening. | |
我感谢大家的聆听. | |
I hope your school life is great. | |
我希望你们的学校生活也很棒. | |
Remember to be grateful for school. | |
记得,要对学校心存感激. | |
What Makes a Good Teacher? | |
好老师应具备的特质 | |
Hello,everybody! | |
大家好! | |
I'm a big fan of teachers. | |
我这个人超级喜欢老师. | |
I'm here to prai teachers. | |
我在此要赞扬老师. | |
What makes a good teacher? | |
怎样才算是一个好老师呢? | |
Three qualities create excellence. | |
有三个特性就算优秀. | |
Three traits make a teacher great. | |
这三个特性就是好老师该有的特质. | |
Good teachers have knowledge. | |
好老师要有知识. | |
Good teachers have commitment. | |
好老师要全身心投入. | |
Good teachers have patience and love. | |
好老师要有耐心和爱心. | |
First,academic knowledge is most important. | |
首先,学术上的知识是最重要的. | |
Good teachers are into experts. | |
好老师是信息上的专家. | |
Good teachers are masters in their field. | |
好老师是他们专业领域的佼佼者. | |
Great teachers are great students. | |
好老师也应该是好学生. | |
They are aggressive learners. | |
他们非常积极学习. | |
They outwork even the best students. | |
他们甚至比最好的学生更努力用功. | |
Besides,they are skilled instructors. | |
此外,他们也是纯熟的教导者. | |
They know how to teach. | |
他们懂得如何教学. | |
They know how to pass on knowledge. | |
他们懂得如何传授知识. | |
Second,good teachers are committed. | |
第二,好老师会全身心投入. | |
They are dedicated to their career. | |
他们致力于他们的事业. | |
They are enthusiastic about teaching. | |
他们对教学非常有热诚. | |
Good teachers are devoted to learning.毛利元就 | |
好老师会致力于学习. | |
They are passionate about education. | |
他们热爱教育. | |
They have high standard and expectations. | |
他们的标准很高,期望也很高. | |
They put students first. | |
他们将学生放在第二位. | |
They inspire students to work hard. | |
他们激励学生努力用功. | |
They make students believe in themlves. | |
他们使学生相信自己,对自己有信心. | |
Third,good teachers are patient. | |
第三,好老师很有耐心. | |
They are tolerant and understanding. | |
他们宽容.体贴. | |
They are nsitive and sympathetic,too. | |
他们也很敏感,有同怀情心. | |
Good teachers truly care. | |
好老师真心关爱. | |
They eapect and trust their students. | |
他们尊重,信任他们的学生. | |
Their concern is a special and of love. | |
他们的关怀是一种特别的爱. | |
They are kind,yet demanding. | |
他们人很好,但要求也很高. | |
They are fun,yet rious. | |
国旗国旗真美丽儿歌他们有趣,但也很严肃. | |
They all have hearts of gold. | |
他们都有最真诚的心. | |
Finally,good teachers are role models. | |
最后,好老师是行为榜样. | |
They are fair and honest. | |
他们公平而诚实. | |
They have honor and integrity. | |
他们有荣誉心而且很正直. | |
They prai you when you need it. | |
他们在你需要称赞时称赞你. | |
They encouage you when you're down. | |
他们在你沮丧时鼓励你. | |
They try hard to improve themlves and expect you to do the same. | |
他们努力使自己更好,对你也有相同的期待. | |
They're like loyal friends. | |
他们就像忠实的朋友. | |
They're like foster parents at school. | |
他们在学校里就像父母. | |
They're excellent mentors to follow. | |
他们是最佳的学习良师. | |
Good teachers can make you feel great. | |
好老师会让你感觉很棒. | |
They can light up your life. | |
他们可以照亮你的生命. | |
They can change you forever. | |
他们可以改变你的一生. | |
Thank God for good teachers. | |
感谢上帝赐给我们好老师. | |
God bless all great teachers. | |
愿上帝保佑所有的好老师. | |
Without teachers we wouldn't be here! | |
没有老师我们都不会在这里! | |
Thank you for listening. | |
谢谢大家的聆听. | |
I invite you to be a teacher. | |
我邀请你也来当一名老师. | |
Improve the world and make a difference. | |
来改善和改变这个世界. | |
My Favorite TV Channels | |
我最喜欢的电视频道 | |
Greetings,everybody. | |
嗨,大家好! | |
It's really great to be here. | |
真高兴来到这里. | |
I'd like to talk about my favorite TV channels. | |
我要谈一谈我最喜欢的电视频道. | |
I enjoy watching TV. | |
我很喜欢看电视. | |
I'm not embarrasd to admit it. | |
我不会不好意思承认这一点. | |
Not all programs are a big waste of time. | |
并非所有的节目都是在浪费时间. | |
Some programs are educational and worthwhile. | |
有些节目很有教育意义,值得一看. | |
Some channels are relaxing and entertaining. | |
有些频道委轻松,很有娱乐性. | |
Let me introduce my four favorites to you. | |
让我来介绍四种我最喜欢的节目给你们. | |
First,I love action movies. | |
首先,我喜欢动作片. | |
I thrive on the excitement. | |
我很喜欢刺激. | |
They make me feel so alive. | |
动作片会让我精神亢奋. | |
I pretend I'm the hero. | |
我会假装我就是男主角. | |
I always defeat the bad guys. | |
我总是可以打败坏人. | |
I usually end up having a beautiful girlfriend. | |
我通常最后都会赢得美丽的女朋友. | |
Action movies are a blast. | |
动作片充满了欢乐. | |
Action movies are a nice escape. | |
动作片是很棒的消遣. | |
I recommend the action movies on HBO. | |
我推荐HBO的动作片. | |
Second,I really like comedy. | |
第二,我很喜欢喜剧片. | |
I like humorous entertainment. | |
我喜欢幽默的娱乐表演. | |
It always cheers me up. | |
它总是能让我开心. | |
Laughter is so healthy. | |
笑是非常健康的. | |
It's like food for the soul. | |
它就像灵魂的食粮. | |
It's like sunshine on a rainy day. | |
它就像雨里的阳光. | |
My comedy must have quality. | |
我要看的喜剧必须是高品质的. | |
It must be wholesome and good_natured. | |
它必须有益健康,没有恶意. | |
It can never be xist or humiliating. | |
它绝不可以性别歧视或有损人格. | |
Third,I love adventure programs. | |
第三,我喜欢冒险节目. | |
I'm nuts about traviling. | |
我热爱旅行. | |
The Travel channel is a favorite. | |
旅游频道是我的最爱之一. | |
I also love to explore. | |
我也喜欢探索. | |
I'm into science and innovation. | |
我对科学和新知很有兴趣. | |
The Discovery Channel always fascinates me. | |
探索频道总是令我着迷. | |
Besides ,I'm crazy about animals. | |
此外,我超喜欢动物. | |
I respect the animal kingdom. | |
我尊重动物界的一切. | |
I think Animal Planet is really cool. | |
我认为动物星球频道真是棒极了. | |
Finally,I love watching the news. | |
最后,我喜欢看新闻. | |
I'm a news freak. | |
我是新闻狂. | |
I'm a politics junky. | |
我是政治迷. | |
I can't get enough of politics. | |
我对政治欲罢不能. | |
I analyze and compare many news shows. | |
我会去分析,并比较许多新闻节目. | |
I ldom believe much of what I hear. | |
大部分我所听到的事情,我很少相信. | |
I know politics turn a lot of people off. | |
我知道,很多人听到政治就没兴趣. | |
It turns me on. | |
但我对政治很有兴趣. | |
It's my duty as a citizen to stay informed. | |
我身为公民,有责任知道 些事情. | |
In conclusion,I enjoy the tube. | |
总而言之,我很喜欢看电视. | |
It's really not so bad. | |
电视真的没有那么糟. | |
It's not all uless junk. | |
电视并非没有用的东西. | |
Enjoy and beware. | |
要欣赏,也要谨慎. | |
Enjoy quality programs. | |
要欣赏高品质的节目. | |
Beware of becoming a couch potato. | |
要小心,别变成电视懒人. | |
Thank you for listening. | |
感谢大家的聆听. | |
Thanks for your attention. | |
谢谢你们的专注. | |
I hope you always watch excellent TV programs. | |
我希望大家都能收看到优质的电视节目. | |
A Highly Recemmended Movie | |
极力推荐的电影 | |
Welcome everyone! | |
欢迎各位! | |
It's great to e you. | |
很高兴跟大家见面. | |
I'm so glad you could make it . | |
我很高兴你们能来. | |
My name is Pat. | |
我的名字是派特. | |
I am a big movie fan. | |
我是个超级电影迷. | |
I really love to e movies. | |
我真的很喜欢看电影. | |
I just saw a great one. | |
我刚看了一部很棒的电影. | |
You must go and e it. | |
你一定得去看. | |
Let me tell you a little about it. | |
让我跟你聊一聊这部片子. | |
First,it's a great story. | |
首先,故事内容很棒. | |
The plot is fantastic. | |
情节绝佳. | |
I've never en a movie like this. | |
我从未看过这样的片子. | |
There's no x. | |
剧中没有色情. | |
There 's little violence. | |
没有什么暴力. | |
It's a safe family movie. | |
非常适合阖家观赏. | |
I loved the beginning. | |
我喜欢片头. | |
It was very exciting. | |
非常刺激. | |
It had me on the edge of my at. | |
看得我非常紧张. | |
Second,there's a lot of action. | |
其次,动作场面不少. | |
The fast pace will amaze you. | |
节奏这快令人惊讶. | |
Then,it's over before you know it. | |
然后,你还未察觉,电影就已经结束了. | |
It's not too rious. | |
它不会太严肃. | |
It's not hard to follow. | |
它不会太难懂. | |
There are some funny parts,too. | |
剧中也有好笑的片段. | |
It has comedy. | |
它有喜剧场面. | |
It gets a little silly. | |
它有些愚蠢. | |
It will make you laugh. | |
这令人发笑. | |
Third,the actors are awesome. | |
第三,演员都很了不起. | |
They did a good job. | |
他们表现卓越. | |
They are perfect for their roles. | |
他们非常称职. | |
The story line is fresh. | |
情节清新. | |
The dialogue is original. | |
对话有新意. | |
It's a very creative film. | |
这是一部创意十足的片子. | |
The movie has some great shots. | |
电影有些很棒的拍摄镜头. | |
The scenery is beautiful. | |
背景美极了. | |
It was shot on location. | |
它是外景拍摄.(而非棚内制作) | |
Fourth,the directing is great. | |
第四,导演的技巧很棒. | |
It is well produced. | |
这是部精心制作的片子. | |
The moive is a top ten for sure. | |
这部片子一定会排在前十名. | |
The acting is excellent. | |
演员的表现很出色. | |
The special effects are neat. | |
特技效果惊人. | |
The movie has it all. | |
这部片子什么都有. | |
The ending is fantastic. | |
结局很精彩. | |
Plea don't ask me. | |
请别问我结局怎样. | |
I don't want to spoil it for you. | |
我不想破坏你看电影的兴致. | |
In conclusion, it's a must-e. | |
总之,这部片子非看不可。 | |
It's worth the money. | |
它值票价。 | |
I promi you won't regret it. | |
我保证你看了绝不后悔。 | |
Don't miss it. Don't pass it up. | |
别错过。别错过良机。 | |
You'll be sorry. | |
你会后悔的。 | |
The movie is a classic. | |
这部是经典之作。 | |
It will win some awards. | |
它会赢得一些奖项。 | |
It's a flick that you really should e. | |
它是一部你非看不可的电影 | |
How to Mend a Broken Friendship | |
如何挽救破碎的友谊 | |
Good day,everybody. | |
大家好. | |
I'm excited to be here. | |
我很高兴能来这里. | |
I have advice about friendship. | |
我有个和友谊有关的忠告. | |
Friendship is precious. | |
友谊是很珍贵的. | |
Friendship makes life wonderful. | |
友谊能使人生更美好. | |
Life is too short to lo a friend. | |
人生短暂,你不能失去任何朋友. | |
Sometimes friends disgree. | |
有时候朋友会意见不合. | |
Sometimes arguments happen. | |
有时候会发生争执. | |
Here's how to aviod a breakup. | |
以下就是避免绝交的方法. | |
First,apolgize when you're wrong. | |
第一,当你错的时候,要道歉. | |
Aplolgize when you're right. | |
当你对的时候,要道歉. | |
It doesn't matter who is to blame. | |
谁该受责备并不重要. | |
We all make mistakes. | |
我们都会犯错. | |
We all have regrets. | |
我们都会后悔. | |
Say you're sorry;forgive and forget. | |
向对方道歉;既往不咎. | |
BE sincere in your apology. | |
要真心诚意地道歉. | |
Really mean what you say. | |
说话要真诚. | |
Chances are your friend will apologize,too. | |
你的朋友很可能也会道歉. | |
Second,always remain calm. | |
第二,一定要保持冷静. | |
Never lo your temper. | |
绝对不要发脾气. | |
Never say or do anything rash. | |
说话或做事绝对不可鲁莽. | |
Take a little break. | |
休息一下. | |
Take time to cool off. | |
花点时间冷静下来. | |
Don't say anything in the heat of the moment. | |
在盛怒之下,什么话都不要说. | |
Come back when you're feeling calmer. | |
当你觉得比较平静时再回来. | |
Then talk about the problem. | |
然后再谈谈问题. | |
If you're calm,your friend will listen. | |
如果你很冷静的话,你的朋友会听你说. | |
Third,don't avoid your friend. | |
第三,不要避开朋友. | |
Don't isolate yourlf. | |
不要孤立自己. | |
Never disappear or run away. | |
绝不要消失或逃走. | |
Try to make contact. | |
试着和对方接触. | |
Try to communicate. | |
试着和对方沟通. | |
Try to patch things up. | |
试着解决事情. | |
All problems can be solved. | |
所有的问题都能解决. | |
But it takes a little work. | |
但是需要一点努力. | |
Be willing to work at it. | |
要愿意为它下点功夫. | |
Fourth,be ready to compromi. | |
第四,要愿意和对方妥协. | |
Be open to suggestions. | |
要乐于接受建议. | |
See things from your friend's point of view. | |
要从朋友的观点来看事情. | |
Don't insist on your opinion. | |
不要坚持已见. | |
After all,you could be wrong. | |
毕竟,可能错的是你. | |
Maybe your friend knows a better way. | |
也许你的朋友知道比较好的方法. | |
Be tolerant and understanding. | |
要宽容,并且体谅对方. | |
That's the basis of friendship. | |
那是友谊的基础. | |
That's the cret to fridndship and love. | |
那是友谊和爱的秘诀. | |
In conclusion,always clear up disagreemens. | |
总之,有争论一定要解决. | |
Always cherish your friends. | |
一定要珍惜你的朋友. | |
Friends are what make life worth living. | |
朋友使人生更有价值. | |
Tho are my words of wisdom. | |
以上那些是我的忠告. | |
That's my advice to you. | |
那是我给你们的建议. | |
I hope you never need to u it! | |
我希望你们永远都不需要用到它! | |
I appreciate your attention. | |
感谢你们注意听我演讲. | |
Thank you all so much. | |
非常谢谢大家. | |
Thank God for the beauty of friends. | |
为了朋友的美好,感谢上帝. | |
Prevention Is Better than Cure罗马神庙 | |
预防重于治疗 | |
Ladies and gentlemen: | |
各们女士,各位先生: | |
I'm glad you could make it . | |
我很高兴你们能来. | |
I'd like your attention,plea. | |
我希望你们仔细听. | |
I have five words of advice. | |
我有五字忠告. | |
They'll improve your life. | |
它们可以改善你们的生活. | |
They are "Prevention is better than cure." | |
那就是"预防重于治疗." | |
This means plan ahead. | |
这意思是事先计划. | |
Expect the unexpected. | |
提防突发状况. | |
Anticipate trouble in advance. | |
事先防患于未然. | |
A solution can be costly. | |
解决之道也许代价很高. | |
A remedy can be too late. | |
要补救要能太迟了. | |
Avoid problems before they happen. | |
要在问题发生前避免. | |
Americans like to say, | |
美国人喜欢说: | |
"Prepare for a rainy day." | |
"未雨绸缪". | |
"Prepare for tough times and bad luck." | |
"要为困境及厄运做准备." | |
Here are three prevention tips. | |
以下是三个预防之道. | |
They are priceless suggestions. | |
这些建议是无价的. | |
They are worth their weight in gold. | |
这些建议非常珍贵. | |
First ,get medically smart. | |
首先,要有医学概念. | |
Get physically fit . | |
保持身体健康. | |
You'll add many years to your life. | |
你可以多活很多年. | |
Learn about good health and nutrition. | |
学习好的健康和营养. | |
Learn basic first aid and C.P.R | |
学习基本的急救和心肺复苏术. | |
You might save a life someday! | |
你将来可能会用来救人哦! | |
Get a yearly checkup. | |
每年做一次健康检查. | |
Exerci to stay young. | |
运动以保持青春. | |
Exerci to feel great and energetic. | |
运动会使你感觉很棒,精力充沛. | |
Second ,be financially educated. | |
第二,要有财务方面的知识. | |
Save money like crazy. | |
拼命地存钱. | |
Save and invest as wily as you can. | |
尽量明智地存钱.做投资. | |
Be legally adept. | |
要娴熟法律. | |
Be a monetary expert. | |
做一个财务专家. | |
Be competent with taxes and banking. | |
精通税务及银行业务. | |
Have comprehensive insurance policies. | |
要投保全面性的保险. | |
Have knowledge of your rights. | |
熟知你自己的权利. | |
The are great asts in times of trouble. | |
遇到困境, 这些是最好的资产. | |
Third,become accident alert. | |
第三,对意外要保持警觉. | |
Become environmentally aware. | |
对周遭环境要随时注意. | |
Always be on the lookout for danger. | |
要时时提防危险. | |
Avoid reckless people. | |
避开鲁莽的人. | |
Avoid dangerous situations. | |
避开危险的情况. | |
Be cautious and u common n. | |
要小心谨慎.运用常识. | |
Practice disaster drills at home. | |
在家里做防灾练习. | |
Practice emergency plans. | |
演练紧急措施. | |
Never be caught unprepared. | |
绝对不要没有准备,措手不及. | |
Every life has some cris. | |
每个人的生活都会遭遇危机. | |
Everyone experiences hardship. | |
人人都会经历艰难. | |
Good prevention can pull you through. | |
事先预防可以帮助你克服难关. | |
Life demands preparation. | |
生活需要好好准备. | |
Life requires good planning. | |
生活需要仔细计划. | |
Never ,ever rely on good luck. | |
绝对绝对不可以依赖好运. | |
Thank you for listening. | |
谢谢大家的聆听. | |
Remember that prevention beats a cure any day. | |
要记得,任何时刻预防都胜于治疗. | |
Smooth sailing and have a great day. | |
祝各位一帆风顺,再见. | |
An English Revolution Is Going On | |
英语革命正在进行 | |
Ladies and gentlemen, | |
各位女士.各位先生, | |
Faculty and students; | |
各位老师.各位同学: | |
I'm thrilled to be here. | |
来到这里我非常兴奋. | |
An English revolution is going on. | |
英语革命正在进行. | |
It's a revolutionary breakthrough. | |
这是一项革命性的突破. | |
It's going to change all the current English learning tmethods in the whole world. | |
将会改变目前世界的英语学习方法. | |
Just master One Breath English. | |
只要熟背"一口气英语". | |
Just ingrain it in your brain. | |
只要把它深印在你的脑海中. | |
The results will amaze you. | |
结果会让你大吃一惊. | |
One Breath English is truly one of a kind. | |
"一口气英语"的确是独一无二的. | |
It's been carefully designed. | |
它经过特殊设计. | |
It's the result of thirty years'hard rearch. | |
这是三十年苦心研究的成果. | |
Just learn English in three groups of three ntences. | |
只要用三句一组.一次三组的方式来学习英语. | |
Just recite nine lines in five conds . | |
只要五秒钟背完九句. | |
It will be yours for life. | |
这些就会永远都属于你. | |
You'll be able to speak automatically. | |
你就能够自动开口说. | |
You'll be able to speak instinctively. | |
你就能够凭直觉说出来. | |
You'll be able to speak without thinking twice. | |
你就能够想都不用想,脱口而出. | |
What are the biggest problems in learning another language? | |
学习另外一种语言,最大的问题是什么? | |
Number one is limited memory. | |
第一是记忆力有限. | |
Number two is lack of material to recite. | |
第二是缺乏背育资料. | |
One Breath English can solve the two problems. | |
"一口气英语"可以解决这两个问题. | |
This is efficient,low maintenance learning. | |
这种学习既有效率,又不必经常复习. | |
This is systematic,step_by _step learning. | |
这是有系统.按部就班的学习. | |
We memorize one lesson after another. | |
我们一课一课背下去. | |
We accumulate without forgetting. | |
我们不断累积而不会忘记. | |
Day after day,the accumulated memories will become very powerful. | |
一天又一天,这些累积的记忆将会非常有力量. | |
We'll speak with confidence. | |
我们说话会充满自信. | |
We'll have faith in what we say. | |
我们会对我们说的话有信心. | |
We'll know our every word is correct. | |
我们会知道我们说的话都是正确的. | |
We'll speak quality English. | |
我们将说出有水准的英语. | |
We'll speak excellent English. | |
我们将说出优美的英语. | |
We won't hesitate to say a thing. | |
我们说任何话都不会犹豫. | |
That's becau this material is perfect. | |
那是因为这种教材是最棒的. | |
It's totally reliable. | |
完完全全可靠. | |
What we say is reheard thoroughly. | |
我们所说的话都经过彻底不断的练习. | |
One Breath English is for everyone. | |
"一口气英语"人人适用. | |
It's suitable for anyone,of any age,and of any educational background. | |
适合任何人,不论任何年纪.任何学历. | |
It's the only way for non_native English speakers to become fluent. | |
这是非英语系国家的人能够说流利英语的惟一方法. | |
It's ideal for the young. | |
这对年轻人很理想. | |
It's perfect for the old. | |
对老年人也很完美. | |
Anybody can learn it,from kindergarten kids to nior citizens. | |
从幼儿园小朋友到老年人人人可以学. | |
This system is especially good for children. | |
这套方法对小孩子特别适合. | |
They have better memories. | |
他们记忆力比较好. | |
If they retain all they memorize,you can imagine what they can achieve in the future. | |
如果他们背过的东西都不忘记,你可以想像他们未来会达到什么样的程度. | |
I dare you to learn One Breath English. | |
我强烈呼吁大家来学"一口气英语." | |
Memorize it all. | |
把它全部背起来. | |
You can speak even better than native speakers. | |
你可以说得甚至比以英语为母语的人更好. | |
I'm not joking. | |
我不是在开玩笑. | |
Don't think it's impossible. | |
不要认为这不可能. | |
Don't be afraid to believe. | |
不要害怕而不敢相信. | |
It's happening ringht now. | |
这个潮流已经开始了. | |
Thousands are doing it . | |
数千人正这么做. | |
Thousands are learning One Breath English. | |
数千人正在学"一口气英语". | |
Thank you. | |
谢谢大家. | |
本文发布于:2023-05-27 06:13:43,感谢您对本站的认可!
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