科技资讯2016 NO.16
沙巴棕软胶囊achieved the purpo of energy conrvation and emissions reduction and overcome the disadvantages of the water quenching method. Compared with other dry granulating methods, rotating cup atomizer method attracts more attention, becau of its compact and simple structure and the high utilization value of the cold slag. But this technique is in the rearch and development stage. In order to make it u in industrial application, the key scientific problems of the rotating cup atomizer method were studied systematically. A ries of experiments towards pha change coolingand physical structure evolution of blast furnace slag particles have been completed. The influence rule of air-cooled blast furnace slag chemical compositionon the structure and activity of slag has been obtained. The studies on effect of air-cooled slag formation process parameters on the structure and properties have basically been completed, and the studies on hydration propertiesof air-cooled blast furnace slag have made some progress. In order to explore the affect rulesof internal cooling rate on pha change heat transfer and pha structural evolutionof the slag, a pha change coolingvisualexperiment system of high-temperatureslag has been built,and the mathematical model of pha changeheat transfer cooling
process of slag particles has also been established. By application of temperature method model, VOF method and freeze/thaw model, the influencing mechanism of heat transfer conditions, fluid temperature, radiation heat transfer, variable propertiesand particle size on the pha change heat transfer of slag particle is studied. In addition, a new air coolingtechnique combined spray cooling is propod, and the mechanism of a single droplet impact solid wall in the spray cooling process was investigated experimentally. A visual experimental system to investigate characteristics of centrifugal granulation using liquid material has been built. The formation mechanism of the liquid droplets in rotor granulation process was investigated, and how the rotate speed, mass flow rate and rotor structure effect the average size and distribution of granulated droplets have also been discusd.
Key Words :High temperature molten slag;Dry granulation;Pha-change heat transfer;Waste heat recovery;Quality regulation 阅读全文链接(需实名注册):/xiangxiBG.aspx?id=51283&flag=1
摘 要:按照不同能量和物质品位的高低实现能量和物质的梯级利用是实现高效、节能、减排的核心途径。该研究旨在基于热力学分析进行能量和物质等不同功能以及不同目标之间的协调,揭示网络拓扑结构与不同功能以及不同目标之间的关系,辨识系统瓶颈,建立过程能量/质量耦合梯级利用网络的多目标优化集成理论和方法,并探讨资源利用途径的优化,并将所研究的理论应用于烯烃和聚烯烃这一典型化工过程。
关键词:能量/质量交换网络 耦合 多目标 瓶颈 优化
Multi-objective Optimization and Synthesis of Energy/
mass Coupled Cascade Utilization Network
Feng Xiao
(China University of Petroleum-Beijing)
Abstract :Due to the different grade of energy and mass, the cascade utilization of energy and mass is the core approach to . All Rights Rerved.
2016 NO.16SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION 科技报告导读177 科技资讯 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION reach high efficiency, energy saving and emission reduction. This subject aims to coordinate the different functionalities and objectives for energy and mass transferring system via thermodynamic analysis. We will explore the relationship between the network topology and different functionalities and objectives and identify the system bottleneck. The theory and approach on the multi-objective optimization of energy/mass coupled cascade utilization network will be built and the way of resource utilization optimization would also be investigated. In addition, the rearch results would be applied in the typical chemical process for olefin and polyolefin.
Key Words :Energy/mass transferring network;Coupling;Multiple-objective;Bottleneck;Optimization
钱宇 杨思宇 项东
摘 要:传统的烯烃生产严重依赖石油。世界石油储量越来越少,价格持续上涨,烯烃供求矛盾在中国为代表的发展中国家中尤为突出,发展非石油路线烯烃生产技术迫在眉睫。中国是一个富煤、贫油、少气的国家,煤制烯烃技术有望成为烯烃生产的一项重要的替代路线。煤炭路线具有较大的成本优势。然而,煤制烯烃工艺路线的能耗、水耗、CO 2排放分别是石油路线的2倍、
烃工艺技术和公用工程都还有很大的技术改进和集成优化的空间,装置规模有待进一步提高。甲醇制烯烃尽管投资低和CO 2排放小,但其产品成本高且受原料市场价格波动影响很大。增加了CCS的煤制烯烃路线可大幅降低CO 2排放,且其对能效和经济性
能影响不大。当CO 2捕集率为80%时,其CO 2减排成本为150RMB/t,与当前碳税基本持平。两者相比,具有CCS的煤制烯烃的产
进富碳原料和富氢原料元素互补和能量集成的过程创新,实现CO 2减排,
关键词:煤制烯烃 石油制烯烃 CO 2捕集和封存 甲醇制烯烃 技术经济 生命周期分析
Techno-economic Performance and Life Cycle Analysis of
the Coal-to-olefins Process
Qian Yu Yang Siyu Xiang Dong
(South China University of Technology)
Abstract :Traditional olefins production is heavily dependent on oil. However, the world oil resource is increasingly depleted.Although the yield of olefins increas year by year in China, it still could not satisfy the quick demand. Developing alternative oil route for olefins production is urgently needed. The Chine energy structure is charcterized by richess in coal and shortage in natural gas and oil. Coal-to-olefins technology is expected to become an inportant alternative route of olefins production. Results show that coal bad olefins process has prominent advantage in product cost. However, it suffers from the limitations of higher energy consumption, water usage, CO 2 emissions, and captal i
nvestment, of which the ratios to the有什么美食
oil-to-olefins process are 2, 3,4, and 4, respectively. There is a large room for technological improvement and process
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